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Feel like Crohn's is winning...

Wed, August 11, 2010 10:15 AM

I'm 24, and have been sick for over 2 years, although it has been just in the past couple months my doctors have felt confident enough to say I have Crohn's. I also have a hiatal hernia, acid reflux, and some esophagus allergy with a really long name. I practically live at the doctor's offices - lab staff know me on a first name basis. I've had cat scans, allergy tests, x-rays, probably drawn the amount of blood in my body several times over, endoscopies, a colonoscopy, a capsule endoscopy, you name it, I've had it done. I've been on Pentasa, which gave me allergic reactions, and mercaptopurine, which makes me nauseous. I also take prilosec, and am supposed to be on a steroid inhaler, taking 4 allergy pills a day, and now have added entocort to the pharmacy of things I take. It just doesn't stop, ever. My throat hurts, I've lost more than 20% of my body weight from my inability to eat and keep anything down. My stomach hurts, my chest kills, and on a given day I could be having any variety of lovely side effects such as dizziness, dry mouth, lightheadedness, and I'm ALWAYS tired. Plus now I'm immune compromised, so I turn up with flu, bronchitis, and various other infections in between. I have to hold down a full time job to keep my insurance and on top of bills - I cannot live on 60% of my salary if I were to take disability. I wake up nauseous every single morning. I think I could tolerate the rest if I could just get some relief from the nausea and vomiting. I feel like Pavlov's dog - like I'm developing a psychological aversion to eating bc of the repeated vomiting. I've got my PCP, my GI, a specialist, an allergist, and a chiropractor all stumped on how to force me into remission for a while. I've gotten some anxiety pills to help me sleep, but then I feel like a zombie in the morning, and it's just another pill. I've tried seeing a therapist, but I don't think she understands.

FPO rachelp1985
Joined Mar 22, 2010

Wed, September 01, 2010 1:51 PM

 Reply posted for rachelp1985.

Hi Rachael,

This is a late response, but maybe will give you some help. I am the nausea queen - and already posted this on another board - but there ARE drugs they can give you to help the nausea. Fenegren, Zofran, and Compazine have all worked for me. Sometimes they reco Omeprazole (40mg of Prilosec) to help w/ nausea but it just works on acid in the stomach. I take Effexor (which is pretty mild) for stess and anxiety and def don't feel like a zombie. I was also very lucky to have a good therapist when I was diagnosed a few years ago in my late 20s. During my first flare-up she reco'd I might need a therapist that specializes in chronic illness or pain - maybe a new therapist could help?

Take care,


FPO jmichelle
Joined Sep 1, 2010

Wed, August 25, 2010 2:24 PM

 Reply posted for rachelp1985.

Rachel-  I totally understand what you are going through,  I am a 30 year old female with Crohn's disease.  I was a healthy, normal, young woman until about 4 years ago.  I started seeing blood in my stool, and was running to the bathroom all of the time.  It just came out of no where!  After that I was in and out of the hospital staying for months at a time.  I was working at a job as an Exec. Asst for over 4 years but the sicker I became the more work I would miss.  I had most of my colon removed and had to have a colostemy bag for 6 months!  That really put a cramp in my dating life let me tell you LOL!  Eventually I was "hooked back up", but have never been the same.  I was let go from that job and my COBRA ran out.  I am now at a new job but there is no insurance plan here and since I have Crohn's I can't get my own policy.  It really sucks!  I was just in the hospital a few weeks ago for this flare up that won't seem to go away.  I had several blood transfusions while I was there, as well as my iron fusion, and other medications.  As you can imagine it costs a fortune!  I just send in monthly payments and do what I can.  But I am tired all the time and feel like crap...I try to work out when I can that seems to help.  I also try and keep a positive attitude.  I always think how much worse it could be and be thankful for what I have.  Stressing out definetly makes it worse

FPO sarahk
Joined Aug 24, 2009

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