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Any Tennesseans out there??

Fri, December 07, 2012 6:56 AM

Hey my name is Emily and i have Crohn's disease and have had it since I was 12 and I am now 21 and i just wanted to see if there is anybody from Tennessee on this site. I'm from the Nashville, TN area and just wanted to see if I live close to anybody. Please reply back if you are from Tennessee. I would love to talk to you!!

FPO emilyc12
Joined Nov 3, 2012

Wed, February 06, 2013 7:45 PM

 Reply posted for emilyc12.

Hey Emily,

I am Moath, I live in Nashville, TN. I was diagnosed with UC two years ago. Iam 27 now, a new Ph.D Comp. eng student at TSU. I would love to talk to u. I also need your help if you know what health insurance would cover UC as existing condition. Plz txte any time (615-9158150).

FPO moath
Joined Feb 6, 2013

Wed, January 09, 2013 5:12 AM

 Reply posted for emilyc12.

Definitely!!! Ill add your number to my phone, look me up on facebook. Hannah Burlingame - School info will say MTSU recording Industry just so you know its me lol! 


FPO hannahjane04
Joined Apr 5, 2012

Thu, January 03, 2013 1:21 PM

To find other students in your are log on to ccfa "Campus Connection"

FPO administrator
Joined Oct 12, 2017

Thu, January 03, 2013 10:02 AM

 Reply posted for hannahjane04.

Hey thanks for replying! I am pretty close to Murfreesboro, i just live in Franklin. I go to school in Clarksville. Are you from Murfreesboro or do you live somewhere else? Also I would love to chat, if you want to text or call me my number is 615-545-1620.

FPO emilyc12
Joined Nov 3, 2012

Wed, January 02, 2013 6:39 AM

 Reply posted for emilyc12.

Hi, my name is Sherrie. I am 30. I have UC and am from Memphis. I have been diagnosed since 2007. I have a more difficult case as we are still struggling to find the right mess. Hope your well. 

FPO teddtlove
Joined Jan 2, 2013

Fri, December 28, 2012 1:44 AM

Hey Emily! 

Im Hannah, Im 22, I have UC and was diagnosed 1 year ago. Im a student at close are you to the boro?

FPO hannahjane04
Joined Apr 5, 2012