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Wed, December 05, 2012 4:05 PM

Anyone who has had J-pouch surgery, I was wondering if you experience any complications after the surgery.  I have had Colitis since 3rd grade and I am now 20 almost 21 with my symptoms really bothering me.  I've been on Lialda and even though that helped, my body has now decided to reject the drug.  I am now considering getting surgery in hopes that it removes all problems that I've had with UC.

FPO soccer2492
Joined Dec 5, 2012

Fri, January 18, 2013 12:25 PM

 Reply posted for soccer2492.


What have you decided? While I know many who have had successful experiences with a j-pouch, I would advise to try a different med route. Lialda is a first-line therapy. There are many other drugs to try. Have you been on an immunomodulator, biologic? Yes, taking your colon out would essentially be the 'cure' to your UC, but it is a big choice that should be made only when all other possibilities and avenues have been eliminated. Take care, and I hope that whatever decision you make, your quality of life improves and the gut behaves!! smiley

FPO altman282
Joined Feb 21, 2012