Community Forum

Have a question, or want to share your own tips and experiences? Join the discussion in the community forum. You must be registered to participate. Our forums are moderated by Crohn's & Colitis Foundation staff to facilitate a safe environment.

Just got diagnosed with Chrons yesterday.

Thu, August 01, 2024 5:23 PM

Got diagnosed with Chrohns yesterday. Waiting on insurance to see if they will cover Humira. I have always struggled with anxiety. And my anxiety also makes my symptoms worse. It's this endless loop. I'm a 21 year old college student. I study far away from home out of state. I am wondering how fellow students manage this. I just don't know what's next

Joined Aug 1, 2024

Fri, August 02, 2024 3:12 PM

Reply posted for AdamK.

A new diagnosis can feel very uncertain. We hear it from so many people who are going through this part of the journey. First, know that you are not alone. Also, although it can be challenging at times, it is important to know that people with IBD can thrive. As a college student, you might be interested to hear the perspectives of a few fellow IBD patients. Here are a few resources we recommend:

1. Meet other college students with IBD
Meet the National Council of College Leaders | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (

2. You mentioned insurance. Please take a look at this infographic. Consider options you may need such as copay assistance programs. There is alot of great information out there about health insurance so here are some you should consider:
Managing the Cost of IBD | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (

Patient financial assistance programs | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (

road-map-mobile-version-final-1.pdf (

. Support groups and other virtual connections
Crohn’s and Colitis Support Group | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (

I hope you continue to use any resources we have available to help. Our IBD Help Center is available at 888 694 8872 Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Eastern and at, if you every need help at any time!

FPO administrator
Joined Oct 12, 2017

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