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Ulcerative Colitis Support in/near Sayre, PA

Fri, September 21, 2012 1:38 PM

I've been dealing with UC since I was pregnant with my daughter. Just kind of popped up at the end of pregnancy in August 2011. I'm also a healthcare professional. I've been a medical assistant for four years now & a nursing student for 2 years but all that had to be put on hold because I couldn't leave my bathroom. It is the most frustrating disease. I am the most driven & positive person I know but this disease has beaten me down & on some days it steals my self worth right from under me. I haven't been in remission since being diagnosed. The medicines help for a little while but ultimately I still end up doubled over in pain on the toilet and there is ALWAYS blood.

I miss my patients, my career, my schooling, my life. I'm hoping to go back to school in January. I've been started on a new daily steroid. It helps for a few days but then I'm bloated, in pain & in the bathroom. I try to find strength in my children, husband and I wish I could say family but my family is in denial. It is truly an isolating disease. I've never felt so alone in something as I do in this. No one understands & everyone around me feels helpless when I'm experiencing the symptoms. I don't want peoples pity. I'm just so surprised that there isn't a better way to treat this disease. We can transplant multiple organs & grow organs on mice but we can't make a colon or transplant the large intestine. It blows my mind.

I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. I understand the drive to succeed & to advance in life. I want to be a nurse midwife, which is a masters in nursing and I refuse to let this stop me. If you need to chat I'm here.

Looking for support near or in Sayre, PA. Send me an email or look me up on FB.

Hang in there. Love, peace & compassion.

FPO catania1984
Joined Sep 21, 2012

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