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Crohns And College

Mon, March 14, 2011 4:07 AM

Hi, I'm 19' and I've had crohns disease for a little over 3 years. Coming this may, I would have finished my first year of college. But this last semester has been really though for me. I'm not really one to complain in my family. I've always been the strong one, so them seeing me cry, or in pain is not really what I've been use to doing. But anyway, back to college, I am the first in my family to go, so I've  built up this pressure  that I can not, under no circumstances fail. And I am hating myself because I am failing my last semester. I've just had an extremely hard time dealing with the loss of insurance, no regular GI doctor for check up s  and regular visits to the hospital. So emotionally, I am struggling , I am not sure who or where to turn. My mother doesn't  understand the food restrictions or flare up's but she is trying. I know that everyone close to me has made a lot of sacrifices for me so that I can feel as comfortable as possible dealing with this, but I still get upset, because even thought they are doing what they can, they still won't and can't  understand the pain I've been going thru. I've had an on going flare up for the past 3 weeks, and its very difficult. I usually take Remicade to manage my 'attacks' but with the lose of insurance and not having a regular doctor that will see me really takes an emotional tole on me. I'm not asking for a charity  or anything if the sort, I'm just asking for someone to talk to, someone bwho understands how it feels to be alone because no one else does...



FPO kieshanichole
Joined Mar 6, 2011

Wed, March 30, 2011 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for kieshanichole.

I agree with what Ash said below.  I am also in college, I am a junior.  I switched majors because of my crohn's causing me to miss more than half of my classes and making all D's.  I changed from Biological Sciences to Construction Engineering, adding another year and a half to my schooling.  Construction is easier and I like it a lot, but biological sciences is my passion I have learned.  The point is, I let my crohn's win.  I played a mind game with myself and took the easy road out.  Now that I have a great focus, I'm getting a degree that isn't my very top choice.  But once I learned that I can control me, I learned how to control my outlook on school.  I went from not thinking I could make it to making solid A's.  I would try doing the things that Ash said, and also try mixing in things that you enjoy doing into each day.  The more positive you are, the better you will be.  I think you will find that this will also help with your health. 

FPO nick p
Joined Jan 20, 2011

Sat, March 26, 2011 6:32 PM

 Reply posted for kieshanichole.

Your college should have a disability office which will help you.

FPO ez
Joined Nov 9, 2008

Mon, March 21, 2011 10:51 PM

 Reply posted for kieshanichole.


I was diagnoised near the end of my junior year of college and am near the end of my senior year of college now. I've had some ups and downs, the beginning of my fall semester was really rough, I could barely stay in classes for the full period, but right now I'm on a medication that works for the most part.

But anyway, here are some things I learned that might help you with coursework and stuff. Keep a calendar with all of your important assignments/tests on it somewhere where you can see it all the time. On days you feel good, get ahead on your school work. Then on days that you don't feel well, you can just sleep or do whatever because you won't be as focused. Sometimes letting your professors know that you have Crohn's is a good idea because they might give you small breaks when you aren't feeling too well. One of my professors had worked with someone who had Crohn's at a different job and knew about the difficulties. As long as you don't appear to be taking advantage of their kindness, most profs will be ok with extending an assignment or allowing you to miss class.

Don't let yourself stress too much. Just take everything a day at a time and you'll be fine. Also, you might want to check to see if your college has any way to get some sort of medical coverage while you're there.

If you have any more questions, I hope I can answer some. In the past year I've dealt with some of the craziness of college and crohn's, like the fact that I got kicked off the crew team because I was 'too sick' and they weren't sure what I had in the beginning of the Spring season . .  but anyway enough with my complaining! I hope this helps!

FPO ash
Joined Feb 22, 2011

Wed, March 16, 2011 1:54 AM

 Reply posted for lexerrr.

Thank you all for the input and advice.

Lexi, I understand that you don't want to move away from family. I don't want to do that either, but man it is hard. I go to a small university,and a part of me wishes I went to a community college, becuase when I do have flare ups, no one on campus understands the pain, or what I go thru just to have like this normal life on the outside, so I do wish I would have went to a communtiy college so I can be at home, and still go to class. I kinda just took the leap and said "I Can Handle This," but at the same time i was not sure of what i was getting myself into emotionally. So It's been hard at times. But I don't know what Cizima is, (sorry, I know I am spelling that wrong,) but I've never heard of it. I'm currently on Remicade, and so far it has been working for me. But there are still some issues I have to deal with on it. But Thanks. This websre is pretty amazing. Having the ability to talk to others who actually understand what you are going thur.

Thanks. :]

FPO kieshanichole
Joined Mar 6, 2011

Mon, March 14, 2011 8:24 PM

 Reply posted for kieshanichole.

hi, im also 20 years old and im struggling with ulcerative colitis. Dealing with this diesase is hard enough, but then school on top of it is even worse. I am in my last semester of community college and my dream school is in another state, but im scared to move away from my family. You need to think postive and be strong, and im so happy to have found this website where i can read about people like me who actually understand. Im about to start Cimizia the shots and im nervous. My parents told me to keep a food diary to see what foods make my stomach hurt. I am here for you



FPO lexerrr
Joined Mar 14, 2011

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