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giving up

Sun, June 13, 2010 8:46 AM

I've had UC for 10 yrs this Sept. and I'm only 26. I've always tried to have a positive attitude, looked on the bright side, all that. However, now I'm on remicade, coming off 6mp very very slowly, feel depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and still feeling sick often. No matter how strict I am with my diet, or try to stay positive it's like I've gone into overload and just can't do it anymore. My doctor gave me the name of a psychologist who deals with chrons and colitis but we've playing phone tag all week to make an apt. Not sure what kind of response I'm looking for but I just feel like I can't even function right now.

FPO sarah
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Fri, July 09, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Oh, honey, my heart goes out to you. I know you posted this a month ago so I hope this finds you in a better position. I really empathize with what you are feeling. This disease has been so up and down for me. A medicine will seem to fool me for about a month--it works great and then all of a sudden it just stops working. Then I can't go to work and I can't go anywhere and I'm home all day curled up on my sofa with my pain, nausea and a heating pad. And a bad case of growing depression. The only thing that keeps me going is that every evening I have a husband that comes home to me with a positive attitude and gives me a big hug and kiss.

Try this: in a notebook every day take a few minutes to write down 5 things that you observed throughout the day that you thought were positive or beautiful. It could be anything--from a pretty flower you saw to someone helping you or someone else. Or something you did that day that you enjoyed. It really does help to keep you focused on the positive. Then when you're feeling a little down you can look back on what you've written. I hope you try it and hope it helps you!

FPO debbates101
Joined Jun 23, 2010

Sun, June 13, 2010 7:29 PM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Don't give up on the therapist.  Most of them don't have secretaries so they do all the work themselves.  

Once you get to see a therapist you will see that it does help, don't give up

FPO magonza8279
Joined Mar 18, 2009

Sun, June 13, 2010 11:23 AM

 Reply posted for Sarah.

Oh dear how I can share your feelings. Sometimes it seems our plates are so full and we feel so sick so much of the time it makes ya wonder if things will ever get better. Somehow it seems to after a while. I can't make myself feel cheerful no matter what I do. When I'm scared, exhausted and in pain, for me telling myself I'm happy doesn't work.

 What I try to do is "get above it". It's hard to explain what that means exactly but sometimes being so drained and so anxious my brain seems to almost adapt and shift a gear and I get a feeling of new resolve knowing that it's possible to feel better and be better and then I feel kind of an inner strength. I don't know where it comes from.

I have Crohn's and in a way used almost envy people with colitis since removing the colon cures the problem, which doesn't happen with Crohn's. I now realize how foolish that is. Nevertheless it is possible to feel better, there is no law that says a flare can't just stop. I still tend to stick to certain foods when in a flare but don't go overboard as it can drive me a little cuckoo. 

I hope your therapist responds, if not look for another. You don't have to have IBD to come to understand it and sometimes a fresh perspective helps. None of the therapists I've seen over the years knew much about IBD (3 therapists) but each was able to help. You need someone who is accessible and that may not be the person "who knows IBD". I'm thinking of you. It can and will get better.

FPO titan1
Joined Sep 1, 2008

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