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Sex and UC

Tue, January 01, 2013 6:18 PM

Let me first start by saying that I have endometriosis, so I haven't had a period in 6 years by taking a birth control on a daily basis, this was advised by my gyno. I have also been on Humira for 6 weeksnow and within the last 2 weeks, I haven't been having any blood in my stool. So that's why I'm curious/concerned about what happened. Last night my boyfriend and I were having sex and after he pulled out he was covered in my blood. Where did this come from? If it's from my UC that doesn't make sense because he wasn't in "there," I know that this is a very strange and uncomfortable question, but I don't know if I would be able to ask my doctor about this. It's really embarrassing. Has this happened to anyone else before? Please help me!

FPO hill8302
Joined Nov 21, 2011

Thu, February 07, 2013 7:04 PM

 Reply posted for hill8302.

I suffered from UC for 3 1/2 and then started researching online. My husband was my donor and it has now been almost 4 months of being back to normal, having normal bowel movements - no gas, no cramps, no urgency, no blood, etc.  I am back to eating anything I want after 6 months on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. I hav even been eating some things that are considered illegal on SCD, but with no problems.

If you would like to read my story and see links to other articles, email me.

Just don't give up thinking it is hopeless - there is another way. I am not on any drugs and completely symptom free.

These digestive issues are caused by a imbalance in the bacteria in your gut, most likely from antibiotic use or sometimes food poisoning.

Just google Fecal Transplant and you will find how it is being used to heal digestive issues - I had UC and it healed me.

Email me for a link to my blog -


FPO kwi
Joined Jan 13, 2013

Thu, January 03, 2013 9:35 AM

Wow! I would be scared and wondering what is happening, just as you are.  Please, definately, speak to your GYN AND Gastroenterologist about this. NOW!   If you can't verbalize it, write it down - you need to consult with them ASAP!  Especially if you're still bleeding! In the future, get over your fear of communicating with your health care providers (they are human too) and if necessary, find physicians you are comfortable with.  I have learned so much from writing down my questions and then asking them from my list, picking their brains every opportunity I have had over the past 26 years. Your health care providers work for you.  They do what they do for you.  Remember that. I do hope you are going to be ok. I'll be thinking of you and cheering you on

Thanks for your response! I have never posted on this site before and wondered if anyone would respond, so thank you! I will make an apt with my doctors as soon as I can. I am still not bleeding with bms so I'm not sure where that came from. I'm lucky that my bf and I have been together for as long as we have otherwise, I'd be so terribly embarrassed if it was a new relationship or something. Thanks again for the feedback. I'll try to update you as I know more! 

FPO hill8302
Joined Nov 21, 2011

Wed, January 02, 2013 7:25 PM

 Reply posted for hill8302.

Wow! I would be scared and wondering what is happening, just as you are.  Please, definately, speak to your GYN AND Gastroenterologist about this. NOW!   If you can't verbalize it, write it down - you need to consult with them ASAP!  Especially if you're still bleeding! In the future, get over your fear of communicating with your health care providers (they are human too) and if necessary, find physicians you are comfortable with.  I have learned so much from writing down my questions and then asking them from my list, picking their brains every opportunity I have had over the past 26 years. Your health care providers work for you.  They do what they do for you.  Remember that. I do hope you are going to be ok. I'll be thinking of you and cheering you on.

FPO sparky123
Joined Jan 2, 2013

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