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Wife Won't Touch Me

Wed, September 03, 2014 5:09 PM

I have dropped 50+ pounds in 12 months. I definitely look gaunt. I can see my ribs and my face is thin, like hollow almost. I'm the same person, the same personality. I'm not depressed or moping around, or having a pity party. The thing is, due to how I look, my wife refused to be intimate with me. She says she just can't due to how I look, that it's too sad and scary. Am I alone in this? Am I the only husband whose wife/girlfriend/partner/whatever won't touch him? I'm so sad about this, but there's no changing her mind. She just flat-out won't. Any responses to this?

FPO arnoldh
Joined Jun 27, 2014

Wed, April 29, 2015 1:59 PM

 Reply posted for arnoldh.

yes, yes and yes. And depending on the severity of your flare up, it can be extremly hard to come back from. I'm no nutritionist, but a harvard guy once told me eat tons of chicken steak pork chops and potatoes. And i do mean tons. 

FPO scotlemay
Joined Apr 29, 2015

Wed, January 14, 2015 1:41 PM

 Reply posted for arnoldh.

Maybe try to educate her more about Crohns?  Let her know it's not your fault with whats going on in your body.

"in sickness and health" like mentioned above...

FPO djbheat
Joined Jan 13, 2015

Wed, December 03, 2014 1:36 AM

 Reply posted for rickfrye.

Been there my friend, for over two months after my diagnosis I hAd lost a bunch of weight and the wife got all weird about everything. Gotta lay down the law and tell them you're trying to live a normal life with a disease so stop being the abnormal aspect of it all.

FPO jrjb94
Joined Dec 3, 2014

Fri, October 24, 2014 7:40 AM

 Reply posted for arnoldh.

Been there.  Wanted a child but no go due to the Big C.  Thankfully stepson provided grandchildren.  Also had the range of appearance you describe to the moon face of meds.  As I recall the vow is "in sickness & in health".  Many good things in life come with patience.  With a supportive spouse appearance may make a come back in less time.  Regardless you seem to have a positive attitude that is key to coming out on the winning side in the long run.

FPO rickfrye
Joined Oct 24, 2014

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