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Making friends here!

Sun, March 04, 2012 9:59 PM

Hi everyone!!  smileyI am 24 years old. I would really have to say I would love to  be able to make some new friends on here either with Crohn's, Colitis or anything else similar. I have Ulcerative Colitis. I went to a CCFA event and it was incredible. It was nice to feel normal and not judged by others. It was also nice to see people my age in the same boat. A girl asked me if I was there to support someone and I said I have UC and she said she had CD. All I could think of is what other people say is wow you don't look sick. And I wanted to ask her if she had people tell her that all the time. I just felt happy for a second bc I knew she understood. I regret not getting her number. It would be really nice to make friends and be able to have a support group. I remember being on a facebook group that did a weekly chat and I think that is what really made the difference for me. People told stories of things that happened to them and how they copes and we just had a lot of laughing. Just having wicked gas and pointing to someone else. Or how we carry a tissue pack incase a public toilet is out of TP. I would really  like some other people that would like to just talk about how they cope and just be a positive inspiration to each other.  If anyone is looking to make a new friend who is very understanding and open minded please reply to me! Thanks! laugh

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

Tue, April 23, 2024 4:29 AM

Reply posted for mariakenneth.

Finding a support group where you feel understood and can share coping strategies is so important. Have you considered exploring online platforms like omegle new to connect with others who might share your experiences? It could be a great way to expand your support network and find friends who truly understand.

FPO mariakenneth
Joined Apr 23, 2024

Fri, February 17, 2023 1:06 AM

Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

Making friends is an important aspect of socializing and can greatly enhance our overall well-being and happiness. Whether we are meeting new people in person or online, making friends requires an open and curious attitude, as well as a willingness to share and learn from others. While making true friends can sometimes be challenging, it's important to be patient and persistent in our efforts, as the benefits of having supportive and caring relationships can be enormous. Additionally, it's important to be mindful of the potential risks of making friends online, and to take steps to ensure our safety and privacy.

FPO AidenMcCrae
Joined Jan 24, 2022

Mon, October 08, 2012 4:17 PM

 Reply posted for rachelp1985.


It's nice to see a lot of people my age on here so willing to support others who have an IBD. It's definitely nice to know that you're not alone and that people are going through the same thing you are.

I'm 25 years old, and I was just diagnosed with Crohn's yesterday. I think I've been having mild symptoms the past few months, but I never really noticed them until I started thinking about it now. Things came to a head 2 weeks ago when I started having excruciating pain in my lower right abdomen. I went to the hospital, and they determined I had an inflamed terminal illeum or lower bowel.

I got a colonoscopy, and they diagnosed me with Crohn's. So I'm currently on Entocort and Pentasa to help with the inflammation. I've been feeling better, but now I'm just trying to figure what's going to happen going forward. The biggest thing that's been killing me is that I like to run. And I haven't been able to do that for the past 2 weeks while I've recovered from this.

Do you think anyone has some advice about diet, excercise, or any other lifestyle choices that can help manage this? My email is


FPO kyleb125
Joined Oct 5, 2012

Sun, September 30, 2012 8:23 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

Hi. I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's a little over a week ago :-(  but have had symptoms for about 7 years now.   A little scared about how bad it could've gotten in those long 7 years without a diagnosis.  I am definitely looking for friends that are going through the same thing as me because I've also gotten the, " you always feel sick but you look fine."  Believe me, I am so tired of hearing that.  With no diagnosis for that long I was starting to feel crazy.  And the next time I hear it I might just punch someone in the face. LOL  Anyway, i would love to have friends that understand what im going through and vice versa.  As I've been trying to explain it this last week to family and friends they still just look at me like im making it up. Sucks but no one can remotely understand unless they go through it themselves.  My email is :, cell: (925) 337-6517. My name is jackie

FPO jgasaway
Joined Sep 22, 2012

Thu, July 26, 2012 9:18 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

Hi, I'm 24 years old. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease last May. I haven't been battling as long as most people but I do believe I found out about CD in a horrible way and its still hard to understand such a silently complex disease. Biggest pet peeve is people that don't understand or have compassion. I hate being told "you look fine to me" and hearing someone tell me that they don't feel good, honestly, put yourself in a victim of IBD shoes. angry

I would like to talk to people who understand. I have a co-worker with UC and me shes helped me out ALOT!! I am very thankful for her. We are doing the CD and UC walk on September 29 in Spokane, Wa.

I would like to talk/email people looking for someone to talk to and listen to others just like me.

FPO aubreyl88
Joined Aug 20, 2011

Mon, July 23, 2012 9:57 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

My name is Chris im 25, been diagnosed with UC since 2008. I live in SW Ohio. If anyone is in that area you can email me at If you dont live in that area you can email me anyways. I have learned over the years that no one really understands what we deal with. Even my wife whom ive been with since 07 still has trouble comprehending. If anyone wants to talk I am free. 

FPO crogers8705
Joined Jan 5, 2010

Sat, July 21, 2012 10:13 AM

 Reply posted for lzj_213.

Hey Ashley and Li! Welcome to the posting!

Just wanted to update everyone that I been having diarrhea for like 3 or 4 months. I haven't had any blood on my stools and I been having a weird diet too. So I went to the doctor and she said she is pretty sure it is IBS and not my UC acting up right now. So she wants me to do a stool sample and the only day I have time for that is Saturday and I can't poop again this Saturday to take it into the lab! I did blood work and it all came back fine! So she also wants to scope down there to make sure there isn't inflammation and ulcers so that she can determine right now it is just IBS and not my UC acting up. I haven't been having any fiber in my diet so she told me to get fiber powder and to sprinkle that in my drink and that has been helping me to form a stool so that is good!

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

Sat, July 21, 2012 4:22 AM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

hi friends! my names Li Zhe,26 years old and im from nanjing,china,diagnosed as UC couple of months ago,just before my wedding and work promotion ;(.I was depressed and seemed to lose the inerest in everything.We have several website abt IBD and some chat groups organized by patients on the internet in China,but as far as i know,we are in the lack of social organization of IBD.Im happy to be here,introduce myself and meet u guys.I am treated with 5-ASA and Chinese medicine now and luckily it is under control now,though not in the remission.My doctor told me that IBD was a pretty rare disease 20 years ago in China,but the number of patients exploded in the recent years.It would be so nice to get reply from u and i m happy to chat everything with you.

FPO lzj_213
Joined Jul 21, 2012

Tue, July 17, 2012 2:02 AM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

hi im ashley. i found out i had UC about 3 months be4 my wedding at age 22. this was april of this year. im not in remission yet but its under control. I hope taht i can make some friends here that no what is like to pretty much live in that bathroom lol

FPO mrsgherb9
Joined Jul 17, 2012

Thu, July 12, 2012 6:32 PM

 Reply posted for rachelp1985.

Hello everybody, My name is mike im from Michigan and i have colitis. I was diagnosed in 1996 and im now 27 years old. Im interested in meeting people with stomach issues like mine. if you would like to talk of have questions feel free to email me at ive had colitis almost my entire life so i guess im pretty knowledgeable about my condition since i have to deal with it everyday. 

FPO tiglucky7
Joined Jul 12, 2012

Mon, July 02, 2012 3:48 PM

 Reply posted for livelife2theful.

OOoo!! Wow! To everyone that has been replying!!! I just wanted to say welcome!!!! ^_^ Thanks for replying too bc many people read this and they don't reply.. :( kinda sucks... but hey we learned that is life..!

i been having diarrhea for the last 2 months.. :( Stupid Asacol and Enemas!

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

Sun, July 01, 2012 7:01 PM

 Reply posted for Ash22.

Hi if you want to talk text me 617-694-3754

FPO livelife2theful
Joined May 8, 2012

Sun, July 01, 2012 6:45 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.


I'm also looking to meet new people. Text me 617-694-3754.

FPO livelife2theful
Joined May 8, 2012

Wed, June 27, 2012 5:55 PM

 Reply posted for Ash22.

hey, im Andy and im just about in the same place. i have crohns and a nero problem. that makes it so hard to do things every day. i would love a friend with the same area of problems. if i can do it you can :)  

FPO andy roberts
Joined Jun 20, 2012

Mon, June 25, 2012 9:34 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

Hey everyone! My name is Andy, I'm 23 and was diagnosed with IBD in February 2007, as an early 18th birthday present. I was originally diagnosed with crohns disease by my first doctor, then later it was changed to UC by my second.  I went through the gamut of drugs trying to get it under control for about 4 years, and finally decided on having surgery to give me an ileostomy  to remedy the situation where medication hadn't.  I don't know anyone my age who has had to deal with IBD, but I was lucky enough to have my best friend's dad to talk to as he had been through colon removal from crohns. I've always tried to stay on the lighter side about the disease, the symptoms are were bad enough , so dwelling on the bad never seemed like a good plan. I'd love to talk to other people who have dealt or are dealing and just exchange stories just talk or what not. Friends and family certainly try to be there to understand, but without dealing, you never quite understand.  Hope everyone is doing well.

FPO moses
Joined Aug 29, 2008

Sat, May 26, 2012 2:42 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

Hello everyone, I was just diagnosed with Crohn's a few days ago, quite a shock even though I have had symptoms for a while now. I will be starting the SCD diet that seems to work for a lot of people and trying to stick to it as much as possible. Hopefully that will help me out. Any major advice for someone who was just diagnosed?

FPO talesofjp29
Joined May 26, 2012

Tue, May 22, 2012 8:24 PM

 Reply posted for kirby2012.

live life and kelly! hi nice to meet both of you! feel free to email me anytime! my email is   I will be 25 on June 2nd and the take steps in my area is june 3rd! I know there is half marathon on June 2nd I think it is in virginia or west virginia? not sure on location. Hope everyone is doing well. It is nice to get in remission you tend you forget what it is life once you have a flare lasts 3 months to 2 years. I am shocked that this thread hasn't been more active..

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

Sat, May 19, 2012 8:52 PM

Hey, I am Kelly. I am 20 and I was just diagnosed with UC almost a year ago. I have been thinking about trying  to find people close to my own age to relate to and talk with about the condition or similar and after reading your guys' post I figured I try this. (I am not so sure about the whole pubic domain though... ) But am really open to find a few new friends. :)

FPO kirby2012
Joined May 19, 2012

Tue, May 08, 2012 6:54 PM

Hi I really enjoyed reading your post. I also have uc and am looking to make some new friends. I've never been to a CCFA event. My colitis was in remission for years and it recentely got very bad. I'm currentely on remicade. If you want to talk or just text give me a call 617-694-3754. Anytime!
Feel better; stay strong, postive and remember good things will come.
Have a good night!

FPO livelife2theful
Joined May 8, 2012

Wed, April 25, 2012 2:34 PM

 Reply posted for Rachele.

Hi, my name is Ashley. I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2010. I have had a pretty rough time since then. I also have RA in my knees which sucks because I am only 22 and I feel like an old lady lol. I've been having bad year, am in the ER every month :( It would be nice to have someone to talk to though :)

FPO ash22
Joined Apr 25, 2012

Wed, March 28, 2012 11:24 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

I just got diagnosed with UC after going to the emergency room and being in the  hospital for a few days. I am pretty sure I've had UC for a little over a year, and it has gotten much worse. I am turning 23 in a week and I'm not even excited about celebrating my birthday now. I would LOVE to talk to people my age who are going through the same stuff that I am going through. Please let me know if you are open to talk!!!! :)

FPO rachele
Joined Mar 28, 2012

Wed, March 07, 2012 7:27 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

This has 18 views.. It can't be just me and Rachel. So if anyone else would at least like to talk to me about their condition feel free. There isn't anything you could say to me that would make me think less of you and I am just curious to see how everyone has different problems with their condition. Please don't feel shy.

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

Mon, March 05, 2012 4:44 PM

 Reply posted for rachelp1985.

Hey Rachel!  Nice to meet you. My name is Sarah. I am doing the walk in Cleveland. I really wanted to do the half marathon but it is the same weekend as our Step walk. And my birthday is June 2nd! is my email that you can use to email me anything you want. I won't ever be grossed out with anything you have to say so please don't feel shy. I am a very open minded person because of this condition and have traveled to Tokyo, Hong Kong, London and Paris which makes me more understanding of how people are different yet the same.

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

Mon, March 05, 2012 3:20 PM

 Reply posted for bigfuzzyyak.

I am 26 and have been living with Crohn's for the past 4 years, and I don't know anyone else at all, nevermind my age, with Crohn's. I am doing the Take Steps Walk in Boston in June, but I would love to get in touch with other younger people with CD/UC and have someone to talk about it with and feel normal!

FPO rachelp1985
Joined Mar 22, 2010

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