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weight loss

Thu, March 01, 2012 10:26 PM

how are you supposed to lose weight. i cant work because i have had two failed back surgeries. i have chrohns diabetes type 2 spinal and cervical stenosis and degenerative disc disease. i have gained so much weight and i cant seem to lose it. i feel like a big fat blimp. im tired all the time. i get done what i know i have to get done around the house and thats about. i have to take norco for the back pain and lyrica for the nerve pain and i dont go the bathroom the way im supposed to. i have to take laxatives just to go.the dr put me on amitzma and a few other ones but they did not work. anybody with any advice?

FPO tinaall
Joined Dec 2, 2011

Wed, March 07, 2012 9:20 AM

 Reply posted for tinaall.

Tinaall, can you try a low impact workout? I would look into stationary biking. Maybe 30 min, M, W, F, on the standard setting? Hopefully that will allow you to workout while not re-injuring anything or straining your back.  I understand you being super tired. I'm super tired when I get home from work, so I often just sit on the couch. I've been trying to go for a 30 minute walk everyday, as a trainer once told me, you lose about the same amount of weight walking as you do running, running just increases your cardiovascular health. Walking would be good too, but I'm not sure if that would be too much for your back? Hope this helps!

bigfuzzyyak: I too am a recent college grad who worked out a lot in college (I was on the crew team) and started working in January. I'm on steriods so I keep gaining and its really weird to me, because I feel like I weigh so much, when in reality, I'm well within BMI levels. Its just that when I was an athlete and when I was sick I was so much lighter (I'm 5'6 140 now, I was normally around 125-130 in college, and around 110 when I was really sick). When I was 125 my doc would tell me that I needed to gain weight and I HATED hearing that because I like being lighter. I feel like crohn's messes with our minds because our body weight is changing so much. My advice is try to put in 30 minutes of a workout in before you eat dinner after you get home from work. Also, try to focus on acheiving fitness goals instead of focusing on your weight. I still freak out slightly when I see my weight going over 140, but I try to remind myself that its not about the weight its about being healthy. My best friend is trying to get me to run a 10k with her in June. Hopefully I'll be able to drag myself off the couch to workout enough to survive it!

FPO ash
Joined Feb 22, 2011

Sun, March 04, 2012 10:05 PM

 Reply posted for tinaall.

I would also like to know.. I used to excercise regularly in college but now that I have graduated and started working I just can't figure it out. It doesn't matter how much I try I can't lose anything. And my doctors actually want me to gain even more incase I flare up I have more to lose as a safety. It kinda makes me mad that they want me to gain more weight. Any pointers would be very helpful!

FPO bigfuzzyyak
Joined Dec 5, 2011

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