Hello fellow young persons. Just wanted to start this discussion b/c I didn't see anything about it. How do you all deal with intimacy and UC? It's a pretty personal thing to bring up with someone you might just want a night of fun with...I don't know about you... but to me nightly enemas, blood loss, and gurgling stomach pain kinda kills the mood. Ideas? Thoughts? Rants?
Reply posted for rainbowier.
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Reply posted for Daniel556.
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So because of my pain in my stomach I can't go on top or if he goes on top during sex it hurts my stomach even more, we have been together nearly 10 years (3 of them married) so he should be thankful to get any LOL
With my boyfriend, I was upfront about my ulcerative colitis when we first started dating. At first he did played it off like whatever, but I think seeing how much medication I had to take freaked him out (9 balsalazide capsules a day, plus three iron supplements). Soon he started asking questions about my symptoms and the difference between UC and Crohns. Then he would start rambling off facts he read about it online.
I had a really bad flare up in the beginning of our relationship and during a day of shopping, I went to the bathroom in all four or fives stores we went to... Sometimes twice. He was so sweet, that he would ask where the bathroom was for me after store two or three. Then there was the issue of going at his place. He has this little one bedroom apartment and everything can be heard everywhere. Once I had a rather loud "hershey squirts" fart on the toilet and I heard him bust out laughing from the living room, which was contagious. I still get embarrassed about it, but he does his best to get me to relax about it, to not make me feel different or ashamed.
Now, when we're intimate... I've yet to have an issue other than loud gurgling in my stomach. *knocks on wood* Perhaps it's because I'm relaxed?
Reply posted for delirium.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who will risk a public bathroom just to have a little uninterrupted sexy time at the end of the night.
But everyone above it right-- if the person cares about you, he or she will not care if you need to go.
Reply posted for rainbowier.
Let me tell you my friend, it is a struggle. Thank god for my boyfriend being my rock, and being around long enough to know about my stomach ache issues and frequent bathroom trips, eventually resulting in emergency surgery and a Crohn's diagnosis. But let me remind you of one thing, when someone loves you, they see YOU, not your disease. & as corny as that may sound, its very true. I mean for goodness sakes I have a colostomy bag, front and center, leaving me WAY too embarrassed to take my shirt off during sex, & guess what, he still loves me all the same.
On the note of being young and wanting to be sexually free, you can get away with it my friend. There are plenty of medicines that you can take that you know help you feel better in addition to foods/liquids that make you feel better, & if all else fails, the sympathy card DOES NOT[:
Reply posted for rainbowier.
Ladies- avoid doggy style during a flare-up. Ouch.
Reply posted for delirium.
haha and maybe being a guy...the pain has never taken me out the mood
Reply posted for rainbowier.
haha i make sure to go ahead of time. Or another trick i do if im out on a date driving, I suddenly need to get gas and just use a public restroom. i gladly take the risk for a pretty girl. but most of the time when i tell most girls they always give the"aw i understand dont be embarrassed to do it in front of me" so if they have 2 bathrooms i make a break for to the other end of the house
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