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Ulcerative Colitis & College

Mon, September 10, 2012 3:26 PM

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 3 weeks ago, right before I started my second year of college. I have a great group of friends that are all willing to help, but I'm just wondering what everyone else is doing for like diet stuff because it just seems like there is nothing ok to eat and being at college there isn't many choices for food and it sucks. I went from being 195lbs being active participate in intra-murals and everything sports wise but now I'm 160lbs and don't have the energy to do any anything anymore.

FPO jackbgolfer
Joined Sep 10, 2012

Sun, October 07, 2012 5:11 PM

 Reply posted for jackbgolfer.

I would just really want to share my personal story with you. I was diagnosed with crohns when I was 10 years old. I am 24 years old now happily married with no surgeries, two healthy beautiful boys, a full time job/online schooling. It has been a struggle at times but with an awesome support team and great doctors I am also very blessed to only be on 2 medications per day and my remicade treatments every 8wks. So with that said, there is definitely hope. When they told me my diet, I didnt view it as things I couldnt have, but a new way of testing new recipes and trying new foods and ways of cooking the foods I love. I hope that really helped you :) Good Luck in school!!!!

FPO patty919
Joined Oct 7, 2012

Sat, October 06, 2012 1:22 PM

 Reply posted for jackbgolfer.

I feel for you because I am going through the same thing! I  just turned 28 and was just diagnosed this year at the end of January and have been back and forth with being in remission. Its been a constant battle for me finding the right foods that don't irritate me and what sucks is, is that EVERYONE who has this finds that some foods work for them but not everyone else. So although its good to find out what people can eat and don't eat, ultimately its up to you to find out.  I would say look at what people and sites suggest as a good baseline and go from there to see what you can tolerate. It's scary to lose so much and not have the energy to do anything, I'm having that problem now again. Going to school is a total drag, I can't study and working at the same time makes it hard have any moment of relaxation. All I want to do is lay in bed and not move.  :(  Your medicines need time to kick in, it took me initially at least 2 months to really see any change in my digestive system when first diagnosed. But since I keep going through a cycle of a month ok to a month not ok, my Dr has started me on immunosuppressant meds in addition to still taking my Asacol. I've only been on the immunosuppressant for 2 days now and have a few more weeks to go before he says I'll see any improvement, so keep your chin up!
Stay positive and know that you will see better days ahead once this subsides :)

FPO tinkery14
Joined Oct 6, 2012

Sat, September 15, 2012 11:16 PM

 Reply posted for jackbgolfer.

I dont eat before going to class,  if I do it is usually a banana.  Its hard sometimes because if I do eat before I have class I'm running to the restroom through out the whole class period.  As far as diet,  I try and eat a lot of carbs, bread, bread and more bread.  It fills me up and it doesnt run though me as much.  The no energy part doesnt help but I force my self to do things...Time is wasted with this disease.  I know it wont make sense now but we have to make the best of what we are handed in life.  I have lived with it since I was 21 and I'm now 26,  I make adjustments everyday, but eventually every adjustment becomes routine. 

FPO poopsucks
Joined Sep 15, 2012

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