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Ulcerative Colitis Question?

Sat, August 02, 2014 2:24 PM


     I'm new to this forum.  I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis back in 1996.  At the time the GI told me it was just an acute case affecting a small portion of my colon.  I was on Sulfasalazine and then Asacol.  I also tried the Rowasa Enemas.  Before I was diagnosed I was pretty good and only saw some blood in the Formed stool.  After the colonoscopy is when other symtoms started, Diarrhea, Constipation, Blood, Mucus.  These days I rarely see blood. In the morning is usually Mucus and gas.  My major complaint is just the number of bowel movements per day.  They are mostly normal consistency but I just feel like I'm always thinking about going to the bathroom.  My question is: ***DRUMROLL*** : What exactly is considered a Flare-Up? Is it going to the bathroom all the time or does it have to be bloody to be a Flare-Up? How do you know if you're having a Flare-Up?  These days I'm off prescription meds because they all seemed to make my condition worse.  I take whole food vitamins,peppermint oil and try to do thinks more naturally. I tried the adjusting diet thing but it seems like no matter what I eat either goes right through me or makes me go to the bathroom right away.   I just recently went to see a new GI and will be getting a Colonoscopy in September.  Any help would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to spending time on this Forum.


FPO wm820
Joined Aug 2, 2014

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