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IBD or something worse?

Tue, November 24, 2015 9:12 PM

I think I have colon cancer. I'm seeing a doctor this week, but i'd like some advice. I have symptoms of colon cancer, but i've read it can also be IBD. First off, I am 18 years old. Colon cancer is extremely rare in people my age, but it is still a possibility that I am terrified of. I have let it go too long without seeing a doctor, been having symptoms since August 2014(last year)
Here are my symptoms:

- Chronic Constipation with Frequent diarrhea.
- Frequently, I have bloody streaks on the stool, red to dark red.
- Lots of mucous in stool, not in diarrhea for the most part.
- Anemia
- Sometimes when I have diarrhea, I feel faint and it doesnt go away until I go to the bathroom, I  have fainted in the past, but not during diarrhea.
- I feel lumps on my left abdomen, they go away after going to the bathroom a lot, its almost like im feeling the stool in my colon.
- I'm not losing weight, but I'm not gaining it either, I have always been underweight for my age.
- Sometimes during diarrhea I have bad cramps.
- I've grown slowly as a child, maybe that is a sign of IBD?

Again, I KNOW Im dumb for letting this go too long, as soon as I saw blood I should have started going to a doctor. But now I'm terrified I'm dying. Any advice, or just two cents?

FPO moshalo
Joined Nov 24, 2015

Sun, November 29, 2015 1:03 PM

 Reply posted for moshalo.

You are right 1) colon cancer very rare @ your age and 2) you are sooooo bad for waiting, but that's ok, better late than never.

You need to see a Gastroenerologist ASAP. If there is too long of a wait, then going to the ER is your next best option.  The dr. will run a battery of tests, get some results and get you on the road to recovery / living again.

Don't worry yourself sick, though it sounds like you already have!  

Be well

FPO lizzies mom
Joined Sep 9, 2009

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