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Has anyone else had to quit work?

Tue, January 25, 2011 2:38 AM

I posted earlier about changing careers.  I spoke today with my Human Resources office and they were not very helpful about any hope in getting any accomodations for my work or the possibility of Long Term dissability since all I have is Crohns.  My local doc keeps saying he doesn't understand why I have such a hard time being in the office since there is a bathroom there.  Ihave explained to him that I'm in meetings that are othen 2-3 hours at at time, I meet with students for 5-7 hours a day and am constantly being expected to walk across a campus that covers many city block quickly between appointments.  In addition being on call 24/7/365 and having the expection of knowing what is going on even when I'm home dealing with a flair up. 

I realize I'm feeling very overwhelmed right now because I'm very ill and in a rather severe flare.  I went back to work today and made that HR call to help then spoke with my boss who pointed out that it would be good for me to figure out a way to get out of the office.  He then proceeded to dramaticly point out all the things others did because I was out last week.  I followed up and found out most of what he said was untrue.  Of course none of this is documentated and the lies to me were said in a room with no other witnesses.  His normal method of guilting and laying blame.

With a doctor telling me he doesn't think the paperwork is appropriate but I need to not get anymore colds or viruses and a boss being a bully I need to make some serious changes.  I need advice from people who actually know stuff.   I have no family and no spouce so I'm in this alone. 

Any ideas or help would be really so appreciated.


FPO petlover
Joined Jan 20, 2011

Sun, March 20, 2011 11:59 AM

 Reply posted for machal01.

People don't understand the severity of this disease. I was FIRED because of Crohn's. I missed too much work. I worked at an ice cream shop at the time and the customers would complain about the bathroom smell, since they only had one bathroom. So everytime I got sick, I got sent home. And they still fired me. Jerks!!!!!

Anyway, my current job as head of the Art Department leaves me with loads of work and I can't miss because of my disease. I spoke with the company president, office managers/HR, and ADP representative about Crohn's so my job would be safe this time around. You should provide them with documented information about the disease and a doctor's note. If they can't accept that maybe its time to find a new career path or an office that's easier to work in where you aren't running around so much (exercise can be a nasty trigger). Good luck!

FPO catastrophe27
Joined Mar 7, 2011

Thu, February 17, 2011 11:29 PM

 Reply posted for Petlover.

You need to have someone else sit in on every meeting you have with this guy. Just say that you feel more comfortable having a third party observe.

FPO debbates101
Joined Jun 23, 2010

Mon, February 14, 2011 2:27 PM

 Reply posted for Petlover.

Yep, i had to quit i also worked a office job...Stay at your job and fight at least for health insurance coverage. I up and quit and have a ton of medical bills now. I applied for disability and have been collecting for 2 yrs. But this process is long and trying.

FPO machal01
Joined Feb 14, 2011

Mon, January 31, 2011 5:28 PM

 Reply posted for Petlover.

lol I am laughing becuase you wrote " because all I have is Crohn's" .  Oh is that it?  People are so not understanding and don't get it and it will continue until they get educated.  

I would do as the other writer has suggested.  Remind them of the law and just because "they" don't think it's reasonable or appropriate, means that they don't know much about Crohn's Disease.  Give them some pamphlets on what Crohn's is and maybe they'll be humbled.   

It's so sad that most people give  us a hard time because they just don't want to be bothered with the paperwork.  Lazy

Hang in there

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Tue, January 25, 2011 1:06 PM

 Reply posted for Petlover.

Keep in mind Crohn's and colitis are covered under the ADA. Sometimes just reminding HR and/or your boss that you are covered under the ADA is enough to get them to listen. An employer has to make reasonable accommodations.  The only problem is that reasonable accommodations are not the same things to all people. So the employer might not agree with what is reasonable. Also, if you need time off, the FMLA can help for up to three months time (all at once or in shorter blocks). Of course both of these are federal laws; you might have state law protections also.

As far as quitting, that is something only you can answer. My Crohn's became so bad that I had to go out on disability. After about 5 1/2 months of being out, the employer terminated me (I have been out almost 7 months now). So when I do get cleared to work by the doctor, I will be without a job (though in my state I can still file unemployment). Keep in mind that an employer has full right to terminate your position while on disability (based on needing to have someone in that position working). So if you do go out on disability, you might be without a job in the end anyway.
One suggestion I would make is to look into a GI that will support you. My GI actually got on the phone with my disability insurer and explained to them that it is not as simple as having a bathroom available. While I told them the same thing, it makes a big difference when the doctor becomes your advocate too. Not to mention the stress relief it provides to have a doctor that will listen to you and help with what you need to make your quality of life better.
Good luck and let me know how it goes.

FPO cnowlen
Joined Nov 3, 2010

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