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Am I crazy? No one understands what is going on with me!

Mon, August 06, 2012 11:13 AM

Hello everyone! My name is Wesley. I am 19 years old and for the most part of my life lived in Utah but recently moved to Virginia. Early last year I went to go see a gastroenterologist because my stomach symptoms have really taken a big toll on me for all my life and just recently found out what IBD was. I had to get a colonoscopy and after all my doctor's tests he concluded that I don't have any IBD disease. I thought this was a load of crap because I, myself, have read up quite a bit on Crohns and I have all of the symptoms, flare-ups, EVERYTHING! I have a family history of 3 people in my family having Crohns and 1 family member having Ulcerative Colitis. So, it just really shocks me that he couldn't diagnose me and help me with my dredged situation. The only thing he told me was that my large intestine was had inflammation in it and that I had 3 pre-cancerous polyps they had to cut out.......What I am trying to get to is that I'm not trying to diagnose myself with anything but everything seriously matches up; all the symptoms, complications and I have even tried food diets that seem to work for a while but I will still have uncontrollable abominable stomach pain and always feeling like I have to rush myself to the bathroom. It has been about 2 years since I went to visit a doctor because my insurance was recently canceled, but I think it's time I get myself to another doctor and explain my day-to-day life and problems with my stomach to him/her. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what I should do??? Am I just a crazy person thinking that I have all these physical problems because that is what everyone is trying to tell me and it is driving me insane! PLEASE! Any suggestions, questions or comments at all?

FPO kronicstmkpain
Joined Aug 6, 2012

Tue, August 07, 2012 11:57 AM

 Reply posted for Kronicstmkpain.

I completely understand how frustrating it is to do x, y, and z (not eat certain foods, keep up on meds, ect) and still flare up. As I have read on other forums before, every IBD patient is different; our bodies react to various things. Drinking plenty of water should help too...or at least it helps me. Honestly, I can do without Ulcerative Colitis (I was diagnosed November 2011). You are most welcome for the help! Hang in there, we can do this!

FPO openears
Joined Mar 4, 2012

Tue, August 07, 2012 11:32 AM

 Reply posted for Openears.

I have been told by my Grandmother, who has Ulcerative Colitis, that she hasn't had a flare-up in over 10 years. Which is very shocking to me! On the other hand my sister and cousin who have Crohn's Disease experience flare-ups almost every other month and last for weeks on end and very painful. That is exactly what I am experiencing. Since the first time I went to the doctor 2 years ago I have not ate any fast foods and have cut ALL soda and caffeine out of my life as well as acidic foods and high-fiber foods. But, as usual I still have complications everyday.

On the other hand, I really do appreciate your time and concern to talk to me. It has helped :)

FPO kronicstmkpain
Joined Aug 6, 2012

Mon, August 06, 2012 9:54 PM

 Reply posted for Kronicstmkpain.

You are not crazy, just concerned! I would find another doctor ASAP, it seems to me that the symptoms you are describing match up with Ulcerative Colitis (or it could be Crohn's Disease...I am not a doctor). Try to get a referral from a friend, family member, or someone else who knows a good Gastroenterologist (if possible). And it might be helpful to talk with someone else in your family who has been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's; the moral support/personal experiences of other people who are in the same predicament as you may help with coping or any questions that may arise. Hope this helps and good luck!     

FPO openears
Joined Mar 4, 2012

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