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Nutritionist? Here nor there?

Wed, February 20, 2013 2:42 PM

HI Everybody! My name is Victoria. I was diagnosed in July of 2012, and I have been regulated (Thank God) over the past 8 months with 800mg of Pentasa daily. I also have hyperthyroidism so im being treated for that as well. They found out while I was in the hospital that I'm lactose Intolerant so ya, go figure.

I have been talking to a few people i know that have Chron's Disease, and they've been stressing that I need to go see a nutritionist. I already take Vitamin C, D, a multi, and fish oil daily. Is this really necessary? I mean I'm sure my insurance company hates me enough as it is. I have more doctors then friends! Is this THATTTTT important?

FPO vrcouch31
Joined Feb 20, 2013

Thu, February 28, 2013 6:25 PM

 Reply posted for vrcouch31.

Hi - I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 1982. I have been fortunate to have 3 excellent gastroenterologists involved with my care in that time. I've been seeing my current doctor since 1994! I have also had 2 bouts with cancer and now have an ileostomy - which is an entirely different story altogether. Other than a few issues with the ileostomy, I have always been told to eat "whatever you can tolerate". This had changed over the years, however I have always found starchy foods to be very helpful - I am the King of Pasta - ;-).  Carbonated beverages are a big no-no for me now. There is a lot of good information on a few reputable websites. For the most part I have never found a dietician or nutritionist who knows enough about Crohn's Disease to be useful. Just try different foods in moderation to see what you can tolerate from different food groups.

FPO greg121
Joined Feb 28, 2013

Sun, February 24, 2013 11:58 PM

 Reply posted for vrcouch31.

Hey Victoria,
It won't hurt to go see a nutritionist. They will tell you about healthy foods that you never even heard it's a good idea to talk see them. Try Manuka honey from New Zealand( & Turmeric. It's good for lowering inflammation & infections.
Take care

FPO dimplezz
Joined Jan 10, 2013

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