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Doc says NO to pregnancy?

Thu, July 22, 2010 4:17 AM

My husband  and I were going to start trying to get pregnant so I saw a fetal maternal med doc bc I have UC and MTHFR. He says its too risky for me and or a baby to get pregnant. I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue or if I should see someone else.  I have had UC for 13 years and in total been in remission for 6 to 9 months. I still am better then I used to be, loosing blood but only 5 to 10 BR trips apposed to like 30 to 40. I have had so many blood transfussions I have antibodies, I have low calcium, vit D, folic acid, iron. . . on and on. I dont think its fair for me to be selfish and have children if their is a good chance they could be sick or unhealthy, I dont want to put a child through that, but I just dont know that to be the case. I wanted to know what other people have experienced?

FPO sara1124
Joined Nov 30, 2008

Thu, September 16, 2010 10:15 AM

 Reply posted for sara1124.

I have the same concerns...10 years with IBD in 11 years of marriage.  I think that I have finally and fully accepted that we won't have children (80%) because of the disease.  After working with multiple providers that I trust a great deal.....there are many reasons for me
1) no true remission for me.. and the pregnancy is high risk of flare for me
2) my low blood count, vitamin and nutrient levels would be less than ideal for a fetus
3)high risk pregnancy at 35 or later?
4) if the constipation and diarrhea and hemorhoids are bad now, what would they be like during, after pregnancy?
5)Some treatments can be harmful to fetus/ nursing babies
6) If you are not well Before/ during pregnancy there is higher risk of health issues for baby.
7)sometimes I don't have the energy to cope with myself or be as much of a contributor to the family/ community/ employer as I think would be normal, let alone what I want to be.  Would it be fair to my support network to be spread out even further with a child?  Who will take care of their sick days when I have this many of my own?
Ultimately, it is an issue that you have to work through with yourself, your spouse, your doctors , and your support network.  I would definitely recommend some counseling.  My brother was very, very ill when they had their two children - and the girls are now 8-10 and very healthy, no sign of IBD. 

FPO katya
Joined Sep 15, 2010

Wed, September 08, 2010 3:36 PM

 Reply posted for sara1124.

I hope you got another doctor opinion as well, but they often know what they are talking about.  Just so you know - I was fairly healthy with Crohn's.  I had horrible pregnancies with months of bed rest each time.  I also had flare ups after delivery.  You won't know until you're there though.

FPO lilozy
Joined Sep 8, 2010

Tue, August 31, 2010 4:39 PM

 Reply posted for sara1124.

Docs can't say absolute no because you will do what you want to do. In their opinion it'd be no. If you want to get preggers, consult a high risk OBGYN because as IBDers we are an automatic high risk. Getting preggers might help your disease to go into remission or get worse. It is a risk nonetheless. 6MP and Imuran are OK during pregnancy if your GI considers the benefits greater than the risks.

If your blood counts are low it makes sense to stave off getting preggers until you achieve a remission. Right now it sounds like your body can't really handle a kid due to inflammation and malabsorption.

Chin up, it won't last forever though I know it seems to :)

FPO laura 6mp
Joined Aug 31, 2010

Wed, July 28, 2010 11:44 PM

 Reply posted for sara1124.

Hey Sara,

I completely understand how you must feel after having been told that you can't have children. I have Crohn's, and my GI at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville told me the same thing about a year ago. Although I was not trying to conceive at the time, as a newlywed, I wanted to know for the future. I was absolutely devastated when he told me that it really was not an option considering my medication and disease. He told me that I would have to be in total remission for a min. of 6 months before trying to get pregnant-which we both knew would be impossible due to the severity of my Crohn's- and also the medication I am taking (imuran, a chemo drug which the FDA does not support pregnancy in patients taking it) could have detrimental affects on a baby. I would never want to have children on this medication since I know what it does to my own body and I could not imagine what it would do to a child, so I accepted this response and it nearly depressed me for months. When I moved to Atlanta, I got in with a reputable GI at Emory University hospital, and on the first visit, she had a completely different response to pregnancy. She said that she agreed with me on not wanting to conceive on the Imuran but that we could try safer medications just for the duration of my pregnancy when the time comes. 
It seems like it's a matter of opinion- two highly respected hospitals, two very different opinions. I completely agree that you should get other opinions from specialists before you accept one answer. I know each case of IBD is different, but find out all of your risks and especially the risks for a child before you accept this answer. 

Praying for you,

FPO ehgates
Joined Jul 28, 2010

Wed, July 28, 2010 7:41 AM

 Reply posted for sara1124.

Why not consult a high risk ob for their opinion?   It may be just what you and your husband need to come to terms with your own situation.   The high risk obs see a lot of varied cases year after year and may be able to share some of those experiences and shed some light on the situation. 

Best of luck.

Lizzies Mom

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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