Hey, I'm looking for people with UC to talk to. I'm having a tough time getting through this and I would like to talk to people my age about it. Anybody out there?
Reply posted for willjessrosie.
I definitely understand what you're going through. I'll be 20 next week and have had UC since I was 17. It's really hard in college; I actually got a really bad flare up this summer before going into my second year and was put on steroids in addition to my asacol and am having a really hard time coming off them. I understand what you mean about going out and drinking and such. My doctor said that I'm unable to drink on my medications so I haven't drank at all this year which isn't very fun and it's hard to explain to other people when you're at a party with a bottle of water. Normally I just say I'm the DD; it can be hard to go out and have a good time though because when you're always the only sober one its not very fun. I'm looking forward to coming off the steroids so I can go out with my friends but my doctor is thinking of switching my meds to something that you're not supposed to drink on ever so I I can just go back to the asacol. I'm happy to talk if you ever want to! :)
Reply posted for willjessrosie.
I was diagnosed when i was 16 and now im 24. haha i have been through it all! if you would like to you can email me kirklandmj@gmail.com
Reply posted for willjessrosie.
Hi my name is Emily and i was diagnosed with UC when I was 12 and I'm now 21 so I understand a lot of what you are going through. I recently changed over to my new adult doctor and now they are thinking more on the lines of crohns. But i would really love to talk to you and tell you of a lot of things you can do to meet people with crohns and colitis your own age in your own area. One oppurtunity you have to meet people your own age is at Camp Oasis which is a camp for kids with crohns and colitis. I've gone to camp for 7 years as a camper and now a counselor. I would love to talk to you about it! Most of the best friends I have now have crohns or UC. If you want to talk you can email me at emilycrowl12@hotmail.com or text me at 615-545-1620 or look me up on facebook (Emily Crowl).
im now 23 but back in the spring (3 months be4 my wedding) at age 22, I found out i had uc. It took the drs forever to figure out waht was wrong with me but i finally found an amazing dr who put me on predizone. I just had my first remicade iv yesterday and im crossing my fingers that it works. When i was first sick i was so scared but i luckily have an amazing support system in my family. I had a normal wedding and bachelorette party and every thing... Im well on my way to remission and even though it will be a long jounery you will to. Just bc we have uc doesnt mean we cant live normal lives =)
Reply posted for willjessrosie.
Im 25 and Ive had UC for about 4yrs now. It was definitely a life changer but after awhile ive been able to go back to my old ways.
Reply posted for TinkerY14.
I didn't know what to expect with this forum but I was just hoping for support and maybe to connect with people who have had similar experiences as me. Thank you for the words of encouragement!
Reply posted for willjessrosie.
Hi! I was just diagnosed with UC earlier this year and know how lonely it can feel at times. Just know there are others out there!! What seems to be your biggest concerns or what would you like to talk about?
Reply posted for willjessrosie.
Yo man, saw your post and thought I would reply. My name is Andrew. I've had UC since I was 15.
At 22 my entire large intestine removed, and now I'm living with my J-Pouch.
I volunteer for the CCFA Camp Oasis for kids with Chron's / Colitis.
Hit me up if you, or anyone else wants wants to talk about it. I know how you feel!
Reply posted for cassandroula.
I take asacol (mesathalamine) to help with the same your sister has.
Yeah I can see why she would get defensive. At college, I only told a few people about my condition because well, it's extremely embarrassing. And not everyone is understanding. That's sweet of you to care about your sister in that way.
Being in college and having UC sucks because I have to be careful when going out in partying. If I'm in the middle of flare-up, I can't even consider going out and drinking. If I do drink, it hits me the next with severe stomach pains and things like that. It's almost like I have to ration the good times I could be having because of my UC.
So how is it for you to have a sister with UC?
Reply posted for willjessrosie.
Hi. my sister is 21 as well and has UC. She is on prednisone to keep her from having blood in her stool and from having flare ups. She has A LOT of joint pain and swelling in her face :(
I try to talk to her about it but she gets defensive but i just want to help.
She loves to party and drink. I think that is really bad for her, but she doesnt want to commit to the life change.
How are you?