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anxiety when driving

Wed, August 22, 2012 9:31 PM

I have anxiety when I drive and sometimes I have to go to the nearest bathroom. I have a lot of false alarms. I was not always like this and it is bothering me. I want to be able to go out without this hanging over me. I am taking Remicade and I am hoping for remission. Does anyone take something to get over the anxiety? I am back in College and I guess it is the stress of the unexpected.

FPO jason18
Joined Apr 22, 2012

Thu, March 07, 2013 6:57 PM

 Reply posted for jason18.

I know the feeling, i am always in fear of having an accident while on the road or in a car with people other than family. I have found that wearing a Depend while travelling is an extra insurence and no one knows you have it on either!!

FPO jenne2010
Joined Mar 7, 2013

Tue, December 04, 2012 7:39 PM

 Reply posted for jason18.

laughdon't worry ian 13 i got crhons when i was 10 and i been through *** and back but it gets kind of better i have a ng feeding tube and it sucks when every one stares at you and a have anxiety to aim taking mess for that

FPO asm99
Joined Dec 4, 2012

Sat, September 15, 2012 11:10 PM

 Reply posted for jason18.

I have major anxiety too while driving, I have it a lot when there are other people in the car with me...There have been a few times when I havent made it to the nearest bathroom, well more then a few times.  Have you tried Imodium?? If you take it 30mins before you have to go somewhere it may help.  Ask your dr tho.  It works for me with the anxiety, not completely but good enough that my accidents dont happen as much.  I also blast music and sing at the top of my lungs to get my mind off of what can happen.  Hope this helps.

FPO poopsucks
Joined Sep 15, 2012

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