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Wed, April 16, 2008 3:36 PM

WorkHello, my name is Kelley and I was diagnosed with Crohns disease about a year ago. I am considered in a "controlled" stage of my treatment, which is I still have symptoms, but they are not as bad. My biggest complaint that I have had for the last 8 months is that I am so tired all the time! I work from 8 to 5, come home, take a two hour nap, wake up for a few hours to spend with my husband, and then go back to bed at 10:30 p.m.. Im only 28 years old! I was just wondering if anyone else goes through this???

Also, I was wondering how others handle working with Crohns? I have a supportive supervisor (his wife happened to be a previous nurse for my GI doctor). I sometimes have to come in late, due to my episodes. He is supportive, but I still feel guilty about it. Prior to my health issues, I was always the type that never missed work. What a change this has been...

Thanks for listening!

FPO kelleyw
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Mon, April 21, 2008 10:20 AM

 Reply posted for kelleyw.

I am glad that you have a supportive supervisor...Mine doesn't care nor doesn't she understand...That is very hard to deal with...I am actually really worried about my job...I understand what you mean...I have gone in late cause of a flare up...But I have always showed up...And only been about a half hour late...Any answers I'm all for it...Thanks for listening...jdpinkmom...

FPO jdpinkmom
Joined Jan 20, 2009

Mon, March 24, 2008 1:40 PM

 Reply posted for kelleyw.

Hi, my name is Jeannette and I've had Crohn's for 15 years. I think the disease naturally makes you tired, but you might also consider having your potassium checked. I had been exceptionally tired for a while and the Dr. found out that Crohn's was causing my kidneys to excrete too much potassium. I started taking meds to stop the potassium excretion as well as prescription potassium and I feel much better. I hope this helps! 

FPO mountaingem
Joined Mar 24, 2008

Tue, March 11, 2008 8:39 PM

 Reply posted for kelleyw.

 My name is Lauren and I have had Crohns for 13 years now. Like you, I am always tired! I have had blood tests to see if I am anemic or if there are any other underlying issues. However, everything always comes up normal. I just try to eat healthy and force myself to exercise daily (which does give me a bit more energy afterwards. I work as a teacher and some days it can be very difficult to get through the day and I just want to pass out after! Just keep pushing yourself though. You CAN make it.

FPO laurenc13183
Joined Mar 11, 2008

Fri, March 07, 2008 10:53 PM

 Reply posted for kelleyw.

 Hi Kelly I'm 24 years old and I've had ulcerative colitis since I was 16. I have also been feeling very very tired recently and it doesn't help that I am also in graduate school and completing an internship. I was trying to nap at any time I could because I had no energy and it's so frustrating because I hate feeling unmotivated. Recently I've been trying to go to the gym and even if I just walk on the tred mill for 30 min. I feel more awake. Also taking a short walk outside and letting myself get some fresh air tends to wake me up a bit as well. Good Luck!

FPO sarah
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Fri, March 07, 2008 9:22 PM

 Reply posted for wayofriver.

 I am 26 and have had Crohn's for 10 years. I too am tired a lot, in fact I'm only able to work part time because of it. Luckily I have a administrative job and have the most understanding boss. I try to keep him informed. The Crohn's leaves me feeling tired and I tend to have bouts of depression. I think what helps me is trying to keep a regular sleep schedule and I try to walk a little after dinner (not fast, just a casual walk), it helps me feel better physcially and mentally so that I'm ready for work the next day. I also eat good meals/snacks thru out the day so that I help keep my energy up. I also work on keeping stress at a minimum if possible because that makes me tired too. Working is definitely hard and I often feel co-workers don't understand how I feel so I try to be open about it. I'm so glad I have the job I have now because it has been perfect with the Crohn's plus it's so easy for me to make my doctors appointments and not have to worry about trying to take time off for it. I wish everyone with Crohn's to have a job like mine and a boss like mine. Best wishes!

FPO becs8181
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Sat, February 23, 2008 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for wayofriver.

 Lately I have been unempolyed and using the time to get a control on my Crohn's. I mentioned to my doctor that I was sleeping a lot... close to 12 hours a night. I would go to bed with my fience and stay in bed after he got up to go to work I would sleep until 11:00 .... That cant be good..

I asked about my iron cause I know that it can affect it... but he said my iron was good but I need to quit stressing. Some people dont sleep when they are stressed and some people over sleep. I bought a Gazelle (Exercise machine) to get some exercise instead of sitting on the couch watching tv, and I find on days when I put in 20 min on the Gazelle, basiclly walking I get a lot of stuff done and the next day I dont sleep as long...

FPO spunkyfiregirl
Joined Oct 23, 2008

Wed, February 13, 2008 11:35 AM

 Reply posted for kelleyw.

Hi Kelley. My name is Jade and  I have colitus. I also have bouts with fatigue.  Maybe not as bad as you have had it.  I come home from work and end up falling asleep just after eating dinner.  I hate it.  However, I went to my GP for a physical last year and mentioned the problem.  She tested my blood and found I was very low on iron.  She gave me a prescription and it really helped.  I finished the prescription but now I know that when I start to feel tired, I need to up my iron.  I try to eat more iron rich foods and I take a supplement. It takes a few days but I really can feel a difference.

FPO wayofriver
Joined Mar 7, 2008

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