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Highly stressful situations trigger my flares. Anybody else experience this?

Fri, May 01, 2015 11:47 PM

When I enter into a situation where there was past pain and anxiety and its triggered again in the present my colitis flares.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep this from continuing to occur?

FPO liam33
Joined May 1, 2015

Thu, October 22, 2015 8:28 PM

 Reply posted for nancyt.

Well just when I didnt think it could get any worse, it did.  On Aug 28 I got the stomach flu. Grandkids had it too. Now 5 weeks later I am still nausea every day and all night. Once in a while Pepto Bismal helps. My GI doc says that  I have "Infectious motility disorder" it comes from having a virus and then your gut takes a long time to recover.  I have to eat super small meals every couple hours. When my stomach gets empty I feel really super sick, AND if I eat a normal sized meal (which is small by most standards) I get even sicker.  My doctors say it could take 3 months to feel better and that one of the doctors there actually just had the same thing.  I am in counceling now with an awesome social worker.  I also started taking probiotics again.  hope it works....     Any suggestions?   ANYONE???

FPO nancyt
Joined Mar 26, 2010

Tue, September 15, 2015 9:42 PM

In response to liam33.
I liked the response of listening to calming music if your driving. If I am at home, if I can walk around and leave the house, I will walk and deep breathe, or listen to my ipod. If I have to stay in bed or around the house because of bad cramping or nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, then I will watch a movie I like and put a heating pad on the area that is cramping. Drinking just plain warm water helps too. I have been given anti anxiety meds to use if it gets too bad, which has helped very much. I know that alot of people are against medications, but after living with Crohn's since I was 13.....I am now 47 and had 5 surgeries for small bowel obstruction and adhesions (typically diseased bowel removed and resegmented), I am for a BALANCED life. I try and eat right, exercise and have fun when I am in remission or feeling well AND I use the drugs my doctor prescribes so that I can have a quality of life too! I belong to several groups to relieve stress, church, ect. Keep fighting the good fight, get a doctor that you like and cares about you, and find a group of people that you can tell your feelings too without feeling weird about it!!! Hope this helps:)cool

FPO muddygal15
Joined Sep 15, 2015

Thu, August 13, 2015 8:18 AM

 Reply posted for liam33.

To avoid being stressed or frustrated, I would try breathing exercises and focusing on something other than the pain in my stomach or the fact that I knew I was going to have to run to the restroom. I know it sounds like its easier said than done, but meditation works as well. On YouTube search for frequency 432; there's many music videos for healing, sleeping and cleansing. This will also help you focus on the music and the way your body feels. If most of your situations happen while in the car, download onto your phone or iPod. Also, I also found that listening to progressive house/deep house or even classical music put my stomach at ease. Hope this helps :) 

FPO brubin
Joined Jul 6, 2015

Wed, August 05, 2015 4:29 PM

 Reply posted for lashawna24.

Stress is definitely one of my biggest triggers for a flare up, and for me it creates a self-perpetuating vicious cycle where I get stressed, i get really sick, then I feel stressed about being sick because it impacts every other part of my life, and get sicker...and you can see where this is going. I have also found during those periods of high stress that because I am not feeling well it is harder for me to do things that might relieve the stress, especially exercise, but one thing I have learned for myself at least is to take it easy on myself - your body is going through a lot and sometimes a few yoga stretches is all you can do but could really help take your mind off of it. I hope you feel better soon. 

FPO annanas28
Joined Jun 20, 2013

Thu, July 23, 2015 8:31 PM

I am super stressed the past few months. My husband has been diagnosed with cancer for the 4th time in the past 15 years, and my mother-in-law just died from the same type of cancer.  I ended up in the ER with a super bad flare of colitis because the GI docs first thought it to be diverticulitis which it turned out not to be.  Anyways ever since then (3-4 weeks ago) I have diarrhea every morning and cramping on and off throughout the day when I have a BM.  ALso my G.E.R.D. at night has gotten worse.  I was told to increase my Pepcid at night for the GERD, but I think this is what might be causing the diarrhea cuz of the magnesium in the Pepcid.  None of the other antacids work or else make my sicker. I tried Librax and it didnt seem to help much. My diet is perfect so its not what I am eating.  No caffeine, no alcohol, no chocolate, no dairy, no fats, no spicey, no acidic, no gluten.  I want to go for counseling to calm me down, but my husband would be upset because he would think that maybe this is more serious and if I am that upset to seek counseling then he will be upset.   I screamed at my grandkids dog today when she ran away (while babysitting) and really upset the 5-yr-old.   I am at my wits end. Anyone have a suggestion??  Oh and on top of it all - my husband doesnt want me to tell anyone about his cancer returning. He thinks not talking about it makes him feel better. I did tell a couple close relatives cuz I couldnt hold it in any longer and he blew up and acts like he will never trust me again.   Phew.  Can anyone please help?

FPO nancyt
Joined Mar 26, 2010

Tue, July 07, 2015 11:17 PM

 Reply posted for liam33.

I have noticed that also happens to me. I am already a person who stresses easily and worries a lot. So I have tried many things, running, reading, and most recently I have been in to adult coloring books. I read getting back to what made you happiest as a child can be what helps you as an adult distress. Anything is worth trying!

FPO kenzeejo
Joined Jul 5, 2015

Tue, June 09, 2015 6:28 PM

 Reply posted for liam33.

Stress tends to trigger my Crohn's as well.  When I am stressed, I tend to pay less attention to what I consume.  I eat things I shouldn't, drink far more coffee than I should, and definitely forget to monitor my water intake.  With obstructive Crohn's, these lifestyle disturbances can have major consequences.  Stress also affects my sleep, which makes getting on during the day rough, since I am already fatigued from Crohn's.  When I am feeling overwhelmed or sense myself about to spiral out of control, I take a step back and remind myself that my health is more important than the minutia underlying my stress.  I also use a fear appeal tactic on myself -- if i allow myself to stress out too much and don't take care of myself, I will end up in pain and even worse potentially in the hospital.  That usually works for me.  Some gentle yoga practices also help put my mind at ease and relax my body.  You might try some restorative yoga in the evening before bed to help clear your mind and allow your body to recharge fully throughout the night.    

FPO amandam
Joined Jun 9, 2015

Fri, June 05, 2015 11:42 PM

 Reply posted for liam33.

Hey ,
 And yes stress is actually what makes my crohn's flare up ... I try to manage it best by going to a therapy which also helped me a lot.

FPO lashawna24
Joined Jun 4, 2015

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