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Surgery details

Sat, January 19, 2013 7:51 PM

Hi everyone, 

so I've had Crohn's disease for three years now and my doctor has decided that I need to have surgery this summer after I get out of school. I will be having a bowel resection and I've tried to do research on it but I haven't really found information on the recuperation process like how long I will be in the hospital and how long it will take before getting back to regular activities and also what kind of diet I'd have to have after surgery.

thanks for any replies.

FPO amandabark
Joined Jan 19, 2013

Sat, January 19, 2013 10:10 PM

 Reply posted for AmandaBark.

Hi Amanda, I have done a little bit of research on this myself, I was diagnosed a little over a year ago and while I haven't needed this procedure I still wanted to learn more about it.  From what I have learned people have said that the hospital stay after the visit is around a week, more or less depending on the scope of the surgery, Laparoscopic surgery tends to be the quickest.  As with any surgery it is best to stay away from strenuous activity for several weeks until you are fully healed, but from what I have read you can get back to the normal routine fairly quickly within a couple weeks. The diet was a hard one to research, some things I read (and these things tend to change depending on the individual) said that you will be on a clear liquid diet and IV nutrition for a couple days after your surgery.  Then you will slowly start to get weaned on thicker liquids then slowly back to normal.  I haven't found out how long that process take though.  Like you said it has been hard to find good research on the recuperation process, a lot of the things that I have learned are from piecing things together.  I hope this helps and also hopefully someone with a little more knowledge will be able to tell you more than I could.  I hope your surgery goes well.


FPO dandz
Joined Jan 19, 2013