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Nobody understand me..

Sat, October 27, 2012 3:36 PM

it have been 7 yrs after i became an UC patient.. Now i m 26 yrs.. now my parents are compelling for marriage.. But the matter is i am so afraid.. becase till now nobody understood me   with my sickness.. even my parents... so how i can marry and go to a strange house... and live with a man..  i am really feel sad.. 

all are saying i have no probs...  by seeing my.. but i know... i am not...  please help me.. 

FPO annmarypaul
Joined Oct 27, 2012

Thu, November 01, 2012 12:31 PM

 Reply posted for annmarypaul.

No matter if anyone understands you, you know who you are and you just need to show that. Getting married is a big deal all you have to do is find someone who you like and likes you back. And remember you are never alone when you have crohns and or colitis

FPO 14wilsmadd
Joined Nov 1, 2012

Thu, November 01, 2012 1:39 AM

 Reply posted for Ash.

Thank you Ash,

really supporting words...

Thank you so much... ..

FPO annmarypaul
Joined Oct 27, 2012

Wed, October 31, 2012 2:01 PM

 Reply posted for annmarypaul.

Don't let your parents try to force you into a marriage you don't want. This can happen to people without Crohn's, hold out until you find someone you love. And don't worry about not finding anyone. I read a recent article that said that only 20% of people under the age of 35 are married. Maybe you could go to a Crohn's/UC support group to find men that completely understand what you are going through? Or just go out and have some fun!  If you do want to get married, you will find that the person you choose will not seem like a stranger and the house you live in will not feel like a strange house. But remember, you don't need to be married to be happy!

FPO ash
Joined Feb 22, 2011

Mon, October 29, 2012 5:10 PM

 Reply posted for annmarypaul.

if someone can't understand what you have to go through then they aren't worth your time anyways!

FPO delirium
Joined Apr 11, 2008