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Newly Diagnosed and trying to get pregnant! HELP!

Thu, September 30, 2010 9:27 AM


I am 27 yrs old and live in CT. I was just diagnosed with Crohn's and it just so happens this comes at a time, where my husband and I are trying to concieve our first child. My doctor caught crohn's early, I have yet to have a flare up (thank god). My doctor is concerned about a flare-up during pregnancy and he wants to try to prevent that as much as possible. He immediately started me on Pentasa to which I am taking 8 pills a day! This is a huge shock to me, my whole life I have always been healthy and never needed to take any medication other than a daily vitamin. My doctor mentioned that he also wants to put me on another medication that will keep me in a remisson and prevent flare-ups, however this medication (which he didn't state which brand ) is rated poorly as a medicine that they don't reccommend pregnant women or women trying to conceive take b/c it may or may not cause birth defects. I am so confused and scared. My Gastroenterologist strongly feels I should be on it now and thoroughout my pregnance and that the data against the drugs is based off animal data and there is been no proof that it causes birth defects in humans. My gyno and primary care physican feel I shouldn't take it that pregnance itself will prevent a flare-up b/c it shuts part of your immune system down. I don't know what to do. I am so confused. This is all new to me and my husband. I am scared and want to give my baby every change possible of being born healthy. My husband is in active duty in the milirary ( navy) and he goes out to sea alot so this is hard for both of us b/c we both want him home to help me with the Crohn's and pregnance. I am hoping any women that have been pregant with crohn's can please provide me some advice.
Thank you,


FPO stacsea
Joined Sep 30, 2010

Thu, September 30, 2010 2:11 PM

 Reply posted for Stacsea.

I understand your worries.  I was just diagnosed in April, and my husband and I are trying to conceive.  I am on Lialda (which is a mesalamine like Pentasa).  I just had my 3 month check-up a few weeks ago, and my doctor said that mesalamine is safe for trying to conceive and during pregnancy.  I've read through a lot of information on here and it sounds like there is a rule of thirds during pregnancy:  a third chance you will stay the same during pregnancy, a third chance that you will acheive remission, and a third chance of flaring.  So, I don't know about the other medications your doctor wants to put you on.  If you can find out the name of the medication, I would suggest researching it before taking it, especially if you are already in remission.  The Lialda has been working well for me, so I certainly wouldn't want to add medications unless I actually needed it.  Best of luck, and baby dust!     

FPO laurae1995
Joined Jun 4, 2010

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