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Not Myself After Being Diagnosed with UC

Mon, September 23, 2013 1:21 PM

Hi, everyone, my name is Kristin and I'm 33 years old and was diagnosed with UC on July 18 (just over 2 months ago). Before I was diagnosed I endured 3 weeks of terrifying symptoms which resulted in intense anxiety, depression, and I ended up taking some time off work. My dad passed away from stomach cancer in December of 2011 and I immediately thought of him when I started getting the symptoms; naturally, I was scared.

After I was diagnosed and started taking Lialda (which improved my symptoms very quickly) and I was put on a bland diet. But I have been afraid to be by myself and I have felt ashamed and guilty about the fact that I can't eat the same foods as others. A couple of weeks ago I went to my cousin's 40th bday party and I felt really guilty that I was not eating the food that everyone else was eating. I've also become very bored with the food I have been eating; I've begun to slowly go back to my old diet and so far the foods have been OK but I'm still scared. I also have Type 1 Diabetes, which I've had since I was 8. I've lost weight (which I'm sure is expected) and because I've been on the bland diet I haven't really gained any weight, which has also had me concerned. I'm depressed and anxious and I'm sick and tired of the way I've been feeling. I want to get back to my old self! What has helped any of you?

FPO kristin
Joined Sep 23, 2013

Sat, November 09, 2013 7:54 PM

Hello Kristin - I too commiserate with you as I was diagnosed with UC in 2006.  What a monsterous change it presented to me.
playing in a rock & roll band, touring, working and tons of all under the thumb of IBD.
 In the ER a lot....It came on strongly and took medical professionals way too long to finally diagnose me with UC and begin treatment.
 Dramatic episodes of running to find a bathroom, anywhere, bushes,  and always
making it
*just in time.
so stressful, panic ugh. So, after years of off/on prednisone + daily Asacol usage, with poor results... I tried medical marijuana, received my
green card here in Washington State.  I ingested 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil infused with pot
 every evening and found it very helpful.  In fact it set me into a 3 year
remission where I stopped taking my 12x Asacol pills a day and haven't needed steroids since.
I was able to eat anything I wanted at this point.  Which was not an option at all for my first 5 years with the blessing of colitis.
So, a month ago I applied for a new employment position which required a pre-employment drug screen.... medical marijuana patient, or not, you still have
to submit a THC free urine sample for this job.  So I quit eating my olive oil at night for 3 weeks in order to flush my system of thc, and bang, flare-up.  Like, right now.

So, to get to my point, try mary jane . . . that is, if you can legally acquire it, perhaps?  I've read a lot of good information and success stories about it's
usage with UC.  and it's a natural remedy, unlike a lot of the crap i've had to take whilst living with UC.
Oh, and daily mild exercise seems to help me too.  Lots of water. -----
Sincerely, Jason

FPO spiralstairs
Joined Nov 9, 2013

Thu, November 07, 2013 8:52 PM

 Reply posted for kristin.

Hi Kristin! My name is Jessica. I was diagnosed with UC in 2008. I totally relate to your struggles. I absolutely dread when some mentions going out to eat or BBQs. I used to enjoy those things and now it just gives me tons of anxiety. I'm 28 and have 2 little boys. My oldest has figured out that Mommy spends way too much time in the bathroom, when we could be outside playing instead.  I am now trying to relate to my new normal, because I just don't think I'm every going to be back to the way I used to be.  If you ever want to vent or just talk I'd be glad to listen' and it would be nice to have someone to understand my situation! Best of luck to you! My email is Hope to hear from you! Or anyone who needs to let it out!

FPO jeckanae
Joined Nov 7, 2013

Sat, October 12, 2013 11:59 PM

 Reply posted for kristin.

I understand the symptoms and the frustrations of not being able to eat the foods you enjoyed previous to the UC diagnosis. Take life as it comes, one day at a time. We are here to help.

FPO megan40
Joined Sep 30, 2013

Tue, September 24, 2013 10:05 PM

Hi Kirsten, I'm Lauren.  I'm 28 and was diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 16.  I'm on an extremely low fiber diet.  After suffering from strictures and surgery I eat almost no fruits or vegetables.
Eating with others can be hard, especially if someone has cooked for you, and at pot-lucks.  I try to explain in advance if I can.  I don't request special food be prepared, I just let people know what I can and cannot eat and hope that they will understand.  I often offer to bring a dish and make something I know I can eat.  People don't always understand.  I've told people 'I can't eat fruit or vegetables,' only to have them ask 'But you can eat apples, right?'.  It can be frustrating.  On the other hand there are people who will go out of their way to make something you can eat.  Because I've explained my situation, most of my friends and family will make sure I have an option that works, and won't be offended if I don't eat something.
It sounds like adding foods back into your diet has been working well for you.  At one point I was on a liquid diet and had to add foods back from there.  I was careful to add things slowly and keep track of what affected me badly.  I still don't go for super spicy stuff, but if I'm careful I can have enough variety to keep it interesting.
One of the things I try to remember is that this is the body I have.  I didn't do anything to get Crohn's disease, you didn't do anything to get UC.  You don't have to feel ashamed or guilty for taking care of yourself.  I try not to dwell on how hard it is and just live my life as normally as I can.  I will never have the same diet as most people, but I'm not the only one, and neither are you.

FPO lauren85
Joined Sep 24, 2013

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