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Running with Ulcerative Colitis

Sat, December 01, 2012 2:19 PM

I'm 30, was diagnosed in 2002 with UC, have gone through multiple flares and medications over the years. I'm now grateful to be in a relatively stable place, flare-free for about 3 years with only asacol and daily mesalemine enemas.

I've been a runner most of my adult life. As I learned to tune into my diasease I found that running exacerbated and even caused symptoms... cramping, bloody, loose stool. Stopping running, my symptoms went away in a matter of days. I now enjoy biking and yoga but still dream of running. I went out yesterday for the first time in over 6 months. I didn't notice anything, but that's usually how it goes the first couple of times out.

Has anyone experienced this before? Does anyone have any recommendations as to how I may be able to incorporate running into my life again?


FPO jesslas
Joined Jan 17, 2009

Mon, December 10, 2012 9:20 AM

 Reply posted for mfischel.

Thanks for both of your thoughts. I generally run 5-6 miles as well and over the past week I've been very conscious of how hard I push, taking is slow and steady for only 4 miles a couple times a week while biking and practicing yoga on other days. It seems to be ok and I'm so grateful. I love pushing hard, especially at the end of my runs, but for now, if taking it easy means I can incorporate running back into my life, I'm happy. Thanks again, I've never encountered anyone who has similar issues with running and UC. It seems running, like everything else for me with UC, can be constantly adjusted depending up on my symptoms, beginning with small steps.

FPO jesslas
Joined Jan 17, 2009

Sun, December 09, 2012 9:50 PM

 Reply posted for jesslas.

I have also been a runner for most of my adult life. I try to change it up and run 5-6 miles one day and then elliptical and yoga the next.  The balance really helps me.  When I am in a mild flare, running slower helps and being on a treadmill, so I can get to a bathroom quickly if I need it!  The running shouldn't cause a flare, but it can aggravate one by shaking everything around, increasing blood flow to the intestines and giving you cramps and dehydration.  It kills me to have to go a few days without a run, but if I am flared up, I need to stick to lower impact activities.  I hope this helps.  You can run!

FPO mfischel
Joined Dec 9, 2012

Sun, December 02, 2012 1:05 PM

 Reply posted for jesslas.

There are a couple of factors that need to be considered for distances running and UC (I'm assuming you aren't talking about a half mile jog once a week).  In general, running can cause diarrhea in healthy individuals, let alone those predisposed to it like UC sufferers.  It also reduces bloodflow to the colon and causes acute inflammation when done intensively (e.g. marathon distances), and for extreme runners can cause ischemic colitis, a critical medical emergency.

That said, light to moderate running has excellent long term effects on overall inflammation, reduces stress, and helps bone density.  Where the cutoff is between moderate and extreme is something of an individual issue - build slowly and check in with your doctor and you should be great.

FPO mbishop
Joined Nov 30, 2012

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