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New Crohn's blog!

Mon, December 10, 2012 11:07 PM

Hey everyone! I just wanted to spread the word about a blog I started called College Crohnie about living with Crohn's as a college student/young adult. I just started it a week ago and only have 3 posts so far, but I have big plans for it and will continue writing every week. So if any of you are interested in reading it, or know someone else who might be, head over to


FPO buckeye23
Joined Jan 4, 2011

Thu, January 03, 2013 2:15 PM

 Reply posted for buckeye23.

I checked out your blog and I think it is really cool! I have been on humira for over a year now and I am on an NG feeding tube because it is hard for me to absorb my nutrition, but I have gained all my weight back and have been going to the bathroom a lot less! I have Ulcerative Colitis and some days can be tough but I always look forward never back. I made a blog too I update at least once a month! Check it out!

Here's the link:

FPO priorityraptor
Joined Jan 3, 2013

Mon, December 17, 2012 10:33 PM

 Reply posted for HIcarolina.

What's the deal with popcorn and nuts will I EVER at least a little be able to eat them again

FPO imhungry61
Joined Dec 16, 2012

Sun, December 16, 2012 7:15 PM

 Reply posted for Imhungry61.

I was also 13 when I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.   That was 12 1/2 years ago now.  The only thing I can tell you is to read up on Crohn's disease.  The cause of Chrons disease is unknown.  The way I explain it to people is that it is a autoimmune disease.  The white blood cells for whatever reason overproduce and will attack a certain part of your body.  Typically it is in the small isntestine, but can affect anywhere from the esophogus to the anus.   Learn about all your treatment options.  No two Crohns patients are the same.   There is not one treatment plan right for everyone, it may take more than one try to find which one is right for you. :)  I hope this was helpful.  

FPO hicarolina
Joined Dec 16, 2012

Sun, December 16, 2012 2:06 PM

 Reply posted for buckeye23.

Hi everyone. I'm 13 years old and just got diagnosed with Crohn's disease and I don't know much about it anyone wanna explain?

FPO imhungry61
Joined Dec 16, 2012