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Side Affects of Steroids

Thu, December 27, 2012 7:10 PM

I'm 14 years old and i have been getting stretch marks on my back and around my knees. Does anyone else have these? Will they eventually go way? My doctor says they are from the steroids i have been taking. My doctor also says my face has gotten swollen from the steroids so now i look like a chipmunk. Did this happen to anyone else? Will it eventually go away? Also, is it weird that i don't want my peers to find out that i have crohn's disease? Please help me out if you can!

FPO voodoo dolly
Joined Dec 18, 2012

Thu, February 07, 2013 5:34 PM

 Reply posted for Voodoo Dolly.

You are not alone I am also 14 and have terrible stretch marks all around my thighs
and hips. My whole body is extremely swollen because I have been on high doses of 
prednisone since Last June. My doctor also tells me the stretch marks will go away but they say it will take a little while. 
I have been putting baby oil on my stretch marks and it helps a little. So you may want to try it. 

FPO 02bem
Joined Feb 7, 2013

Fri, January 18, 2013 1:24 PM

 Reply posted for Voodoo Dolly.

Hi Voodoo,

Both of those are very common side effects of pred. The stretch marks will most likely go away. I still have tiny ones on my thighs from my last course of steroids (which lasted five months), but they are barely noticeable. I think the longer your steroid course is, the longer the side effects take to diminish. Mederma is great! Glad its working for you! I was not diagnosed until after I graduated high school so I cannot really give advice about CD while in high school. I am a college student, but high school is a totally different ball game. I would suggest the 'Power of Two' program being put into place by CCFA. They will match you with a person that has gone through your particular experience or is there at the moment and you will be able to ask questions and yield very good answers as they are going through exactly what you are. You can find the program application here on CCFA. Hope this helps you out! smiley 

FPO altman282
Joined Feb 21, 2012

Thu, January 17, 2013 8:20 PM

 Reply posted for Teddtlove.

Thanks for the advise about the Mederma! It seems to be working great! I am getting more okay with my disease and with the support of others, especially my mother, i am returning to school in February. Although I am a little scared that people will find out, I'm trying not to care so much because if they make fun of me for something I didn't choose then they aren't worth my time and I know that I have great friends who will stand up for me :) Any advise on how to deal with high school and Chrons at the same time?

FPO voodoo dolly
Joined Dec 18, 2012

Thu, January 03, 2013 4:36 PM

 Reply posted for Voodoo Dolly.

Hi. I can understand not wanting others to know you have a disease. It is hard for people to understand when they do not have one. I have never gotten stretch marks from steroids but I have gotten them from other reasons. There is this great cream that can help you with it. It is called Mederma. It is kinda of expensive but you only need a little bit. You have to use it several times a day for a while. It has really helped with my stretch marks. Good luck.

FPO teddtlove
Joined Jan 2, 2013