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Life Priorities

Thu, March 05, 2009 1:26 AM

Well this is really tough for me, so I guess Im looking for import or similar stories so I can make it through. Im 17, a senior in highschool, and I was diagnosed a little over a year ago. I just had another colono and my guts are healing very well (I have a pretty severe case) so like Im a lot better than I was. Still I dont have much energy, and I have a horrible immunesystem cause im on humira weekly so Im like sick all the time.

Im also sort of a over-achiever but being involved and doing stuff very well makes me happy. Ive had to miss lots of school, which makes homework a lot harder plus I go to private school so i have TONS! and since Im going to college next year I have a job to make money, I play violin, and I have youth group, and yearbook editor but I dont really do all that much for that besides go online for like an hour and half once a week. Anyways Im now suppose to be doing pain therapy like once a week, plus of course relaxing and sleeping to get healthy.

My current situation is now working right now, its just too much and Im not happy cause I dont feel like I can do anything I want to do, feels like my disease is keeping me from being me! I know I need to get rid of some stuff, or maybe just find away to make things a little more interesting so I can relax and be happy. The only trouble is I dont want to quit my job cause first of all I hardly work so Im not wasting tons of energy there, and because of the economy I doubt Ill be able to find a different job come summer, or lets say I start feeling better in a couple of weeks. My parents teachers and freinds dont really understand this delemia of being happy and feeling fulfilled or dropping everything to be healthy- PLEASE I NEED ADVICE!

FPO rachj
Joined Jun 2, 2008

Fri, March 27, 2009 3:20 PM

 Reply posted for rachj.

Hope all is well with you.  It's very frustrating to not do what you want to do!  Especially with school.  I'm on Humira once a week and, although it has been a life saver, I get the frequent colds (and recently picked up MRSA).  Like you, I had a millon things I wanted to do and felt like the disease was keeping me from them.  However, I realized that I can do anything I want to do, but sometimes at a slower pace then I would like. 


I would continue working and doing school as much as you can, but my advice would be to ask for help.  Can you recieve some Incompletes in a few of your classes and finish them over the summer?  If you take a short leave of absense from work, could you get your job back?  That way, you can try to catch up a little on school.  Have you thought about attending college part time in the fall?  Have you contacted disablitity services at your upcoming college? 


Please keep us posted!!


FPO mountaingirl
Joined Mar 26, 2009

Thu, March 19, 2009 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for rachj.

First of all, it is hard for anyone to completely understand if they do not experience the pain and frustration of the disease. I have had ulcerative colitis for twenty four years and had may share of ups and downs. You can do most of the things that you want to do. However, when you have a flare up it is utterly important to pay attention to the doctor and take really good care of yourself, keep in mind that while you have a flare up that you will get better.  The added stress will only prolong the flare up. It may help you to keep a journel so that you can compare the flare ups to things that you are doing at that time, so that you can avoid them in the future. I know that it is hard for you right now because you seem so different that those around you. It is alright to be different, it is the difference that makes us unique. There are many people that do understand what is going on with you, let that comfort you. Find your strengths from the differences that have come to you.  Best wishes to you, I hope that you have a peaceful journey thoughout your life.

FPO sodarp
Joined Mar 19, 2009

Fri, March 13, 2009 8:08 PM

 Reply posted for rachj.

Oh I feel your pain. I am also 17 years old. I was diagnosed almost 3 years ago now with both Crohn's and Colitis. When I was first in the hospital it was very very bad. I have been fortunate though to not need surgery.

It really is hard to give up stuff because of your health. I hate it too! I hate being controlled by this stupid disease. I just recently made my schools varsity soccer team. Of course as soon as I make it I start having problems. I just had to do the hard task today of explaining everything to my coach and telling her I might not be able to now play for a while. I know this all sucks for you but in these 3 years I have learned when your body is telling you you need a break, take it! You don't want to make yourself any sicker. Best wishes.

FPO girlwthgoals
Joined Mar 13, 2009

Thu, March 05, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for rachj.

Oh, my friend, to be 17 again!  First of all, let me say, just hearing what you are active in and that you are  working while combating this ugly disease, I applaud you!  It seems as if you have the right attitude about dealing with this. 

Give yourself some time.  I know your senior year is an important one for you and it is a once in a lifetime experience you are going through.  But remember, only YOU know how far you can push your Self to do things and when it is time to stop and take a breather. 

It is good to hear that you are able to work.  I know that when I am off work due to the flare ups, it tears me down emotionally and I would rather be at work.  But what you have - that positive attitude - will help with your treatments and not allow stress to override the good times and knock you off your feet for a bit. 

Only you, Rach, know how far you can push yourself.  It is a matter of finding a balance.  And for a 17 year old to be at this level of inner discovery is wonderful to see!  You actually have given me a boost in my emotional state to keep fighting and not giving up! 

Take it one day at a time, know what your limits are, and if you don't feel you can do something, simply don't.  There's no point in making yourself worse by pushing too hard. 

My fiancee asks me around Thursday of each week what we're going to do on the weekend.  Jokingly I say, SLEEP!!!!!  I know I cannot commit myself to anything too soon in the week because I don't know how my body will be acting down the road.  I truly have learned to take it one day at a time. 

Stay positive, my friend.  You seem like a very talented and outgoing person who has alot to offer the world and you will. 

Keep us posted ok?

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

Thu, March 05, 2009 1:00 AM

 Reply posted for rachj.

Oh, my friend, to be 17 again!  First of all, let me say, just hearing what you are active in and that you are  working while combating this ugly disease, I applaud you!  It seems as if you have the right attitude about dealing with this. 

Give yourself some time.  I know your senior year is an important one for you and it is a once in a lifetime experience you are going through.  But remember, only YOU know how far you can push your Self to do things and when it is time to stop and take a breather. 

It is good to hear that you are able to work.  I know that when I am off work due to the flare ups, it tears me down emotionally and I would rather be at work.  But what you have - that positive attitude - will help with your treatments and not allow stress to override the good times and knock you off your feet for a bit. 

Only you, Rach, know how far you can push yourself.  It is a matter of finding a balance.  And for a 17 year old to be at this level of inner discovery is wonderful to see!  You actually have given me a boost in my emotional state to keep fighting and not giving up! 

Take it one day at a time, know what your limits are, and if you don't feel you can do something, simply don't.  There's no point in making yourself worse by pushing too hard. 

My fiancee asks me around Thursday of each week what we're going to do on the weekend.  Jokingly I say, SLEEP!!!!!  I know I cannot commit myself to anything too soon in the week because I don't know how my body will be acting down the road.  I truly have learned to take it one day at a time. 

Stay positive, my friend.  You seem like a very talented and outgoing person who has alot to offer the world and you will. 

Keep us posted ok?

FPO aca11
Joined Mar 3, 2009

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