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When We're Lonely (Let's Meet Here / Be Here for Each Other)

Mon, July 25, 2011 7:02 PM

Hi!  I experience a lot of loneliness because of my Crohn's symptoms!  Without making a phone call or leaving home, sometimes I simply want to say hi to (or) ENGAGE IN SMALL TALK with SOMEONE WHO TRULY UNDERSTANDS the IBD experience!  If any of you have the same needs that I have, COME HERE WHENEVER, so WE CAN TYPE ABOUT WHATEVER, & thus, REDUCE LONELINESS / BE HERE FOR EACH OTHER!  

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Sun, December 23, 2012 10:32 PM

 Reply posted for alivein315.

Hi, I saw you mentioned how your family decides they are qualified to give you advice on the disease. Going home for the holidays is always hard because it is impossible to show them how you are feeling. That is almost the worst part about this. Everyone says, "oh you look fine, what's wrong?" and that just sucks. You said it gets better with time, but any other advice on ignoring/replying to comments like that?


FPO khutch888
Joined Dec 6, 2012

Tue, October 30, 2012 2:32 AM

 Reply posted for charosg.

yeah... you are right my friend..

this is what i feel ... bcz.. its hard for normal people to understand uc patients..

so it is always better to choose the right one for life...

i went trough many situation that nobody understand me.. 

all are saying i am perfect...  but i know well that i am not....

i am person who dont have control at all when feel to go rest room..

i will be running... if i couldn't see ant rest room with in 30 sec.. that's it...

i am age of 26 now... parents compelling me to get married.. but i am not feeling...

because i am always sick and dont have energy too..

in the time passing stool... my abdomen and knees get pain like *** ...

the pain is.. nobody understand me ...  i am thinking what i can do.. .

i did computer science engg.. but couldn't go for that job.. because of uc.

and i am really afraid to go to work in big companies... becz i cant sit long.

bcz of uc i m going for small salary jobs ( marketing) ... all are blaming me... for going this types of jobs..

but no body wants to  know why i am selecting these type of job...

please tell what  i can do...  how to convince my parents about my situations..

FPO annmarypaul
Joined Oct 27, 2012

Fri, February 10, 2012 6:39 PM

Hey NeverEnding, 

Its good to hear from you, I miss your sense of humor, especially due to we both have the same kind.  I have been doing really well actually, no problems with theostomy and have been playingallot of hockey.  Lately I have not been missing any games and have started a good weight lifting regiment.  That has really helped get my strength up and I forgot how much I love weight lifting.  Also, for the first time in about 8 years, I can sit down completely comfortably and lift, and ride the bike to warm up!!  I was ecstatic the whole time with this huge smile on my face.  People musthave been like, man, this guy really like to weight lift for he is drunk, lol  The Humira seems to be doing the job and take B-12 shots once a month and that's it.  Even all the dr appts have slowed way down, where they are few and far between.  I am still not used to any of this, I had totally lost reality on what is was like to sleep and function normally during the day.  Thanks for asking, I really appreciate it!!  Ok, you had mentioned that you had to do the classic fun beverage night of the delightful x-ray drinks, uggh.  I will never miss that ever, I had don't so many colonoscopys,endo, sigmoid.  The wine glass was a really funny idea, were you in fact getting a colonoscopy?  That great you did it and got it over with, how were the results?!  I hope  nothing was going on!  I know you said you had some symptom's?  I bought the Ostomy Armor, its awesome and really works great, really comfortable to.  If I can get back into police work eventually, that will allow me to do it.  Let me know when you can how your test went?


FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Sun, February 05, 2012 11:51 AM

 Reply posted for pippin2005.

I know what your talking about. It's hard to have any kind of life social life when your single with this disease. People just don't understand what we go through, nor do they want to deal with the unpredictability of us having to run to the rest room. I tell people it like a light switch being turned on. As far as going on a date, I can't remember what that is any more.  like you I'm divorced with no children and live alone, and there are no support groups in my area, so I face things alone. I've had surgery and spent nine days in the hospital , ninety five percent of that time I was alone. I wouldn't wish this disease on my worst enemy. I guess we have to be strong for ourselves and never give up.

FPO vulcan900
Joined Feb 5, 2012

Mon, January 30, 2012 9:05 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

HI Andrew! Long time no talk... I almost had forgotten how busy I get when I'm back to working full time!! Anyway, I pretty much just wanted to see how you've been doing lately! 
I've been pretty good since surgery.  Found out I am allergic to imuran, so I'm trying to skate by with no meds for awhile... I just seem to either not react at all or react poorly to all of them.  In a little more than a week for now my intestines get to be movie stars again just to make sure its all going okay.  I kind of have a bad feeling though, since I've just recently been having some mild symptoms again. Bleh!!! 
Anyway... I'll be toasting with a glass of yummy salty prep solution soon!! I think just for the heck of it I should drink it from a wine glass! lol! 
Hope all is well for you!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Thu, January 12, 2012 9:27 PM

Hi Beesom,   I read your post and can empathize with you 100%.  I know this is sorta lame, but I wanted to get back to you and am tired at the moment.  I sent this same post to the Author awhile ago, and meant every word of it to that person as well.  I wanted to send it to you also due to it applies the very same way.  

I have had Crohn's Disease for a long time, 1987, then 2003-1010 were really eventful and rough.   Having Crohn's can be a very lonely feeling, allot of times friends and family just don't get it.  So its giving me a real chance to look back, and I never realized on how much of a robot I started turning into, and the tunnel vision.  At the same time though, I have always kept a great sense of humor about it all.  In '09 I had to get a partialcolectomy and a permanent ostomy.   I am playing on a ice hockey team and love ever shift I take.  I'm still getting used to my ostomy bag, but it can lead to some great humor if others who don't have IBD are willing to joke about it, some just get silent about it, and I understand.  When I'm ice playing hockey, and I have to go to the bathroom.  In the old days as we all know, when you gotta go, you really got to go!.  With the bag,  I can just keep on playing and just go and not miss a shift!   I used to be a police officer until I had to retire so to stop working due to the Crohn's was way out of control.   I would never pass the medical exam now, so being a cop for now is not realistic..  All is great though, I had a feeling it would come to this, and am still trying to handle he fatique factor and especially getting stronger agian.  Let me know how you are doing when you can!  



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Thu, January 12, 2012 9:22 PM



Hi Beesom,   I read your post and can empathize with you 100%.  I know this is sorta lame, but I wanted to get back to you and am tired at the moment.  I sent this same post to the Author awhile ago, and meant every word of it to that person as well.  I wanted to send it to you also due to it applies the very same way.  

I have had Crohn's Disease for a long time, 1987, then 2003-1010 were really eventful and rough.   Having Crohn's can be a very lonely feeling, allot of times friends and family just don't get it.  So its giving me a real chance to look back, and I never realized on how much of a robot I started turning into, and the tunnel vision.  At the same time though, I have always kept a great sense of humor about it all.  In '09 I had to get a partialcolectomy and a permanent ostomy.   I am playing on a ice hockey team and love ever shift I take.  I'm still getting used to my ostomy bag, but it can lead to some great humor if others who don't have IBD are willing to joke about it, some just get silent about it, and I understand.  When I'm ice playing hockey, and I have to go to the bathroom.  In the old days as we all know, when you gotta go, you really got to go!.  With the bag,  I can just keep on playing and just go and not miss a shift!   I used to be a police officer until I had to retire so to stop working due to the Crohn's was way out of control.   I would never pass the medical exam now, so being a cop for now is not realistic..  All is great though, I had a feeling it would come to this, and am still trying to handle he fatique factor and especially getting stronger agian.  Let me know how you are doing when you can!  



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Sat, January 07, 2012 11:26 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Hello Everyone!

I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's in September after almost a year of pain and discomfort. My boyfriend broke up with me the end of October beginning of November, and he said it had nothing to do with me being sick. I try to tell myself that, but a lot of the times I just don't think anyone really understands how lonely this disease can be. I've just learned to suck it up and move on, but it really is hard to talk about with people who don't understand the embarrassment and helplessness one feels when they go through something like this. I've tried to own it and talk about it, but I do feel really really lonely. I've got a great family and supportive friends, but I really don't have the energy to do anything. I am on the Remicade treatment, but it takes all my energy to do my job, and when I get home, I just want to rest and go to sleep. I get colds easier and that just makes it worse. I quit promising people to do things on the weekends or on weeknights because I just don't know how I will feel. This I know isolates me, but I just don't know what to do for energy! I try working out at home on a stationary bicycle. I'm still afraid to go to the gym because I'm afraid I'll have to go to the bathroom suddenly. Again, I just want to get out in the world again. I look at pictures and I just look pale and sick, and I don't want to look or FEEL that way!

FPO beesonm
Joined Oct 12, 2011

Wed, December 28, 2011 5:03 PM


I had looked at your web sight, its really nice and well done.  Is it mainly geared to teens with IBD?,  just wanted to make sure.   Someone asked me once if there was  support group for teens with IBD actually?  I would be glad to sign on if its for people with IBD of all ages?, my story with Crohn's is long and very eventful,  but I am always looking to offer any advice I can that may help someone.  I had read that you had a MRI and got to have some of that tasty barium!  I have had so much barium in my time that I am pretty much done with that stuff, lol  The timing is always the worst to, fasting the night before, no coffee in the morning!, then they hand you that 10 pound cup of that stuff.   I got diagnosed with Crohn's when I was 21, that was after a year of knife stabbing pain in my gut.   2003 to 2010 was non stop operations for the Crohn's and now have a partial coloectomy with a permanent ostomy.  I have never felt better and just take Humira now and things are nice and quiet and uneventful with the Crohn's.   I'm 46 now, but remember vividly when I was first learned that I Crohn's.   In 1987, Crohn's was anything but a house hold name.   Thanks to CCFA!!,  they have created the amount of awareness that exist today!  Nevertheless, I was so fired up to go under the the knife, I could not wait!  I ate like a horse for a month after I got out, due to I could eat again comfortably to say the least.  

Hope you are feeling well!,


FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Wed, December 28, 2011 4:35 PM


I have not seen you on this site in awhile, how are things going for you these days?

Hope all is well!,


FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Fri, December 23, 2011 6:52 PM

 Reply posted for pippin2005.

Hi, I am understand how lonely this disease can make you. I am married to somebody with Crohns who is right now on a hospital bed. This is very tough for the patients and for the family members. Finding somebody who will love you and stand by you during these times will be hard BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Love can overcome everything. You will find someone who will be determine to fight this disease along with you. Hang in there.

FPO charosg
Joined Dec 23, 2011

Thu, December 15, 2011 10:02 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I have a website that i am trying to get started as a support group/ resource of info :)

go to and lets get this website filled with everyone who needs support <3

FPO annagaede
Joined Dec 15, 2011

Tue, December 06, 2011 11:04 PM

 Reply posted for alivein315.

I read one of your other post and sorta had to write back in support for you what you were saying.  I think you were responding to another person?  Family and friends when it comes to Crohns or IBD, uggh!  I have all but given up on my immediate family even remotely getting it.  Like you said, as time goes on its much easier to move on from it.  This is a huge issue with people with IBD and its like the last thing you should have to deal with, is explaining why you cant make it to dinner, other family events, and so on.  This is even after I would always give them up dates on what was going on, procedures, new medication I am on, another upcoming operation.   I think I set my own record for drinking barium!  My really good friends were big time understanding from the beginning, and my fellow co workers at my job.  There were several times when I ran out of leave, and my fellow brothers and sisters and my police department would donate me leave so I could heal up and not go broke.  Dont know what I would have done without them?!.  So I found that my friends were the ones who really understood and they were my total support group for me and my now wife.  I have had  the comments from my family to, not my dad, he totally gets it, but my stepmother, would actually be so judgmental, like you are being selfish by not going to dinner, or are being lazy that type of thinking.  She has said so much crazy stuff I lost track.  So I have not told her a thing about anything and it was a great relief.  Sometimes you just have to put your foot down, when people say whats taking you so long in the bathroom or getting ready?  My advice is to be assertive and respectful by saying NO, I am tired and I am in pain.  It took me awhile to put my foot down,  due to family politics.  Looking back I should have done it much earlier. I am just saying all this info because I know allot of people have talked about this, and if any of my thoughts advice can help at all than that is awesome!

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Tue, December 06, 2011 10:34 PM

 Reply posted for alivein315.

Hey there, I have not been on this site in weeks and saw that you had asked how I was doing, and thank you.  I wouldnt want to bourdon you with my story, its long and really tough to keep it short.  You must have read a older post of mine, if you knew I was on disibilite, so I am glad you read that and you preety much know the poop with my Crohns.  How long have you had CD for and have you any operations?   When I applyed for disibilite, one the paper work in itself was unreal and really confusing.  I think its more just all the anxiety and stress of having I will say in my case sever Crohns and be able to concentrate on gettin all the paper work in.  But, I fouund that once you give it the go over a couple times and makes allot of sence and is a great feeling once you get it in.  I think mine took about 7 months to get approved, but the hard work was all worth it, due to like you mentioned.  I was sent my annuity covering those 7 months.  With being out of work and pile of doctor bills, I could not have been better timed.  I have know idea what I would have done without the disibilite?, I have never taken it for granted, and it allowed me to make my new full time job of getting the Crohns under control.  My wife and I live in the upper mid west, where the temps are not very balmy anymore, lol  Upstate NY is awesome by the way!!,  I have been to  Lake Placid, and all I could think about was 1980!!! My wife was everything when it came to my Crohns with all the wound care changes from being home bound several times.     How are you though?  hang in there with the disibility!, we were very fortunate to get the annuity to pay all my dr. bills and co -pays, and medications, and on and on and on, lol  I have had about 10 operations, so let me know how your CD is, I am always looking to give any advice I may have to a CDer or IBDer, I just made that up, lol 

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Wed, November 23, 2011 11:45 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Hi everyone! So I was doing pretty good, and healing up from surgery.  Soo... then I finally got myself a doggie! =) =) I've been wanting one since I moved into my house 6 months or so ago! Not very long after I wound up in the hospital with an infection, and bad reaction to the med I was taking... but coming home to my lively 10 month old lab, and having someone to take care of instead of just being the one being taken care of for once was a good change for me! We've been going for walks before and after I go to work, and all of his energy has definitely perked me up on those days when I don't have any other reason to get out of bed. One day a parent of a child that I take care of was feeling bad for me to have to pick her up, and I assured her that wrestling with my 70 pound big pup is a good sign that I'm ready to care for any kid who I took care of before the surgery.  He is quite the ladies' man at the dog park too!! I suggested to my boyfriend (who was reluctant about taking on one pup with my unpredictable health status) that maybe our pooch needs a girlfriend at home so that he doesn't feel like a third wheel... and needless to say that's not going to happen (yet!) He gets nervous every time I scan the pet section of craig's list, or go to to see who's out hanging out at the shelters... but I swear I'm just looking! I don't mind being outnumbered by guys in the house... especially when it seems I'm a lucky enough girl that they both shower me with affection <3

I hope that everyone has been feeling well!! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Tue, November 22, 2011 12:22 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Somedays I just kick back and listen to the Temptations and I feel better. Just try it. I always feel better.

FPO rjeberhart
Joined Mar 8, 2011

Fri, November 18, 2011 5:41 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Hi.  I was diagnosed in 2008 and last week found out that it is back.  Also this week found out I have diverticulitis.  It is hard to deal with this.  I also have several autoimmune diseases and don't feel well much of the time.  My husband is very supportive, but don't really have friends.  People either don't understand or don't want to be around someone who has health problems.  I do feel sad and lonely too sometimes.  The only family I have here in N.C. is my husband and my dog.  We moved here (retired) a few years ago.  Was so looking forward to retirement, but as soon as I came down here from D.C. I was diagnosed because I was sick all the time with diarrhea, etc.  I also find that stress is a killer.  We all need to take life with some laughter - it's hard sometimes, but I'm trying.

FPO ecyoung
Joined Nov 18, 2011

Mon, November 14, 2011 12:32 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I'm 48 years old, divorced, no kids and have had severe Crohn's with numerous surgeries since I was 19. Like PyroZack, I'm on SSI.


My queston is, where do us "Chronies" find dates with this crappy disease when you don't work? And when you do date, it's so stressful! Having to explain why you can eat very few things, can't EVER be more than 3 minutes from a bathroom, why you don't work, why you don't want to sleep over...oh yeah, and the sex thing can be MORTIFYING!

Sometimes I feel like I'll never find love again and desperately miss that feeling. I have great family and friends but I am so lonely!

FPO pippin2005
Joined Nov 13, 2011

Sat, October 29, 2011 12:26 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Sorry it has taken me forever to get back here. A pediatric nurse...... what a fantastic job!! With me, I grew up riding horses then worked on horse breeding farms in Australia, UK and USA before becoming an intensive care nurse in a horse ICU. I worked mostly with mares and sick newborn foals. So that lead to me being a vet. I love all aspects of medicine, but in particular emergency and critical care..... especially with problem pregnancies/births and sick newborns. I have expanded into all large animals. At the moment, my goal is to complete my residency training.

So I guess we actually work in a similar field.... I just work with the 4-legged type! Anyway, hope you are well. It started snowing here.... October apparently dressed as January for Halloween!!

FPO aussie
Joined Mar 13, 2011

Mon, October 24, 2011 12:12 PM

 Reply posted for PyroZack.

I know what you mean.  Hopefully you are feeling better since that last post, but be encouraged that your frustration and sadness is understood by people that are going through the same thing as you.  You're not alone.

Hang in there!

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Mon, October 24, 2011 12:07 PM

 Reply posted for hsmarshall.

Yup!  I can relate 100%.  I get that feeling from family members all the time.  Not too much from friends because I don't really mention my illness because it's not the greatest of topics to talk about.  My family pretty much doesn't undertand the illness and prefer to stay ignorant even after I have attempted to explain to them what Crohn's is and how it effects my life.  They judge me and talk amongst themselves about me and think what they do, I really just ignore the negativity and try to mentally dismiss the rude and wrong things I over hear.  It was very hard for me to realize this reality in the beginning, but it's gotten easier as time passes.

Hang in there and know you are not alone.  People acccept you and care about your wellbeing.  Hope today is a good day for you.  

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Mon, October 24, 2011 11:57 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Sounds good to me.... If it weren't for these support forums, I'd be completely alone.  I'll be here if you or anyone needs support.  Thanks for starting this thread!  

Have a sunny and happy day!

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Mon, October 24, 2011 11:54 AM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

Hi Andrew.  I have not worked since 2007 as well.  It does not feel like 4 years, but I can't believe so many have past.  

I'm 33 and live in upstate NY.  Where do you live and how old are you?
How do you support yourself without having a job for so long? Do you get disability or work from home?  I should have applied for disability a long tie ago, but I finally got everything in and now I'm just waiting on a decision.  From all the conversations I've had with people assigned to my case, it sounds hopeful that I will get approved.  Good news is that they can go back 2 years from the time I applied... Thank God.  I am itching to work though.  I have looked into some freelance jobs on a site that's called  There is A LOT of work for people that are looking for a job and possess some good computer skills.  
So, how are you feeling these days with the Crohn's?  Do you have a good support system, like family and friends that are understanding?  My family doesn't really get it, even after I explain to them what it's like being sick with Crohn's.  I find that it's easier and less stressful if I just don't mention my illness, and some people I find that it's easier if I just avoid them all together.  I've learned that some people are just toxic and not a positive influence in my life.  No one needs people in their lives that are drags.  
Well, glad I saw your post. Write soon & Have a great day!

FPO alivein315
Joined May 30, 2009

Thu, October 13, 2011 8:06 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

yuck, shingles. i remember the first time that i learned about shingles... i was volunteering at a nursing home in my early teens, and an elderly lady there had them on her back.  she was normally very polite and you know... the  "oh hello dear, how are you today? what a dear little outfit you have on today. now would you just be a dear and hand my my wart cream over there and just put a little on my foot for me?" type. but when she had shingles, she just screamed, and moaned all day to the point where my teenage self just couldn't take it any more.

i'm doing really good now.  i am cleared to eat whatever i want.  i went back to work just 2 weeks after the surgery. i still have an open incision that i have to pack with gauze, but its no biggie. 

more importantly.... last night i bought my very first dog of my own!!! =) he is an 11 month old yellow lab, and i'm keeping up with all of his *** and energy as well as i would have before all this crohn's business.

what's crohn's disease again?? oh my... i'm hoping this lasts for a looooong time! ;) my gi doctor said that its typical to expect 5-10 flare free years if i take my meds, watch my stress, don't smoke or drink alcohol.... i'm pretty bad at avoiding stress because i seem to always want to help other people with theirs and it becomes mine,  but i handle it pretty well (i usually laugh at it) so i guess i'm okay!!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Thu, October 06, 2011 11:55 AM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

lol, I had a typo, I meant to say, sorry I am just now getting back to you.

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Thu, October 06, 2011 11:54 AM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Hey Never Ending,

Sorry I'm just not getting back to you, I had not made the time to sit down and write and spend some time on the forum.  I read your note several days ago that you got your operation done, that is great news!  I totally know what you mean about wanting to get our of there and get home.  I think it makes a huge difference to get back home and to your own bed. The last time I was in, I could not wait to get back home especially due to getting hospital bed sores.   Let alone getting real sleep, by the time you really start to fall asleep, a lab tech walks in and its time to stick out your arm.  Like you said though, there totally doing there job, that's why I always do my best to be a role model patient.  I try to make jokes to the staff as much as I can, cause I know they have tough jobs.  This was not a pleasant thing I just went through, I had a outbreak of Shingles on the right side of my face and forehead!,  That was officially painful!  I have never had those before, at first I thought it was just a rash and a headache, untill I was looked at.  I'm on the tail end of it now, lots of eye dr visits to make sure it was not getting into my eye.  My GI dr insisted that I stop the Humira immediately though, so that will be issue that my dr and I will have to figure out?  I can really do with out getting shingles again, what a headache, lol  How are you healing up?, are you getting you appetite up and are able to walk around more?  Can you tie your shoe laces yet?, if so that is always a good sign.  That must be bizarre for you going to the bag, getting used to it, then going back to normal.  I hope you are feeling stronger and better?, let me know how its going when you can!  Congratulations again on getting the operation over with!



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Mon, September 19, 2011 2:40 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

I had my ileostomy closed a few days ago. The first 3 days were really no fun.  I had a lot of pain, and nausea.  I almost felt like the CD was back again. I'm starting to feel better now that I'm home, and don't have people poking and pushing on my healing tummy.  It sounds bad, but when one of the doctors came in and said the rest of the team was okay with me going home, if I was ready... I mostly said yes because I knew it was the only way to have them leave me alone!!  But they were just doing their jobs, so I don't want to be too cranky about it. I kept reading everywhere that I'd have pretty bad diarrhea... but it really hasn't been too bad. (knock on wood)

I'm so ready to get up and be active again... but my body is so not. That's how it goes I guess!

How've you been?

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Thu, September 08, 2011 2:56 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Hey Never Ending,

Have you had your operation yet?,  I wanted to see how you are doing.  UOAA, yeah,  that's the big web sight for sure to go to.  I looked at the forum they have, it seems really good, and am going to sign up for it definitely.  One topic I looked at was called how to control the stoma farts, or any advice on that, something like that though.  The way she put her question was completely brilliant and hilarious I had a laughing attack.  Certainly anyone with a stoma can relate with, if you read it its priceless.  What she said was so true though as far as when farting around people you don't know, like in a elevator, that's the one I always joke about maybe happening.  I will let you know on this site what my user name is when I sign up, in the next day or so.   I looked at that web sight to find the local support group and found one no problem.  Hope you are well, let me know when you can when or if you have had your operation.   Talk to you soon,


FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Thu, September 08, 2011 2:41 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Hey hfeowwlob,

How goes everything, I have not been on this site in little bit I noticed, how is everything with you?  Just waned to let you know, I sent a e-mail to what looks like the correct contact e-mail for this web sight on questions or concerns.  I went ahead and explained that you are in fact the one who is the author of this topic.  I indicted that we had noticed it and that it was obviously not a big deal.  I did say that in fairness to you, especially being its a popular topic if it could be changed to your user name.    I'm sure they will fix that.  I cant believe that its getting into September all ready, how did that happen so fast.  Here in the upper mid-west, you can just start to feel it, like oh boy, its almost show time with the snow., November sure.   Last winter was certainly like that, almost hockey season though!

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Wed, August 31, 2011 7:52 AM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

I found an ostomy discussion board, if you're interested. its at There is a green box towards the left of the screen with a bunch of options,and one of them is discussion board.  Haven't tried it yet though.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Wed, August 24, 2011 6:04 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

I think I'm glad about getting the ostomy closed.... I'm still a little nervous about it. 

I haven't been on any meds since the surgery, but I haven't had any symptoms either since they took out the icky part of my colon. Before the ileostomy, the plan was that if possible they were going to remove my right colon, and reattach my small and (what's left of) large intestine during the same surgery, but after my colonoscopy they weren't sure that the tissue would be healthy enough to reconnect... and since the colorectal surgeon was so unsure, he made the incision where my ileostomy is now... he did the surgery laproscopically.  So, the intention was always to have it closed, the ileostomy kind of just let him pause the procedure.  Which I'm fine with... just no rewinding!!

Lol... when I first started reading where you wrote about toothpaste and tic tacs in your bag I actually thought to myself  "Is this guy for real?!?" Then I read the "Just kidding" part.  LOL!

Speaking of things you shouldn't know about before surgery... there is this book by Atul Gawande (I hope I spelled his name right) called Complications... it's about a medical resident, and he writes about all of his, and his colleague's mishaps and close calls... well being so interested in the world of medicine, I wanted to read it.  I've had it since right before my first hospitalization, and I read just one chapter... but now being on the other end of the medical world I just can't read anymore of it without getting too freaked out to go back to the hospital again!! Holding the needle out is one thing, holding your arm out for it is another!!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Mon, August 22, 2011 6:35 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I looked at it again, I don't know hockey rocks went into the author section?, your right.  Can you or me change that back to your name?, if not, could easily notify the contact person for the web sight, they would change if for sure.  Hockey Rocks sounds and looks like a cereal, lol   Instead of  hockey rules, I went with the rocks, also at the time I had brain freeze on a title.  I think you were talking about this once, how people who don't know a thing about Crohn's on some of the crazy response's you get!  This one always gets me, like if you tell someone you have Crohn's, they say oh yeah, doesn't that just make you go to the bathroom allot?    Seriously, one time a person said to me, well, couldn't just a high fiber diet cure Crohn's? I was so stunned, I couldn't even think of a joke to say to him,  I just responded the facts briefly.   I should have been like, ohhhhh, that's all I have to do?,  and I got all those operations and procedures for nothing?  I know that's sarcastic, but a couple buddies of mine who know all about my Crohn's.  After I told them who said it, we could stop making jokes and laughing about this dude.  

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Mon, August 22, 2011 6:14 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Hey NeverEnding,

I was rambling on about my stuff and wanted to congratulate you again on the decision of getting your ostomy closed.  From the post I had just written, I could have led to some pretty wild stories I have had that led me to multiple ER visits.  One is really nasty and crazy, actaully two?.  I know you are a nurse, but with your operation coming up, I will save them  for another time.  That's whats great about this forum, is I have never had a chance to tell someone about this insane incident who has Crohn's or IBD.  Like I said, not the kinda stuff a person would want to hear before going into the OR.  So no more ostomy bags?!, or inflating bags!  I usually just squeeze tooth past into my ostomy bag or put a bunch of tick tacks in the bag to get rid of the smell. ..............Just kidding.  Its funny, the bags I get from Hollister have these inserted filters and that seems to really do it, so its never really a issue.   By the way, my wound was 10 centimeters long and 6 centimeters deep, my wife just reminded me. It took a long tome for it to heal, almost a year.   Later that summer after the operation, my surgeon found that it was healing from the outside and in and formed new  tunnels.  I had to go back to the OR and get the whole wound re-opened again.  Now and finally, My butt does not hurt for the first time in so many.  I feeling like riding a bike as far a Forest Gump went running sometimes lol!   Have a great operation!,  I know you know what I mean.  I'm sure you cant wait to get it over with.  I really hope for you that will be it operation wise.  Is there a medication you have been on to have it treat the Crohn's to get it under control, then get the operation?   Hope you also can spend as little time in the hospital as possible.  Maybe you could bring in a satellite dish and stick it out the window and get some good tv?!  Talk to you soon and hope to again before the operation. 



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Mon, August 22, 2011 5:38 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Hey NeverEnding,

I'm glad I went to check out the forum, that's great you have a date set to and you decided what to do.  So your gonna get it closed up, that's awesome!   I know that had to be a really tough decision, is it that your surgeon thinks that that area has been treated long enough with medication and to go ahead to close it?  My colon rectal surgeon, my wife and I talked about getting the temporary ostomy.  Its my whole rectal area that was so diseased, lots of fistulas, all the drainage and about 7 operations in that area.  Even with the Remicade or Huimira and Imuran, I was gonna loose all control of my bowls.  So we went ahead and had my rectum removed, the entire colon on the left side of my gi tract, my ostomy is on the left side.  Your a home health care nurse, excellent!  When I was on home health, for the 4the separate time,  after the coloectomy operation My home health care nurses had a handful.   The wound on my stomach was not as bad as the zipper scare that goes all the way across my stomach from the 1987 operation.  But, the but wound was rally large and deep I think 11 by 7?  Yeah, the wound vac was a pain the in butt, as you said though, they do work, and that's the main thing.  Yuk though!, changing the reservoir, and a little noisy at night, especially if it did not have a good seal, and that happened several times.  I have to admit, the pain level during wound vac changes was not pleasant.  Sometimes the tape would stick to the wound, ouch. 

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Mon, August 22, 2011 5:15 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I did not even notice that untill you metioned it, your right.  Its a great forum that you came up with, it should be in your name.   It must be a computer glitch?  A glitch?, I think thats the first time I have ever typed that word, lol  

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Sat, August 20, 2011 12:14 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

So, this cracked me up, and I totally have to give credit to Lizzie's Mom for this because I found out about it thru her reply to somebody else on this site...  funny as it is, it might also be pretty useful... but google Poo~Pourri sometime!!!!

And for Hockey Rocks, since I know you also have an ostomy, did you know that they make doedorants that you can put inside your bag to cut down on odors, and oral pills that supposedly make your waste less offensive? I even re-read thru the stuff they sent home from the hospital with me, and it says you can use a drop of peppermint oil in your bag to smell fresher. I guess we're lucky, because with the apparent exception of Poo~pourri users, everybody's poop stinks!! Everybody comments about the stinky contents of the bag... but at least we are never the culprit of the "silent killer" in the room!! We only empty out anything in the safety of the bathroom! Sometimes I actually think its more convenient!

Anyway, I better get back to what I was doing... I was cleaning my house and when I came across my computer instantly thought "Oh! Look! A cleaning cop out!!!" I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!!!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Thu, August 18, 2011 11:57 AM

 Reply posted for Aussie.

Thank you for liking my forum-idea!  Of course, I can relate to your feelings of loneliness and missing your pre-Crohn's self!

IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE that caring for your animal "patients" is a 24-7 job!  I never knew being a vet required such, lol!


FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Thu, August 18, 2011 11:42 AM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

How peculiar Hockey Rocks, when I was searching the forum board to see if any new forums had been created (before taking a moment to respond to your post to me), I couldn't help but to notice that your username is NOW listed as the author of this forum on the forum board!  Of course, it doesn't matter whose username is listed as the author of this forum, since we're all SUPPOSE to be on here regarding our IBD connection, not to get attention for creating forums; nevertheless, that's a very PECULIAR error/change, LOL!  Anyway, you're welcome regarding my "support and cool thoughts" about police officers, specifically, GOOD PEOPLE who are police officers!  TAKE CARE / BE GOOD, LOL! :)

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Mon, August 15, 2011 6:21 PM

 Reply posted for Aussie.

What a cool job Michelle!! =) Was it something you always wanted to do, or did it take you awhile to decide what you wanted to do, and then to decide what kind of animals you wanted to work with??

I'm a pediatric home care nurse and I absolutely LOVE it! At first I wasn't even sure that nursing was what I wanted to do.  I just knew I didn't want an office, desk, computer, and high heels to wear to work everyday! Then once I decided on nursing school, I became a nursing assistant so I could work part time in the field while I was in school, and most of the opportunities with that were working with the elderly, which I liked, but I still wasn't convinced that it was what I really wanted to do. I was even nervous when we started our peds unit in school, bc before that I really didn't have any experience with children at all, but after shadowing a pedi home care nurse for just one day I knew it was what I wanted to do... and here I am =)

Australia is on the top of my list of one of the places I hope to visit one day.  I've heard its soooo beautiful!! Was it hard getting used to being in the US, or has it been same old same old in a new place?

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Mon, August 15, 2011 6:07 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

Andrew, I just read your post where you mentioned music... its kind of funny bc I learned (while driving to the ER one time) that if I crank up the old soft rock music that my parents used to listen to ALL the time, and sing along in a silly impersonation type of way its totally distracting, and even in the worst pain I've ever had being driven to the ER its kind of worked for me. I'm sure that it's not a common "technique" and most people probably think its crazy... but hey when it works it works!! My boyfriend usually has to laugh at me, and that only makes it work better =) Until a song that I don't know comes on, and the distraction is gone.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Mon, August 15, 2011 5:47 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

I have dealt with shift work before, nights were the worst! I wasn't diagnosed with CD then though. Now I do home care and my hours are more flexible, which is great for me!!! I took care of a little girl who had a wound vac for awhile... they can be such a pain!!!! But they also really do what they are supposed to, so I like them. I say the same thing about changing the dressing for the vac as I do about ostomies... arts and crafts... Cutting, and pasting.

I've set a date to have the ostomy closed... but its kind of weird, I'm not excited about it like everyone kind of expected me to be. I'm actually pretty nervous. I think that I kind of just associate the ostomy with feeling good since I was doing so bad beforehand, and so much better so immediately afterwards. Part of it is also just being nervous about surgery I guess. Or nervous that it won't work. I know it sounds sooo dumb... but I almost feel the way I'd feel losing my best friend. I just became thankful for my ostomy bc it helped me so much.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Sat, August 13, 2011 6:19 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Hi all.... this is a great idea. And yes, I wish there was a group...or a few people I knew around me who understood 'me' without even asking. I am an Australian, moved to the USA for work last year. I am a large animal veterinarian and moved here to undertake a residency in Large Animal Internal Medicine. I was diagnosed with crohns during 4 year exams at vet school, after a number of years of problems. I took the news and ran with it, not really understanding any of it....which is kind of weird but I guess I would much rather know about diseases of large animals than humans!!

I am on a constant battle to keep doing what I had hoped to do with my life, and I guess I push the limits. I have always hated anyone knowing that I have crohns, so i wouldn't even tell anyone.... ESPECIALLY the people I work for. The residency program I am in is very hard to get into, so I have tried to hide the real 'me' so much more than ever before. Which is probably the reason I have felt lonlier than ever.

My work here is demanding mentally and physically, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week I have to be with my patients. I LOVE LOVE my job but I constantly crave the person I use to be..... with more spice and energy for life and everything.

Since moving here, I had to eventually tell some people at work when i had to be rushed to an ER. I suffer from an array of extraintestinal manifestations of crohns which at times can be worse than my GI issues.

Wow, without realizing it I have rambled on and on and on..... to my computer. You guys just happen to be out there, whether you read all of this or not.

But one things I am HUGE about is small talk, I am known for my cheeky and dry sense of humor....I just like to make light of any situation that I can! Anyways, I am hoping to visit this site, having only just visited the forum for the first time. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


FPO aussie
Joined Mar 13, 2011

Fri, August 12, 2011 9:29 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Thanks very much for your support and very cool thoughts of police officers!  I cant believe I have been out of work about 4 years now, when I had to leave my police department in 07 that was my last job.  Yeah, I loved being a cop more then anything, and being able to come home at night,  taking a deep breath and being like, whew!, that was a interesting shift!  My Crohns had started to be just one operation after another, and had been like that up until 09 and a bad flar up a year ago.  Oh! and please dont hesitate to laugh about me being able to just go to the bathroom and and play hockey at the same time.  It is hysterical!,  and I enjoy about it.   You are very correct about one of your post, every case of Crohns is different for each person.  My advice is to really try your best and this is the biggest one for me, is to try and never get caught up with why me?!  It can be very easy to do, but I just tell myself, why not me? and channel that kind of energy to doing your best to hit the Crohns head on.  It will make you feel much more in control, like in hindsight, I should have started Remicade treatment about 2 years earlier to really tackle the Crohns.  Also, when you get frustrated, always thin about things you like to do, hobbys, music is the biggest one with me!  Thats the thing though, having the Crohns and the fatigue it can give, say if you wanna go sky diving for the day, that may not be realistic, lol! So yeah, when I need to take my mind off of the Crohns, I will just listen to like 2 Cds in a row to your favorite bands.  I love alternative rock, so when I listen to Nirvana for example, and really loud, it hits the spot.   Or, if money is not to tight, go buy something that would make you happy. Its those little things that can go along way.  I think I am running out of space to type?,  pass along how you are doing and if your comfortable with it, how long have you had Crohns and where are you at with it now?  Talk to ya soon!

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Wed, August 10, 2011 9:50 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Hey Never Ending,

Thanks for getting back to me, and for the web sight to go to for ostomy talk!   That's great you are a nurse, that's means you are all to familiar with shift work :)  When I was a police officer, the department I joined up with in 2003, they were still on 12 hour shifts.   I started to get used to the 12 hours, but going to work the next day it started to ware on you.  I was on the 6am to 6pm shift, so no traffic going to work, but grid lock on the way home, lol, I can laugh now I guess:)   It wasn't until later in '03 that the Crohn's came back in a big way.  At that point, we were back on 8 hour shifts, so I was thankful about that.  After the first surgery for fistula's, it just snow balled into one operation after another.  My girlfriend at the time, now my wife, became experts at wound care, especially her!  My Crohn's became severe in the rectal area, so I would go home with the wound left open, and it was that routine for I guess around 5 years. Having that wound vac on was not very pleasent, but I got used to it and would do the dishes and laundry, just had to juggle it, :)  My Sergeant could always tell when I was really having a hard time half way through the shift, so she would just look at me and I would say I'm fine,  good to go, and she would say, Andrew, Go Home!  Her aunt had Crohn's so she really understood. In '09, my fiance, myself and my surgeon decided to go for it and get the rectum removed and and most of my colon, and the permanent ostomy, I have 5 feet left.   I have been babbling allot, and wanted first and foremost to let you know on I know how much of a huge decision that must be for you coming up.  You have a outstanding attitude, and you are right.  I know with my ostomy, I am so used to it,  its purely part of my routine.  Let me know on how it goes and what was decided,  lets talk soon.  This is really the first time I have been able to talk to someone even via a forum like this about otomy's.



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Mon, August 08, 2011 8:46 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

Hi Andrew! I agree about the Gilligan's island reruns! Some humor in the hospital is always appreciated =)

I've had my ileostomy since the end of May,  but I'm already so used to it that even though it is supposed to be temporary (I'm supposed to find out next week if/when I'll be able to have the takedown) I wouldn't really be that disappointed to be told that it would have to be permanent. It's just a part of me now =) I think a lot of people fear that when they get an ostomy they will be the odd man out... but truthfully, I've experienced more normalcy with my ileostomy than I did when I was so sick with Crohn's.  I don't really have much trouble with my clothing and the bag.  I've even worn a bikini the bottom was shorts, and the waistband of the bottom was pretty high, so it covered the whole bag! With shorts and jeans, I usually just tuck the bottom part of the bag into the pants/shorts, and I've worn shirts tucked in or out. Having the bag tucked in gives it a little more support too-I hate when it feels heavy when it starts to get a little full.  But since the waistband of your pants keeps things from flowing the whole way down in the bag, you have to just pull the part of your waistband that is in front of your bag out a little bit to let everything fall down. I think it also may have been easier for me to get used to because I'm a nurse, and I've worked with them before... it was just weird getting used to the idea of it being my own.

If you never have yet, check out  =) There are a lot of FB groups for Crohn's where I've actually learned some good ostomy tips.Maybe we can start an ostomy secrets thread =) Take care!!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Mon, August 08, 2011 9:43 AM

 Reply posted for crazyanniecroc.


FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Sun, August 07, 2011 1:17 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

It can be breath taking. I am next to our lower lake and i always have a nice cool breeze. I will get to go there next weekend. I cant wait.

FPO crazyanniecroc
Joined Dec 7, 2009

Sat, August 06, 2011 4:40 PM

 Reply posted for Hockey Rocks.

It's great that you're having a good year and I imagine it's comforting to be able to have a sense of humor regarding the procedures you've had!  LOL/OMG about your ability to use the bathroom while playing hockey, but I feel BAD for laughing, LOL!

So you use to be a cop!  VERY COOL!  I have so much respect for the GOOD PEOPLE in law enforcement because I THINK they must have a lot of COURAGE to enter such a profession!  It angers me that they seem so underpaid, considering the RISKS they take!

Best wishes regarding your Homeland Security goals and thanks for your advice! :)



FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Sat, August 06, 2011 1:42 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Neverending, I'm sorry, you were the one that talked about not liking tv due to all the hospital tv watching, lol, and I had responded to you about that.  Anyways, same thing about the wanting to be on a island, I tottaly understand you feelings on that.  I have a colostomy and am still getting used the the bag.  I am so glad that I got the colectomy, but and still learning what you can and cant do.  So far, its amazing how you still can be just as active and try to persue all your goals.  Me personally, I'm still trying to figure out how to tuck my shirt in with out getting the bag jammed up or restricted?  So I just leave my shirt the untucked casual way, and you cant even notice the bag is there. I dont really care if people see it anyways, its just more of preventing leakage and if I do tuck my shirt in, and it starts to fill up, that where I get nervous.  I think you said you have a iliostomy, have you had it long? and I hope it very benificial for you, I know getting my colectomy did huge things for me, and am very used to having it.



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Sat, August 06, 2011 1:31 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Hey Neverending, I had just wanted to let you know that I had just read on how you feel like needing to move to a island when your on prednison.  I had been responding to a note a person wrote on how they dont like watching tv much due to all the tv you they would have to watch in the hospital.  I had wrote back that I feel the same way about tv, with all the hopital time I have had to put in.  I had joked bout how there was never anything on to top it off, and that they might was well show re-runs of Gilligans Island all day, at least it would be something thats funny and to make you laugh.  That was in fo referance and just a coincidence that I talked about a tv show about a island, and not at all about how you felt about wanting to go to a island due to the steriods.  Just wanted to point that out to make sure, cause I fully understand your feelings on that and that meication is not lousey to be on.  I have only had to take it for a few weeks last year after spending 5 days in the hopital due to a Crohn's flar up that caused a blockage in my GI tract.  I almost had to get immediate surgery, but 5 days of non stop IV's of steroids, Cipro enabled it to open up my gi tract again.  I took prednisone for a few weeks after I got home and started Humira just make sure my intestins were clear. 

Anyways, just wanted to make sure, and this is a great forum that the initial person came up with to talk about Crohn's and Colitis. 



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Sat, August 06, 2011 12:52 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

I saw something you wrote and had to respond quickly to that.  I am the same way with tv.  Much of the time I just cant watch for leisurely reasons, I have spent a tone of time in the hospital to for Crohn's operation's.  One its impossible to get actually sleep in the hospital, and, it seems like there is never anything on.  I would prefer it it they just ran re-runs of Gilligan's Island all day and night long, lol 



FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Sat, August 06, 2011 12:41 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I had a typo, My name is Andrew

FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Sat, August 06, 2011 12:39 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.


I have had Crohn's Disease for a long time, the last 8 years being the roughest.  Having Crohn's can be a very lonley feeling, alot of times freind and familly just dont get it.  This past year has been my best year in almot a decade.  I did not have a operation and or being hospitalized for the first time in a year.  So its giving me a real chance to look back, and I never realized on how much of of a robot I started turning into, and the tunnel vision. 

At the same time though, I have always kept a great sence of humor about it all.  In '09 I had to get a partial colectomy and a permanent ostomy, and it was the best thing.  I am playing on a ice hockey team and love ever shift I take.  That good you are reaching out to people who have Crohn's and or Colitis, it really makes you feel much less isolated.  I'm still getting used to my ostomy bag, but it can lead to some great humor if others who dont have IBD are willing to joke about it, some just get silent about it, and I udnerstand.  For example, when I'm playing hockey, and I have to go to the bathroom.  In the old days as we all know, when you gotta go, you really got to go.  With the bag, if I have to go, I can just keep on playing and not miss a thing, it great. Its really well protected to with all he equipment on, and playing I dont even notice it. 

I used to be a police officer untill I had to retire so to stop working due to the Crohn's was way out of control, and that was really tough for me to do becuse police work is in my blood. Police work is proably out though, I would never pass the medical exam.  All is great though, I had a feeling it would come to this, so I would love to join Homeland Security at some point.  You are very right though!, it can make you feel lonley, so try to keep a sence of humor about it all, and first and formost take care of yourself and tackle the the medical stuff head on so to start to feel better, and I hope you do!


FPO hockey rocks
Joined Aug 5, 2009

Fri, August 05, 2011 9:15 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

I'm glad your trip went well!  I can imagine how beautiful the beach was!  Thanks for sharing! :)

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Fri, August 05, 2011 12:44 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Sorry I've been out of touch for a little... I got to go to Michigan to visit my dad =) Its about a 10 hour drive from where I live, and I was a little bit nervous b/c I got an ileostomy in May, and it's the first time that I went that far since the surgery... but it was a piece of cake! I had absolutely no trouble at all! While I was there we went to one of the Great Lake beaches in Grand Haven... and it was absolutely beautiful!! My boyfriend and I planned the trip kind of last minute/randomly because my schedule at work just so happened to allow me a few days,  but we're thinking that next year we want to make sure we're able to take a longer trip so we can spend more time at the beach the next time =) Anyway, vaca's are always fun to talk about!! Anyone had any good one's they'd like to share????

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Fri, August 05, 2011 12:32 PM

 Reply posted for crazyanniecroc.

I recently found out about Camp Oasis, for kids who have IBD... I'm looking into volunteering for next year, since surgery and GI appointments are keeping me from being able to do it this year... but I saw something on the site about them having opportunities for volunteers to help out with crafts... and TONS of other things! I think if you click on the kids & teens thingee on the left side of this site  (sry my computer vocab stinks)  you can find the info for it. It sounds like a lot of fun, and since you mentioned working with crafts at the boy scouts camp I thought you might be interested in it too!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Fri, August 05, 2011 10:57 AM

 Reply posted for crazyanniecroc.

VERY COOL! I can visualize everything you described and I bet it's all done in a BEAUTIFUL, BREATHTAKING ENVIRONMENT!  Thanks for sharing! :)

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Fri, August 05, 2011 10:47 AM

 Reply posted for hsmarshall.

I definitely understand!  I hate worrying!  For me, worrying equates to contemplating possible outcomes to the point that you cause yourself stress, anxiety, fear, or feeling like you simply need to exhale!  When I find myself worrying about something, I remind myself that worrying about the situation won't change the outcome so I might as well stop worrying, choose the option I think is best (based on my goals, preferences, research, etc.) when it's time for me to make choices regarding my Crohn's reality, and hope/pray that things work out for the best (or) that I'll be able to cope with unwanted results!

I can totally relate to you feeling misunderstood and judged!  I get so frustrated with people who say "I know others with Crohn's and they do this or they do that"!  I get so tired of having to explain to people that Crohn's is different for every Crohn's sufferer and just because the person you know with Crohn's is able to do WHATEVER, doesn't mean that's the case for every person with Crohn's!

You're not being a downer, you're simply venting, thus NO APOLOGIES NECESSARY!  As far as I'm concerned, IF YOU NEED TO VENT, VENT, & VENT UNTIL YOUR HEART'S CONTENT! :) 

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Fri, August 05, 2011 7:52 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I am a Handicraft director for a camp in WV. So i work with many troops. At our camp we teach merit badges. So this year i taught Basketry, leather work, wood carving, art, Indian Lore, and Painting. I enjoy watching the boys make baskets it gets funny. I have to say my fav. class was Indian Lore though. We cooked, they made their own head bands out of beads. We even learned a few songs.

FPO crazyanniecroc
Joined Dec 7, 2009

Thu, August 04, 2011 11:08 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I'm so tired of being worried.  And feeling misunderstood and maybe even judged.  Sorry to be a downer I just feel like some of you guys might be able to relate.  

FPO hsmarshall
Joined Jul 15, 2011

Thu, August 04, 2011 4:06 PM

 Reply posted for crazyanniecroc.

Ok, I understand!  It's great that you've come up with ways to "not get down" and that you're feeling better after your meds!  I hate medicine time too; nevertheless, I'm thankful for the modicum of relieve it provides! 

HOW COOL that you can state that you have a good life!  I can totally relate to you not being able to be as busy as you'd like to be!  I have so many goals that I can't even attempt to obtain because of my Crohn's symptoms, but OH WELL, I SIMPLY TRY TO COPE WITH MY REALITY THE BEST I CAN!

So, you're the Handicraft Director for a troop!  Have you been presented or taught the dudes how to make any interesting/cool/unexpected crafts lately?  Only respond if you care to share/NO OBLIGATIONS, LOL!

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Thu, August 04, 2011 11:57 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

If i can keep my mind busy i am good and normally do not get down. I spend my summers working at a Boy Scout camp. I am the Handicraft director. Do to low attance the last few years we cut our camp short by a week this summer. So i was home earlier. I my self do not live very close to my friends and only get to see them when we have scout events or we each need help. Like i got to see two of my friends yesterday and they came with me to my iv treatment. So i set at home lonely and bored. I also had my meds so i i am feeling better. I always get down and out when its time for my treatment. I really have a good life just cant always be as busy as i like because my body just wont allow it. Such is live with Chrons though.

FPO crazyanniecroc
Joined Dec 7, 2009

Thu, August 04, 2011 11:21 AM

 Reply posted for crazyanniecroc.

Thank you regarding my idea!  You stated that you wished this forum had been here three weeks ago!  Did you experience a negative situation three weeks ago that you'd like to vent about?  If yes, please share! 

As you already know, I can totally relate to your loneliness, and I can probably identify with some of the reasons you don't post often!  Whether you start to post often or not, unless something beyond my control stops me, I'll be here for you when you need me/ASAP!

I hope your day gets better minute by minute! :) 

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Thu, August 04, 2011 10:38 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I like the idea of having some where were we all can just meet up and talk. Good idea. I wish this would have been here three weeks ago. I have been very lonely but dont tend to post often.

FPO crazyanniecroc
Joined Dec 7, 2009

Thu, August 04, 2011 10:09 AM

 Reply posted for hsmarshall.

I  totally understand your needs and I'm glad you think this idea is lovely!  Like you, I wish this site had a chat section too!  It's terrible that a site that once met your needs isn't available anymore, but hopefully it's shut-down was unavoidable and doesn't convey indifference to our needs!  If this site never decides to add a chat feature, hopefully, one day, someone with the appropriate time, energy, knowledge, and resources will create a site that meets our needs, minus site options that some people would rather avoid!

This may not be the chat option we prefer, but know that I'm here to respond to you via this forum option whenever you need to communicate/ASAP!

I hope you're having a great day! :)

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Wed, August 03, 2011 9:53 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Boy do I ever feel lonely 

I feel like there is no one who understands me and the emotional turmoil that is produced by this disease.  I long for a conversation with someone who gets it.  I wish there was a support group in me area.  This is a lovely idea and I even wish there was a "chat" section for this site.  I used to frequent another site that seems to no longer exist and I loved the chat area because you could talk about the things on you mind and know that the other people there understood where you were coming from.  

FPO hsmarshall
Joined Jul 15, 2011

Wed, August 03, 2011 1:29 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

:) & I hope your week is going well!

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Sat, July 30, 2011 6:43 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

You're right, it is what it is... and it happens!

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Wed, July 27, 2011 4:08 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

I'm glad you like my forum!  I initially felt a lot of anxiety about creating it because I feared no one would respond, and thus I'd have to get over the FOOLISH, but NORMAL emotion of feeling stupid for creating a forum that no one was interested in (for whatever reason)!  Nevertheless, I decided to go ahead and create it since I determined I could handle thinking my forum was foolish, disliked, and/or not needed by others more than I could handle NOT EVEN TRYING to help myself (and possibly others) reduce loneliness!

It seems to be taboo in our society to admit that we sometimes feel lonely or people think you're a LOSER/LAME if you admit it, but I'm like WHATEVER / IT IS WHAT IT IS!

I totally understand your reasons for coming here, it's great that you've been feeling better lately, and I'm glad you're cool with small talk!

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Wed, July 27, 2011 1:14 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

I like your idea! It is nice to just be able to chat about things other than IBD. At first I used to just come to this site b/c I was stressed out about Crohn's,  but I've been lucky and feeling pretty good lately, and at one point when I was really really not feeling well, I told myself that I had to come back even when I was feeling better just to let people know how I was doing, because when I wasn't feeling so great I just craved "success stories" and I remember feeling so crummy when I couldn't find posts where people seemed to have been just where I was and came out on top. 

Anyway, now I find myself here pretty much whenever I'm bored. Waiting for dinner to be ready, or laundry to be done, you name it. I'm not much for TV at all lately (too much time with it in the hospital I guess!) so I usually end up on the computer when my boyfriend watches TV... so I'm more than happy to participate in small talk! 

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Wed, July 27, 2011 12:54 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

YES, YOU GOT IT / SUCCESS, my username is an acronym, but even if you had guessed wrong there would have been NO REASON for you to feel stupid, and there's definitely NO REASON for you to feel bad for sending 3 posts in a row considering my small talk cravings! :)

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Wed, July 27, 2011 12:39 PM

 Reply posted for NeverEnding.

Since I'm all about fairness, I'll always be willing to answer a ? that I'm bold enough to ask, LOL!  Like you, when I use to see usernames like mine, I assumed they were just a bunch of random alphabets put together, and that might be the case typically, but mine is actually an acronym for a coping with Crohn's technique that I created!

No need to apologize for your post being totally small talk since small talk is what I crave most at this point in my life!  I guess I crave small talk the most because after thinking about, living with, and/or treating Crohn's symptoms almost 24-7, small talk is a comforting way for me to temporarily escape Crohn's, and sometimes I REALLY NEED A CROHN'S ESCAPE! 

WORTH NOTING: Since I'm not an IT'S ALL ABOUT MY NEEDS person, despite my small talk craving, I sincerely welcome IBD-related discussions if that's what someone responding to me NEEDS to discuss!

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Wed, July 27, 2011 11:38 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

Okay, maybe I get it actually.  Is it one of those things that each letter stands for the first letter of a word, and then all the words make a sentence? BC if it is, I think I get it, but if not I'd just feel stupid for guessing. I already feel kind of bad for flooding your thread with 3 posts in a row bc I didn't just get it the first time.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Wed, July 27, 2011 11:33 AM

 Reply posted for PyroZack.

Being put on prednisone for flare ups does not help that feeling either.  Every time I'm on prednisone I feel like I should have to move to an island designated just for others on steroids so that nobody else has to deal with emotional prednisone users. Of course, I don't know how anyone would make it out alive and well from such an island. We'd all drive each other even more nuts. So, maybe it's good that we don't get cast away to prednisone island.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Wed, July 27, 2011 11:29 AM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

wait, wait, wait! SPEAKING of usernames... I always wonder about ones like yours that to me just look like a bunch of letters. I've never asked anyone before, but I figured you did kind of offer it up to be discussed there. 

I picked "NeverEnding" just because when I signed up it was the one word that came to mind when thinking about my Crohn's disease... and then I just kind of embraced it.

lol... sorry that this is all on the small talk part, and not really about IBD at all... but I got the chance to ask that question and jumped.

FPO neverending
Joined Dec 8, 2010

Wed, July 27, 2011 11:04 AM

 Reply posted for PyroZack.

I totally understand!  It's cool of you to come on here to help others and I'm all for that, but as you probably already know: YOU NEED TO HELP YOURSELF TOO!  Regarding your inability to control your emotions, I can't help but to wonder what you've tried!  Have you tried therapy or positive self-talk?  It might seem pollyanna, but when I'm feeling really sad, crying uncontrollably, and wondering WHY ME-LIFE IS SO UNFAIR-I DON'T DESERVE THIS-I F***ING HATE THIS, eventually remembering to remind myself that THINGS COULD BE WORSE helps me get my negative emotions and thoughts under control, at least until the next time something triggers my extreme negative emotions and thoughts about my Crohn's experience!

It's great that the people in your life understand your emotions-based behavior toward them, but I'm certain you know that you should do your best to avoid lashing out at people who've done nothing to harm you!

Now, for the little small talk that I crave!  What's up with the "pyro" part of your user name?  The obvious (that you're a pyrotechnician or like setting fires) comes to mind, but I don't want to make assumptions, lol!  Moreover, if this is your real photo, you look like an artist or a musician, which I consider COOL!  Just an observation!

FPO hfeowwlob
Joined Jul 25, 2011

Tue, July 26, 2011 10:22 PM

 Reply posted for hfeowwlob.

yup...usually i come on here to try and help other people but man, i'm losin' it. just...feh. i can't get my emotions under control. it's like i'm not the same person throughout the day. usually i can get a handle on my negativity and depression things but buh! lately i can't do a thing about it. i hate it. it's getting taken out on other people =/ thankfully, they know and understand, still doesn't make it okay or hurt any less.

stupid being sick! *** you, body! 

FPO pyrozack
Joined Aug 24, 2009

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