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Work, Life, UC

Wed, September 19, 2012 10:22 PM

Hey, My name is Gabe, I'm 21 and have had UC for 18 months.My entire life, I've never backed down from a task, failing at something was never an option.  I've always been driven to find a way to succeed.  My inner drive is to support my family. I'm tired of being poor.

Going to the bathroom every 30 minutes, especially if I'm on my feet 60 hours a day at work sucks. I'm trying to move up in a local restaurant. I now am the store manager, and my next step is ownership.  How can I run a shop if I'm always on the toilet?  I've worked thru every flare up and have NEVER called in. How is the boss supposed be a leader when he has to leave his team during the dinner rush to use the bathroom?  I saw a post on here about a guy who resigned from his job because his coworkers thought he was getting special treatment.  How can I ask my crew to work hard while I poop? So at every chance, I push myself to work harder, faster and more efficiently to cover my slack.  

On the way home from work on Friday, it happened. It hit so fast and so hard that I didnt even have time to pull over.  Honestly, it was the best feeling in the world to let it out and feel the relief, but lets be real.  NO ONE wants to do it in their car, in their pants, 2 minutes from home.  I would have to say, this is the most embarrassing, frustrating, angering.. any other emotion you can thing of, thing to happen.

I'm strong willed.  I don't get down on myself.  I have a positive outlook on things. Maybe I just needed to vent.  Sometimes I don't think anyone would understand. I'm not about getting all mushy and talking about feelings but the constant beat down from this disease  is frustrating.  I know at least that I'm not alone and there are people going through what I'm going through, though with no one around, it feels like I'm doing it alone..

FPO musa13165
Joined Sep 18, 2012

Sun, September 30, 2012 8:41 PM

 Reply posted for musa13165.

I completely understand trying to juggle IBD and work.  It's hard and you feel like your letting other people down.  I have Crohn's and haven't had an accident yet but that doesn't meant that I wont.  My job consists of me being away from a bathroom for hours and when I feel like I have to use the toilet but cant I get sweaty and my stomache hurts beyond belief.  I'm actually surprised I havent had an accident yet and Im just waiting for the day.  Unfortunately I recently had to tell my boss I cant assist in such long procedures anymore and of course had to tell him why.  He actually made me feel better because he told me he had IBS and coincidentally we have the same GI.  Anyway, I know some peoples bosses aren't as cool as mine but things will get better and work out.  good luck

FPO jgasaway
Joined Sep 22, 2012

Sat, September 29, 2012 8:00 PM

 Reply posted for Poopsucks.

I'll drink to that!

I guess the biggest thing is that everyone with UC or Crohns thinks they are alone because 1.4 million people is still only %0.5  of the population in the U.S.  I've found here within the past month, so many people with the same stories that I have.  So chances are, if you're going through it, someone else has too, and they've succeeded.  So, my response to anyone is to never let this get you down.  Always fight.  Always move forward.  Swallow your pride and dont let the embarassing things bother you.  Just take steps to move ahead.  YOU are a lot tougher than people give you credit for because you accomplish things that normal people themselves have a hard time doing. 

FPO musa13165
Joined Sep 18, 2012

Tue, September 25, 2012 11:54 PM

 Reply posted for musa13165.

I think you can be an owner and still enjoy your job, yes there may be that dinner rush and you may be running back and forth to use the restroom but the right staff will understand.  The right people who you will hire will be willing to take over when it is needed because those are the type of people who you will bring in to help run your business.  I actually left the Federal Government over my health and I regret it to this day because I had a good case against my boss and fellow employees who were harassing me and thought I was getting special treatment.  "We" the people who have to live with UC or Crohns are disabled, we can not function normally as the rest of society in the workplace.  There is no special treatment for us if we have to go home early (with no pay) or we take time off (with no pay, or use all our leave up).  Those who are like us deal with humiliation, depression, pain, health issues (anemia,weight lose, fatigue) because of what we have.  I don't get how others can say we are being treated specially.  Keep your positive outlook on life Gabe, it will take your great places!!! I would know, even though I have had my health problems for 6 years now, I have been able to raise 4 kids ages 7,6,5, and 4 by myself.  Keep a steady jobs coming when I need to leave others, push to go to college and still wake up every morning ready to take the day as it comes and I'm still living.  Keep your head high! No one in this world can take away your dreams, better yet nothing in this world can keep you from your goals and dreams about life.

Best of luck, we all are here if ya' need us ...

FPO poopsucks
Joined Sep 15, 2012

Tue, September 25, 2012 11:53 PM

 Reply posted for musa13165.

As awful as this may sound I'm so happy I found this post and I'm not the only one.  I could have sworn I was the only one who had accidents.  Half the time I'm in the restroom also, things have gotten a little better, but of course there are set backs.  I currently go to school for Nursing but that is put on hold for right now, my anxiety rises every time I go into class and I have to leave back and forth.  The professors are not too happy, so I have gotten through one semester.  I have my accidents at least once a week or more, which is just absurd.  How this disease came about is beyond normal. I think that you can do whatever you put your mind to Gabe! Its just about changing to accommodate your body's "issues". 

FPO poopsucks
Joined Sep 15, 2012

Tue, September 25, 2012 8:35 PM

 Reply posted for musa13165.

So glad to hear it!  Isn't it amazing what a few more days can do?  I swear I was in the most gut wrenching pain and things were going from bad to worse over the week.  Then a few days later, bleeding and mucus stopped and I've been feeling pretty good ever since.  8x vs. 30 is quite the improvement and hope you continue to improve like you are.  Sounds like you have a great doctor who knows his/her stuff and that you have a good line of communication and timeline set up.  Sometimes I've read/responded to posts where people have been in pain for months with no change in medicines or anything (I've been there too with not knowing what to expect).  Just didn't want you to go through the same thing.  Here's to continued improvement in your health and job promotions.

FPO eyb31
Joined Jun 28, 2012

Sat, September 22, 2012 8:18 PM

Response to eyb

I've been in flare for about six months.  I am taking 4.8mg of lialda, 75mg of 6mp, and and halfway done with a 40mg predinsone taper. It's been a process, but the doc and I are taking a cautious approach to the meds; slowly increase to find what works as opposed to slowly decreasing from big drugs to see where i have tolerance.  Back in January, i was on 3.6mg of Asacol, adding a predisone taper.  8 weeks later, we upgraded to lialda and restarted the prednisone.  8 weeks later we increased the lialda and added 6mp and another prednisone taper.  8 weeks later, increase lialda, increase 6mp, and another predinsone taper. 

Great news! I am almost in remission!!! Using bathroom maybe 8x/day, looking more normal. no blood, almost no mucous!  I've learned so much in the past 6 months about my condition, that despite the past 6 months being terrible, i have the confidence that I will be able to keep myself in remission for a while.  I cant wait to go for a run!! SO CLOSE :)


FPO musa13165
Joined Sep 18, 2012

Fri, September 21, 2012 1:29 PM

Hello Gabe. I've been dealing with UC since I was pregnant with my daughter. Just kind of popped up at the end of pregnancy. I'm also a healthcare professional. I've been a medical assistant for four years now & a nursing student for 2 years but all that had to be put on hold because I couldn't leave my bathroom. It is the most frustrating disease. I too am the most driven & positive person I know but this disease has beaten me down & on some days it steals my self worth right from under me. I haven't been in remission since being diagnosed. The medicines help for a little while but ultimately I still end up doubled over in pain on the toilet.

I miss my patients, my career, my schooling, my life. I'm hoping to go back to school in January. I've been started on a new daily steroid. It helps for a few days but then I'm bloated, in pain & in the bathroom. I try to find strength in my children, husband & bestfriend and I wish I could say family but my family is in denial. It is truly an isolating disease. I've never felt so alone in something as I do in this. No one understands & everyone around me feels helpless when I'm experiencing the sytompms. I don't want peoples pity. I'm just so surprised that there isn't a better way to treat this disease. We can transplant multiple organs & grow organs on mice but we can't make a colon or transplant the large intestine. It blows my mind.

I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I understand the drive to succeed & to advance. I want to be a nurse midwife, which is a masters in nursing and I refuse to let this stop me. If you need to chat I'm here.

Hang in there. Love, peace & compassion.


FPO catania1984
Joined Sep 21, 2012

Fri, September 21, 2012 12:40 AM

 Reply posted for musa13165.

Hi Gabe, I know exactly how you feel.  Was diagnosed last year at 23 with UC (just a couple months after I got married and with only a couple months left of my master's degree left).  Since then, have put my entire life on hold, was hospitalized twice for severe bleeding, had a couple blood transfusions, nasty infections, you name it, I probably experienced it.  I hadn't felt comfortable to hold a job for a year (just started working part-time).  Still not finished my degree and it can be very frustrating being so close. 
I also had a bad pooping experience.  We went for a short walk so I could get my gas out and less than half a block from the apartment I couldn't hold it anymore.  I took a nasty dump right there in the middle of the sidewalk.  Luckily I don't think anyone could tell but it was so embarrassing!  If you saw Bridesmaids, it was kind of like that except no squatting!
I am curious to know how long you've been in a flare, what medications you are on, and what sort of timeline you have with your doctor about when to expect improvement (if you don't mind me asking). 
It just sounds like you need some change in your regimen and also that you have severely active UC based on how many times you're going to the bathroom.  If you're just starting to flare it could take time for the meds to kick in.  It also sounds like you are in a high stress environment at work. While stress is not what caused your disease, it is a trigger for flares and makes them worse.  So I know you have the pressure to perform and move up in your job, but maybe there are some little things you could do to take out some stress out (yeah, I know, easier said than done!).  Sorry to hear you are struggling with this disease, but you're right, you're not alone.  We're all struggling and just trying to get by in spite of this disease.  Hang in there.

FPO eyb31
Joined Jun 28, 2012

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