I've had migrating arthritic pains in the past. As of recently and sometimes I forget it seems like it happened last time also my hands and feet get painful and itch. Also the joints in my upper body my elbows and shoulders seem to get a key to the point where I can't use them back-and-forth as if I've really overdone it when the reality is I'm not doing near as much as I used to. Is anybody experienced symptoms like this?
Reply posted for muleroof.
Additional information on arthirits and joint pain may be found here: Extraintestinal Complications of IBD | Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (crohnscolitisfoundation.org)
Reply posted for Rsymons.
My doctor proscribed Lyliada for me when I first was diagnosed - he gave me a large bag of samples - that drug managed some of the symptoms - but when the samples were running low, I was shocked by the price for the Lyliada - I researched and talked with my doc about sulfasalazione - THAT helped me with joint pain issues as well.
Reply posted for muleroof.
I often have migrating joint pain. I have days with no pain, but most days one joint or another is hurting. In one day it can go from shoulder to knee to elbow to hip etc. etc.
I would love to know what to do about it and still be able to work.
Reply posted for Herrmannb.
I'm currently in a Crohn's flare, the worst I've had since I was first diagnosed in 2004.
The soreness in my body, deep within my hip joint is terrible.
I think I need to talk to my doctor about it. It's at the point where the pain is worse than my other symptoms.
Reply posted for muleroof.
I've had UC for over 40 years and although it has been in remission, recently my joint pain has flared throughout my body. I don't know what is happening. I'm wondering if I should go back on Remicaid because I hurt all over.
Reply posted for muleroof.
I have, and I take beef gelatin (I drink it in ginger tea with honey) every day and it seems to help.
Reply posted for muleroof.
Hi, I am sorry you are having joint issues. I often have joint pain associated with side effects from my biologic and from a few old sports injuries. I see a rheumatologist in addition to my GI who helps me to assess where the joint pain may be coming from and to ensure there is no joint damage occurring. She was also able to prescribe me a cream that I can put on my joints when they hurt to help with the pain. Good luck!
Reply posted for muleroof.
I am newly diagnosed with UC and I have the worst joint pain ever! (Right knee and left hip)I dont sleep much anymore because by 3 a.m. I am up hurting so badly. I do use cannibus and CBD but neither stop the constant hip pain I have. It is a constant reminder of my new lifestyle.
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