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24 & UC

Sat, March 09, 2013 10:00 AM

Practically symptom free with no family history of IBD....

Guess that doesn't mean much, I have UC.

I was diagnosed 3/8/2013 and started presenting symptoms about a month and a half prior.

I was bleeding and had some cramping and at first they thought it was internal hemorrhoids (Oh how I wish).

After a colonoscopy they were no longer guessing, Pancolitis... My entire large intestine?  Ugh, Really?!?

It all came as a shock.

I have been relatively healthy my entire life, except maybe having to lose a couple lbs. (Won't be a problem now) 

No insurance, no friends or family with these issues, Great.

Although my friends and family cannot relate, Damn are they supportive.  I am too lucky.

I live in the Greater Atlanta Metro area and I look forward to the walk in June!

I cannot wait to meet and reach out to others just like me.

I am currently on Prednisone (for the rest of the month) && Apriso for symptoms and such.

Being so recently diagnosed, I do not know the foods that affect me and make my UC flare
I have noticed that raw almonds and other nuts kinda make me feel icky.

I drink the crap out of Gatorade and I am not ashamed to admit that I still have a Blue Moon or a glass of wine every now and then.

I know caffeine is not that great for this disease, but man do I love Diet Coke && Coke Zero.

But alas, normalcy has left the Building.  Goodbye.

Cheers to figuring out this crazy new life ahead of me.

(Let's be friends)


Fb: Brittany Anne Hill
Twitter: BrittyanneHill
Instagram: BrittanyAnneHill

FPO brittanyhill
Joined Mar 8, 2013

Thu, May 30, 2013 10:36 AM

 Reply posted for lindsmchugh.

For joint pain, take Krill Oil by Dr Mercola & turmeric capsules. It might reduce your flare-up symptoms also.

FPO dimplezz
Joined Jan 10, 2013

Wed, May 29, 2013 11:06 PM

I'm 23 with similar problems... I was diagnosed in fall of 2011.

At first my doctor said it was hemorrhoids, but the bleeding/mucus and cramping continued. My regular doctor sent me to a GI doctor who did blood work, a sigmoidoscopy, and then a colonoscopy. And diagnosed me with UC. 

I take 2 Asacol pills 3x daily. Along with a probiotic, multi-vitamin, fish oil, and B vitamins. I eat relatively healthy and try to exercise regularly. 

My biggest problem right now is I'm in the middle of a flare-up and I'm exhausted and have severe joint pain. Any suggestions on joint pain? 

FPO lindsmchugh
Joined Apr 22, 2013

Wed, March 13, 2013 10:34 PM

 Reply posted for brittanyhill.

Hi Brittany!

Your story is exactly the same as mine. I was 24 with no family history of UC. Had 1 very painful cramp & had bleeding for a few days. Doc prescribed meds for internal hemoroids. It worked for a few months but the bleeding started again when I had stress from work/school. I wish my GI had told me about probiotics & eating a low residue diet. He told me diet doesn't cause or effect your symptoms but I learned the hard way that it does matter. I would advice you to stop drinking sugary drinks because sugar feeds the bad bacteria in the gut that causes inflammation :/ Juice your own fruits at home & stay away from high fructose corn syrup. Try a good probiotic twice a day & take turmeric capsules(herb). It's proven to reduce inflammation.Being a girl, it was very awkward for me to discuss my condition with others so if you have any questions, email me at

Take care smiley

FPO dimplezz
Joined Jan 10, 2013

Tue, March 12, 2013 9:25 AM

 Reply posted for delirium.

my email is shoot me an email and ill send you a link

FPO delirium
Joined Apr 11, 2008

Tue, March 12, 2013 9:23 AM

 Reply posted for brittanyhill.

haha well we arent too good at this.  In Virignia

FPO delirium
Joined Apr 11, 2008

Tue, March 12, 2013 9:14 AM

 Reply posted for delirium.

I cannot find you either.  Where do you live?

FPO brittanyhill
Joined Mar 8, 2013

Tue, March 12, 2013 7:11 AM

 Reply posted for brittanyhill.

haha yeah there are all kinds of new stuff and things to try! i tried to find you on fb to be able to talk more about it but couldnt find you!  See if oyu can find me Michael Kirkland.

FPO delirium
Joined Apr 11, 2008

Mon, March 11, 2013 10:27 AM

I am trying my best!
this is all so new to me so I've been doing a ton of reading and research.
it is going to take some getting used to, but I am willing to do all that it takes!

FPO brittanyhill
Joined Mar 8, 2013

Mon, March 11, 2013 7:40 AM

 Reply posted for brittanyhill.

im 24 with crohns! ive had mine since i was 16 though.  haha i had to learn no almonds for me the hard way.  its not too bad, just have to stay positive!

FPO delirium
Joined Apr 11, 2008