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Just diagnosed this week

Thu, March 14, 2013 2:40 PM

Hey all, I'm Mike. I'm 28 & live in Atlanta, GA.

First time posting on here. Maybe reaching out to you guys will make me feel better.

Had symptoms I tried to ignore in early January, especially because they were so outta the blue. I work out 5-6x a week, am in fairly good shape and eat healthy. The only indulgence I had was occasionally drinking w/ friends or on a date, like a normal person. But then boom -- these symptoms happen. Couldn't ignore them anymore.

Kept getting worse. Finally went to GI in early Feb. Colonoscopy was scheduled for March 4th. In the recovery room, the doctor told me it I definitely had colitis, and he was suspicious it could be Crohn's.

That was 10 days ago -- biopsy results came back this past Monday: I've got Ulcerative Colitis. Not Crohn's. Which I'm happy about, but UC doesn't seem like much fun either.

Been on Apriso (4x .375 time release in the morning), and I'm supposed to take the Canasa at night but I've been hesitant to try it.

Anybody have success with the Apriso-Canasa combo? After reading a lot of these posts, it seems like random foods trigger symptoms for everyone, but is there something I should definitely do, try, or avoid eating to help keep symptoms minimal?

Thanks all. Looking forward to hearing any tips/tricks/advice you could give to a newcomer.


I'm also on Facebook @

FPO mikeyg
Joined Mar 14, 2013

Tue, March 19, 2013 12:54 PM

 Reply posted for mikeyg.

Hi! You will learn what works and what doesn't in terms of food for yourself. You need to start logging food so you can make correlations between intake and symptoms. A good app to do so with is GI monitor. There is also a great social site that within the app...full of good people whom all have IBD, mostly severe cases. I have been using it for over a year now to log foods and it really helps when you have a bad time, you can look back and see, 'Ah, thats why.' The reports can also be sent straight to doc in case he or she wants to see how things are cannot remember every single thing when talking with them, none of us can, so it gives them a way to see the big picture. Following a low-residue, low-fiber diet until you are flare-free is a good idea. If you're not sure what falls into that category, you can search. There are lots of great places to find info on that diet. Some good rules of thumb: no roughage or any other type of insoluble fiber. Hope the med combo works for ya! Take care!

FPO altman282
Joined Feb 21, 2012

Sat, March 16, 2013 10:59 PM

 Reply posted for mikeyg.

Hey Mike! Welcome to the club ;)
I'm Bea and I've had crohn's for almost 16 years now, I was diagnosed when I was six.
I promise it gets easier as you go. Personally I've found that while some foods make you sick, others won't have any ill effects. That said I've also met other Crohnies who can eat anything with no ill effect.
Anxiety can cause a flare up. But that's probably in every pamphlet ever written about Crohn's lol
As a precaution (security blanket) I always make sure to pack immodium, you never know when and it can ruin any outing fast.
I don't want to ramble your ear off so if you ever want to talk or have questions, I'm here.


FPO processpending
Joined Jan 9, 2018