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Crohn's and the Birth Control Pill

Tue, June 15, 2010 10:02 PM

Hi all! I am new to the forum so I apologize if I am repeating a question that has already been discussed. After going 8-9 months without much to write home about in terms of my Crohn's symptoms (very occasional, mild stomach aches)...I have all of a sudden started experiencing severe bloating, frequent and loose stools, and pain in my stomach. In searching for a reason or a trigger for this sudden onset of symptoms, I realized that I started taking the Pill (OrthoTriCyclin Lite to be exact) this week after not being on it since October. I have read that sometimes the Pill exacerbates Crohn's. Has anyone had any experience with this? More importantly, does anyone know about a pill that has less of an impact on Crohn's? My Gyno doesn't seem to know much about Crohn's and my GI doesn't seem to know much about birth control...Thanks! 

FPO nyclady
Joined Jun 15, 2010

Fri, December 03, 2010 2:33 PM

 Reply posted for nyclady.

I know this is a really old post but I have just experienced, I think, the same thing. I wasn't getting my period at all for months at a time so my dr put me on a low dose BC, and since then I feel awful, losing weight, can't eat much, cramping, etc etc. Did you figure anything out??

FPO akoenig
Joined Oct 29, 2008

Sun, June 27, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nyclady.

I find that my Crohn's symptoms are worse off of birth control, but I'm not sure I'm a good example.  I also have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, so being on some kind of birth control is essential to regulate that disease and sometimes it can be hard to tell which disease is causing stomach cramps. 

I have probably tried about 10 different birth control pills, mostly with lower doses of hormone.  The higher doses gave me headaches, which in hindsight was probably contributed to by untreated Crohn's.  My current birth control is Microgestin.

If your Gyno is anything like mine, they should be willing to prescribe different medications until you find one you're comfortable taking.  I agree with others, its a matter of trial and error.   

FPO kiya_wilddog
Joined Jun 23, 2010

Fri, June 25, 2010 2:33 PM

 Reply posted for nyclady.

I am also on the Nuvaring. This is only me second cycle while being diagnosed with CD and so far the only thing I have noticed is that my flow is heavier than normal and the cramps seem to be amplified.

I wish I had some words of wisdom for you, but I think with most of the medications out there it is really a trial and error process. I hope that you find something that works for you sooner rather than later. Keep on asking your doctor questions and do not be afraid to say that you want to try something else. Communication is key!

On a more personal note, I really enjoy this forum and am glad that there are places and people to chat about UC and CD with. Keep on smiling!

FPO misslesliejean
Joined Jun 3, 2010

Mon, June 21, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nyclady.

I had some trouble with my actual menstrual cycle, rather than the birth control.  I believe that birth control has helped, rather than increased my sypmptoms.  But this disease is so different for everyone, that it could be the opposite for you.  I would definitely suggest a lower hormone birth control, ortho tri is a heavy dose and makes many average women sick.  After being diagnosed my menstrual cycles became very painful and my symptoms exacerbated at that time of the month.  I have not been put on seasonique and only get my period 4 times a year.  this has worked wonders for me!  Less pain is always good :)  Good luck!

FPO adoo824u
Joined May 22, 2009

Thu, June 17, 2010 10:18 PM

 Reply posted for nyclady.

I used Nuvaring for a year and I have UC and I loved it!  The only problem I experienced was I ended up getting a cellulitis in my leg (probably from razor burn or something, and I work as an ICU so it's like swimming in germs!), which the combination of the 2 led to a blood clot in my leg.  So just be careful.  I know people with UC are more prone to getting clots to begin with due to it being an inflammatory process in the body, I'm not sure if Crohn's is the same way or not. 

On the positive side there was no exacerbation of symptoms!  Maybe it will work for you!

FPO tallgrl30
Joined Mar 7, 2008

Wed, June 16, 2010 12:00 AM

 Reply posted for nyclady.

I have never heard of the pill influencing Crohn's symptoms. I was on the Pill most of the time since my diagnosis of Crohn's. I went off it right before my initial diagnosis and went back on a year later without any change in symptoms (I maintained remission). I recently went off of it again and have noticed no difference. That's just my experience. I know that some people notice a difference in symptoms during their period, so I'm sure hormones have some relationship with symptoms.

FPO 6mb03
Joined Feb 12, 2010

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