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20 F, Crohn's Disease, Looking for a friend...who understands

Mon, March 25, 2013 1:39 AM

Hi there,
My name is Jennifer. I was diagnosed in 2006, when I was 14. It took them six months to diagnose me. Had two Ultrasonds, a CT scan, numerous blood tests, and finally a Colonoscopy. I was okay for a month or so after being put on Pentasa. But, then I relapsed into a bad flare, and was put on corticosteroids to make me better. I don't remember which one it was, because I had to switch to another because it didn't work.. So they were Entocourt and Prednisone. I've been on both. I would go in remission, and I'd end right back up in a flare. So for quite a few years, I was off and on the corticosteroids for quite some time... So just before I had a chance to loose my moon face and extra pounds, I'd end up right back on them. When I was about 18, almost nineteen, my five years since my last colonoscopy was coming up, so my doctor wanted to see how my insides looked. I was doing good, so he wanted to just make sure things were going good. I was on 30 pills a day at one point. The results had shown that I had no open ulcers, but I had a LOT of scar tissue, causing part of my intestine to be very narrow. It takes me a while to digest things.. sometimes up to three days.He said that other than all the scaring, there was no sign of Crohn's inside me.. I was doing good. My pills were lowered down to 4. Immuran and Lialda. And to this very day, I am still on those medications... However, I am struggling with my weight still.. I gained a little over 100 pounds and ten pant sizes. It has completely destroyed my self esteem. Guys are NOT forgiving at all on the weight issue. I've so far lost ten pounds, but have to watch what I eat and how much exercise I do, that way I don't relapse again. Hoping to meet some friends on here, who know how it is. :)

FPO countrygirl93
Joined Mar 20, 2013

Thu, August 15, 2013 11:45 AM

 Reply posted for countrygirl93.

I'm 23 and was diagnosed in 2011. I spent 6 months in Germany as an exchange student and came back home really sick and lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks. I was hospitalized with dehydration. My original diagnosis was that I caught a viral infection in my thyroid causing me to have hyperthyroidism and a bacterial infection in my colon. I still wasn't feeling better so I went to a GI and had a colonoscopy. I was diagnosed with Crohn's. The thyroid problem went away and stayed away but the Crohn's remained. 
5 months later I had my second colonoscopy, a week before Christmas (some Christmas present, huh?). After that I was out on steroids for 6 months. I gained 80 pounds and was eating like a football player (I live in Alabama so football is huge lol). I came off it in June of last year and it was worse than the Crohn's itself. I was supposed to be taking classes that June but I wasn't able too because coming off the prednisone was taking such a huge toll on me. I hated my body. I was 183 pounds and had the face of a chipmunk. 
Right before I got off steroids I started Cimzia. I got down to being on 2 medications, Cimzia and Pamine. I am down to 156 pounds. I'm still not doing well. I'm constantly exhausted, having diarrhea many times a day, and depressed. It's a constant struggle. Some days I don't even feel like leaving the house or getting out of bed. It's hard to find a job. My mom is constantly getting on to me for doing nothing all day but I literally can't help it. I want to do things but my mind and body is telling me no. Dating is hard too.
So I feel everyone's pain. It's just comforting in a weird way that I'm not the only one going through this. It is really hard for people to understand unless you're going through it. Thanks for letting me rant. If anyone wants a buddy to talk to I'm here. My email:

FPO kjmcgee
Joined Aug 14, 2013

Thu, August 15, 2013 11:25 AM

 Reply posted for countrygirl93.

I'm 23 and was diagnosed in 2011. I spent 6 months in Germany as an exchange student and came back home really sick and lost 25 pounds in 3 weeks. After I got home, I was hospitalized with dehydration. My original diagnosis was that I caught  a viral infection in my thyroid and a bacterial infection in my colon. I still wasn't feeling better, colon wise, so I went to a GI and had a colonoscopy. Afterwards I was diagnosed with Crohn's. The thyroid problem went away and stayed away but the Crohn's remained.

5 months later I had my second colonoscopy, a week before Christmas (some Christmas present, huh?). After that I was out on steroids for 6 months. I gained 80 pounds and was eating like a football player (I live in Alabama so football is huge lol). I came off it in June of last year and it was worse than the Crohn's itself. I was supposed to be taking classes that June but I wasn't able too because coming off the prednisone was taking such a huge toll on me. I hated my body. I was 183 pounds and had the face of a chipmunk. 

Right before I got off steroids I started Cimzia. I got down to being on 2 medications, Cimzia and Pamine. I am down to 156 pounds. I'm still not doing well. I'm constantly exhausted, having diarrhea many times a day, and depressed. I'm on antidepressants but they aren't fully helping. It's a constant struggle. Some days I don't even feel like leaving the house or getting out of bed. It's hard to find a job. My mom is constantly getting on to me for doing nothing all day but I literally can't help it. I want to do things but my mind and body is telling me no. Dating is hard too.

So, I feel everyone's pain. It's just comforting in a weird way that I'm not the only one. It is really hard for people to understand unless you're going through it. Thanks for letting me rant. If anyone wants a buddy to talk too I'm here. My email:

FPO kjmcgee
Joined Aug 14, 2013

Mon, July 29, 2013 6:18 PM

 Reply posted for countrygirl93.

heya I'm 23 & was diagnosed w/ Crohn's in 2009, it's definitely frustrating being sick 24/7 with no one understanding why >.< I've had a hard time feeling support from my family & was really depressed & suicidal until I met my hubby =D he's seriously the best but I still wish I had female friends who could empathize more especially during our periods when we're 10x more moody than usual cheeky I got down to 80lbs last yr but now am back to around 119lbs thnx to Humira but it's still frustrating >.< I'm currently trying to figure out if I'm preggers or not but with irregular periods it's difficult. I'm always up for new females who can relate!

FPO caiyah
Joined Jan 8, 2013

Sun, July 21, 2013 5:56 PM

 Reply posted for countrygirl93.

I'm a 20 year old female with either UC or CD. I've had whatever it is I have since I was 12, but doctors still aren't entirely sure which. They first diagnosed me with UC, but are now starting to think it's CD. I'm currently waiting for barium test results to come back to clarify which it might be. I just joined this site because honestly I need somebody who understands too. Nobody that I know has any idea what it's like to have this, it's not uncommon for me to end up in a hospital more than 6 times in a year, and people are always criticizing me for being "sick all the time" but this is a chronic illness and I can't help it and I can barely eat like anything anymore and I almost always feel tired, and honestly if I was actually skinny i wouldn't mind barely being able to eat all that much, but I feel like having this problem makes it harder for me to lose weight even though I eat healthier than anybody else I know and run 3+ miles a day. It's just so frustrating when not a single friend of mine can understand. 

FPO dreamer934
Joined Jul 21, 2013

Tue, May 14, 2013 4:34 PM

Hi guys,
I saw your post. I was diagnosed this past August at 19 years old. It took them 3 years to figure what the heck was going on with me. Since then I have been on and off 60 mg of prednisone, and am currently on 300mg of Imuran, and about to start Cimizia injections. I am very scared, because I have heard of several horror stories from this medication, and I also have heard that the Cimizia doesn't really work. Have any of you tried this? Thanks.


FPO lauramurrell
Joined Dec 17, 2012

Thu, May 02, 2013 10:32 AM

 Reply posted for countrygirl93.

Hello! I'm a 22 yr old female w/ Crohns and I can definitely relate to your frustrations! I've been around the block many times, I've been diagnosed for about 10 years now. The daily struggles never go away, but you can adapt with a great support system, patience, and positive attitude. I'm here if any of you guys want to talk, ask questions, or rant about this stupid crap (no pun intended hahah).

My email is:

FPO amanda21
Joined May 2, 2013

Wed, April 17, 2013 4:51 PM

 Reply posted for delirium.

Hi Jennifer,
My name is Jen, I'm 25 and was diagnosed with CD about 6 years ago. I've recently had another severe flare which put me in the hospital for 4 days and now I'm on another round of prednisone and about to start cimzia monthly injections. 
I can understand what you're going through and would be willing to be part of your support network if you'd like. My email is

FPO jengregg
Joined Apr 17, 2013

Mon, March 25, 2013 7:45 AM

 Reply posted for countrygirl93.

Guys can be dumb! Sometimes its rough to manage all this and weight.  i had the opposite problem.  until about a year ago i was always super skinny, and it was hard for me to gain weight.  the foods you can eat just make sure they are good macros! just keep dieting and exercising right and it will come! its a marathon not a sprint!

if you want to email me you can!

FPO delirium
Joined Apr 11, 2008