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New symptoms and no answers

Mon, January 07, 2013 10:34 AM

I  am the mother of a 12 -year old son who was diagnosed 8 months ago with Crohn's Disease when we had him tested for stomach pains.  He's never really had issues with bleeding, loose stools or some of the other common symptoms.  We started him on Asacol, then Azathiprine (which gave him the longest run off of steroids, about 7 weeks) and now we have some new issues.  He's not eating much, losing weight, frequent headaches, a little vomiting, low-grade fevers and still, the frequent, severe stomach cramping.  The weird thing is that the labs come back showing no imflammation, so the doctor now thinks he has something else going on - maybe abdominal migraines or stomach spasms.  Just started him on Nortryptyline which won't kick in for a few weeks.  It's just so hard to see him in so much pain.  He's back in bed this morning and missing school again.

I guess my question is, have any of you had low-grade fevers and headaches with your GI symptoms?  Trying to figure out if he's sick, has another condition or if this is Crohn's related.  We're also testing out a possible fructose allergy, just because a friend with similar symptoms was just diagnosed with this.  Already tested negative for a gluten allergy. 


FPO maricherv
Joined Jan 7, 2013

Sat, December 04, 2021 7:14 AM

Reply posted for altman282.

Since your son's diagnosis, you have seen a gastroenterologist specialist who has put him on medication. You have also made some dietary changes, but it is important to hire resume writers to complete our work, such as eliminating dairy and gluten from his diet. Despite all of this, your son continues to experience a variety of new symptoms, including joint pain.

FPO ArchieKimpton
Joined Dec 3, 2021

Sat, January 19, 2013 9:20 AM

 Reply posted for altman282.

Thanks for the post.  So the colonoscopy and endoscopy actually looked pretty good, no scaring, blockage, current inflammation.  I'm guessing that he picked up some sort of virus that caused some of the newer symptoms and caused it to look like a Crohn's flare up.  Now that the low grade fevers and infection has gone away, his appetite is up, much fewer stomach pains, etc.  I"m praying we are headed in the right direction and the worst is behind us.  

FPO maricherv
Joined Jan 7, 2013

Sat, January 19, 2013 12:30 AM

 Reply posted for maricherv.

You could try giving him probiotics to stimulate his appetite like VSL #3. Your insurance might cover it. Manuka honey & turmeric are also gr8 since they get rid of bad bacteria in the gut that causes these painful symptoms. I hope your son feels better soon & doesn't miss anymore school days!

FPO dimplezz
Joined Jan 10, 2013

Fri, January 18, 2013 1:08 PM

 Reply posted for maricherv.

Sorry to hear your son is having a rough time. While those are all common symptoms of a CD flare, the negative inflammatory markers throw that theory off. He could have some type of viral gastroenteritis (GI bug). The azathioprine would in some cases prevent the immune system from eliminating the virus...because of the immunosuppressive qualities of the drug. It could be so many things, really. How about lactose intolerance? What has recent endoscopy shown? If imaging of any kind has not been obtained because of the reoccurrence of these symptoms, I would ask doc to do so just to make sure there is no severely active disease. Where is the location of his disease? Is it possible that he has some stricturing causing a partial blockage now and then?

FPO altman282
Joined Feb 21, 2012

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