Hi everyone, I'll be starting college in the fall, and right now I'm busy filling out all the forms and stuff. I have Crohn's and although it doesn't affect me too badly, there are times when I definitely can't get out of bed or too far from the toilet. Basically what I'm wondering is do I need to register for disability in order to not be penalized for missing classes on occasion? Do you have any other tips for getting prepared for college?
I have Crohn's Disease as well, as even though I am in clinical remission, I signed up with my college's disability services. I never ended up needed any of the services, but I felt much more comfortable knowing that I was covered.
When I signed up with my school (Rochester Institute of Technology) I asked for accommodations such as specialized testing rooms as necessary to allow the clock to stop for restroom breaks, forms for my teachers to have knowledge of my condition, etc.
Hope this helps :)
Reply posted for cjane93.
I strongly encourage you to register your disability with your school! My college has a disability services office that has been so helpful. We have unpredictable chronic illnesses that often interfere with optimal academic performance, and it is always better to plan ahead for everything you can.
You will certainly run into professors who provide less accommodations than others, but documenting your illness ahead of time and planning for potential issues like running to the bathroom, missing exams, hospitalizations, etc. cannot hurt. Sometimes you might not make it to class on time because your guts don't care what time it is. Sometimes you might need a trip to the hospital that prevents you from meeting all your deadlines. It's good to prepare for this sort of thing, and there can be serious consequences for only seeking help after your performance has suffered. Communicate openly with your professors about possibilities, and tell them that you will do everything you can, but sometimes you just cannot control your physical condition.
Here are some possible accommodations to discuss with your school, whether you're working with Disability Services, the Health Center, Dean of Students, or whoever:
- Ability to reschedule exams within a reasonable time period after the rest of the class
- No penalties for bathroom time
- Plan for handling hospitalizations
- Flexible absence policies: If a participation grade is included, perhaps you can discuss ways to compensate for any missed time
- Plan for communicating with professors and appropriate offices during rough times
Reply posted for cjane93.
I was diagnosed with colitis recently, while I am in college. My advise and experience when I was sick was to find the campus' health center or were there is a nurse of some sort on campus, and tell them so they know. Then work with them to put some kind of system in place so when you are sick, you are not completely stuck.
I am on a rather small campus but whenever I was sick I would either call the nurse or go pay her a visit afterwards and she would give me a general note to get excused from classes that I missed. Granted there is a trust that I will not abuse her services.
But she was very understanding about how little control that I have over my condition.
Hope this helps, let me know if you need any other advise I would be happy to help or if you need anyone to talk to. :)
Reply posted for cjane93.
It depends on the school you are goind to. Registering and qualifying for disability does not always make a difference about if you are in class or not. As much as I would say that profs are sentsitive to the needs of the students but I cannot say that. A lot of times, profs show up give their lesson and then send the students on their way and the needs of the student doesn't enter into it. College is not highschool where a disability or special need would be taken into account, at least in class.
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