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23 & uninsured >.<

Mon, February 04, 2013 1:23 PM

So I got diagnosed w/ Crohn's 5/29/09, frustrating for a 19 yr old female >.< I'm currently uninsured & neither of my parents have health insurance cuz my dad's a d-bag & randomly canceled the health insurance. Is anyone else in this situation where you're struggling to pay off medical bills & keep getting denied insurance?! I've been denied Social Disability twice >.< Recently got married on 11/11/11 & we still don't have health insurance since my hubby works part-time as vehicle maintenance for a mortuary & only offer health insurance if he was a certified mortician. He's currently not in school (only completed 1 semester) because he took the yr off to help take care of me. I got down to 87 lbs 2 Christmases ago which was pretty scary (then again at the same time I didn't mind cuz I knew I had to lose some weight anyway but exercise & I don't get along :-P). My 1st GI doc had me on Prednisone for like a total of 1 1/2 yrs on & off. Poor hubby had to deal w/ me on Prednisone most of our marriage. I'm about mild for right now but last yr was pretty scary cuz I guess the physical form of Crohn's showed up (thought were spider bites) & I had arthritis for awhile as well. Luckily new GI doc is awesome & got me Humira for free, but since no health insurance there isn't much else he can do. I need another colonoscopy for sure but can't afford it. Plus Humira destroys my immune system which sucks cuz recently started school again, so my hubby & I are basically sick 24/7. I don't know many others w/ Crohn's in the SLC, UT area so I get frustrated cuz no 1 who can relate to what I'm going through. Depression & anxiety have been my companions as well which terrify me cuz I get suicidal at times & scared of driving. Any suggestions?! also love making new friends so feel free to e-mail me

FPO caiyah
Joined Jan 8, 2013

Sat, March 09, 2013 9:44 AM

 Reply posted for caiyah.

I also do not have health insurance and I just got diagnosed with UC.  I have gone through many loopholes to try and make this process affordable on a part-time budget.  

Thankfully, my hospital and the surrounding medical practices that are members of that medical group have financial assistance programs.

Maybe you should look into seeing if the doctor you attend or a local hospital offers assistance.

It has saved me a lot of money (money I don't have anyway).

Also, ask for samples.  Always ask for samples.
Does your doctor know your situation?

I am on Apriso and my physician got me the financial assitance paperwork to fill out and send to the drug company that makes it!

I may be a unique case of people feeling compassionate for someone less fortunate, but I feel very lucky!

Perhaps you should look into those things.

Hope this helps :)


FPO brittanyhill
Joined Mar 8, 2013

Tue, February 26, 2013 1:31 AM

 Reply posted for Caiyah.

Because I was barely working and my wife was going to school we fell under the poverty line so far that the hospital just wrote it off. You should check about financial assistance and also my doctor loads me up with 6 months of Lialda everytime I see him. 

FPO crogers8705
Joined Jan 5, 2010

Thu, February 07, 2013 9:21 PM

 Reply posted for Caiyah.

I was also uninsured when I got diagnosed with UC. I had to buy my own insurance with the help of my parents. My GI gave me free meds samples because the copay was just too much. You should try turmeric & boswelia capsules & manuka honey( They all decrease inflammation. Also start taking probiotics since IBS is caused by an imbalance of gut bacteria. Have you asked your docs to help you file for social security disability? You should also not be denied private health insurance because its now illegal to deny somebody insurance because of a pre-existing health condition. 
Have you applied for state help? Try contacting the drug company that makes your med. They might be able to help you.

Good Luck & stay Positive!!

You can also email me at

FPO dimplezz
Joined Jan 10, 2013

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