Hey! I'm 19 years old and was diagnosed with UC about 6mths ago. I spent a week in the hospital. I was on prednisone at first which totally fixed me (or made me feel like it did) I did just fine weening off of it. But the past 2 months I have been getting worse and worse again. I was on Lialda, Azathioprine, and Entocort. Along with starting my first remicade infusion. It wasn't working so I went to a all natural holistic health clinic. She advised me to go on a gluten, wheat, and redmeat free diet, and put me on a bunch of vitamins and said I could go off my medicine because it has so many chemicals in it. I thought I'd give it a try but it hasn't helped yet. It's only been a week but I have to go back to college in 3 days and I'm so nervous about dealing with this there. I'm having around 8 really bloody stools a day. I don't know if I should give the natural thing more time or go back on my meds.. any advise? also I'd love to just have some other people to talk to who know what this disease is like.
Reply posted for stacinelson.
Hello, I have heard many different arguments for and against the natural holistic route. For some people it works, and for some people it doesn't. I have Crohn's, different from your condition, and had it all through college so I am familiar with how difficult dealing with something like this is. I noticed on your post many people have posted good advice and opinions, however nobody mentioned your issue with stool. Both my parents are nurses so I am fairly familiar with medical issues as well as Crohn's and Colitis (my cousin has it) and for someone to be having multiple bloody stools in one day is not normal. I do not want to make you anxious but that is something that needs to be addressed with your doctor right away. Blood in stool can be an indicator of something that is more serious and can lead to more drastic measures such as bowel resection surgery. It is an early indicator of ulcers developing in your intestine and if they get bad they can cause a lot of blood, pain, and an emergency surgery. Please before you stay with your holistic medicine approach at least call your GI doctor and tell them what is happening to you to make sure that this is not something more serious.
Reply posted for stacinelson.
I would give the natural approach some time, but not TOO much time. You don't want to damage things further if its not going to work. If it doesn't, you have a few more options with biologics (HUMIRA, etc.). If those do not work, you are most likely going to have to have a sit down with your doc to discuss surgery options. I really hope the the natural approach works for you, but keep in mind the possibility of it not. If you would like to ask me any questions about my experience (including surgery), feel free. My email is altman282@comcast.net.
Hello, Its been about six months since i was diagnosed too! I am also going back to school soon and I'm also very nervous! But I'm going into high school as a freshmen. The remicaide infusion seems to be working great for me. But honestly, I think that you should give the natural medicine a couple weeks because the medicines can be so harmful to your body. If the natural medicine doesn't work, then you could just try different medicines until you find one that works! Hope you get better! Have fun at college. I am open to talking over email or facebook, if you need someone to talk to!