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entertaining & interactive blog for teens

Mon, August 20, 2012 2:30 PM

Six weeks ago, my doc prescribed my a new med called Prednisone. Some of my side affects are……..more energy (happy), I want to eat and what I eat tastes good (happy), pimples (boooo), and fat face aka moon face. Moon face is when your face swells up and gets as round as the moon.  I look like a squirrel with nuts stored in my cheeks.

I play hockey and the season is about to start, so just today I tried on all my gear to make sure it fits.  Good thing I checked, because my head is too big for my helmet.  It was squeezing my head; I believe my head got too big for my hat.  I hope my dad can adjust it because it is squashing my brain and I wont be able to think about who to knock out on the ice.

I am getting off the Prednisone soon.

Can anybody tell me how long it takes for the swelling to go down because I don’t want to have to buy a new helmet.  My current helmet is not even one year old and I really liked it because it WAS comfortable when my head was not big.

How long did it take or does it take for your face to loose weight?

FPO meeper21
Joined Aug 20, 2012

Thu, October 25, 2012 12:03 AM

 Reply posted for meeper21.

I am a mom of a teenager(Jr. in high school) with Crohns.  I am wanting to check this site out for him to see for myself what kids and young adults are doing to cope.  I worry, stress and struggle with helping my son everyday to make sure he is doing his best to feel good, eat healthy and excel in school.  It hurts me to see him struggle and I want to teach and guide him on ways to deal with his disease when he someday lives on his own. 
I probably should put this on a different blog but am learning about this site so please forgive!
I support all of you kiddos and wish each and every one of you a healthy, happy gut!  You are what you eat so EAT right. :) 
I would love to hear your receipies on good nutritious meals, snacks and drinks.  We have been experimenting for years, and for a teen like my son, it has NOT been easy. :)  You may know what I mean!  Ha Ha!

FPO grant71
Joined Oct 24, 2012

Wed, August 29, 2012 6:10 PM

 Reply posted for meeper21.

I finished my set of Prednisone a couple of days ago and I now I am starting “the cramps”.  When I was on the Prednisone I was happy with my stomach because I felt healthy and gained a couple of extra pounds (which was a good thing because I am tiny).  I thought I was getting a lot better but the Prednisone was just hiding the flair-up.  A few days ago when the symptoms started I did not tell my parents because I thought it was a small  stomach symptom from getting off the Prednisone  and that it would just go away.

Now I feel horrible and I’m pooped.  I am very mad because I thought I was going to be in remission the whole school year, I did not really want any of my teachers or classmates to know because it can be embarrassing.

I AM MAD – ‘cuz i really wanted to have a good school year and now I am going to be in the bathroom most of the time.  When I am in the bathroom I miss important notes and time to work on my homework.

Has anyone else stopped taking Prednisone and started getting symptoms immediately?

Oh man, gotta go, I have another cramp….for the eighth time today.

FPO meeper21
Joined Aug 20, 2012

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