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Struggling with what to eat

Thu, October 29, 2015 11:11 AM

Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and to Crohn's, diagnosed at the end of last summer.
I have gained weight, my stomach is bloated and huge. In a flare up it is very tender of course. I have other food related issues that prevent me from eating certain foods. I am not to eat dairy, eggs, tofu, yeast, fruit and I am to try to avoid all sulphites. Now of course I am having trouble with foods due to the Crone's/Colitis such as nuts, raw veggies, some fats such as butter, tomatos, coffee and many more.

My question is what the heck do I eat? LOL I would like to come up with some healthy meals including breakfast as well as some snacks. I am trying to get more healthy but can't figure out how to do so with such a limited diet. It was recommended that I also go gluten free. I feel like I will be living on water and air. I read earlier today not to eat raw nuts but raw nut butter is ok. That is confusing to me.

Has anyone found smoothies and such that you can tolerate with lots of veggies but no yogurt or dairy? I can do coconut milk but not almond.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice you have.

FPO pet lover
Joined Oct 29, 2015

Sun, July 17, 2016 3:27 PM

 Reply posted for gutfeeling369.

Totally agree! We do have the GAPS book too. There is much individuality to food re-introduction. The best info comes from Dr. John Hunter (retired professor/GI doc in UK) who wrote "Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The Essential Guide to Controlling Crohn's Disease, Colitis and Other IBDs" about 20 years ago. He describes how to get out of a flare, then how to build a personalized diet to maintain remission. The protocols he developed at Addenbrookes hospital appear to to be recommended nationally, but slow to catch on here...

FPO countingcarbs
Joined Nov 13, 2015

Sun, July 17, 2016 1:09 AM

 Reply posted for countingcarbs.

In the past I used the GAPS diet for 2-3 years and had the best colonoscopy (no inflammation) in 20 years.  However, I got burnt out. leaned into very generalized Paleo cookbooks (autoimmune good to start but general Paleo all over the place....use chocolate...all kinds of stuff we can't eat with UC or Chrons.  But I got even worse...started eating bread, out to eat, etc.  My flare came back, big time.

I started GAPS again but it takes a w hile to set it.  Plus, because I am taking prednazone I cannot tell by symptoms when ok to introduce eggs in, and the fermented yogurt.  So I'm manly doing autoimmune Paleo, probably not very skillfully.

I do agree food is different for each person, however over the years and the disease progresssing I do have opinions for myself...that I should NEVER eat any form of gluten again, processed foods, sugar besides honey, and my gut lining needs to heal up more before introducing eggs and yogurt - two strong forms of nutrients, nut butters (use alot to make a squash and butter pancake).

The full GAPS diet and full Paleo diets are quite liberal, they just don't allow for grains, dairy (GAPS does if you ferment yourself for 24 hours which is easy once you get the hang of it, and tasty), processed foods, or sugars.  All modern foods.  There is truly quite a lot left to eat, but you need to spend much more time shopping and in the kitchen....but you get used to it.

This is all just my experience so far.  I bought the GAPS book to use as my guide...took it through the steps she recommends.  She's a doctor plus has her masters in nutrition.

I hope this posts...I'm new here and my last post didn't post....if a moderator see's this and can see what I'm doing wrong, could you please email me?  Thanks in advance (for example I can write this post but it won't let me write in the subject line, and will only allow me to SAVE, vs submit??)

FPO nourse4
Joined Jul 16, 2016

Thu, March 24, 2016 6:49 AM

 Reply posted for pet lover.

I've had Crohn's for a long time too. It's better now but just until recently my life sucked, I couldn't do anything normal... I went to so many doctors but none could help me. I started to try to heal myself doing a lot of research about my disorder. While doing that I found Dr. Brandeis and his intestinal repair protocol online which finally helped me, just google it. He focuses primarily on eating habits and natural supplements, no chemicals. He advised me which food to eat and what to avoid. My health has improved a lot. I feel so much better now, I totally recommend Dr. Brandeis! All the best to you!

FPO gutfeeling369
Joined Mar 11, 2016

Mon, February 01, 2016 12:19 PM

 Reply posted for gfuller.

I believe it depends from person to person with what they can eat with UC. I have UC also, for myself i have to try to stay away from spicy foods, greasy, a lot of dairy products. Like i said it just depends on how well you do with certain foods

FPO beth93
Joined Jan 31, 2016

Fri, January 22, 2016 9:42 PM

 Reply posted for gfuller.

Here is her website. She doesn't like high glycemic foods like grains. So we try to focus on high quality meats and cooked vegetables. Her first book explains the science and then she has two cookbooks. Here is her url, enjoy:

FPO countingcarbs
Joined Nov 13, 2015

Fri, January 22, 2016 11:43 AM

 Reply posted for countingcarbs.

What are some foods that someone with UC should absolutely stay away from? Also, for things like bread, rice, etc. what are some good guidelines? I see so many contradictions online, "Stay away from processed like white" or "Stay away from higher fiber like brown rice or rye bread." Etc.

FPO gfuller
Joined Jan 22, 2016

Thu, December 10, 2015 6:30 AM

I&#39;m in the same boat. In the middle of a flare and struggling with the cause. Cream of wheat for breakfast seems to be ok. Today I am going without coffee for the first time. I read mayonnaise can be bad so regretting a tuna salad &amp; fries I had yesterday, hit me last night.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I am am keeping a diary &amp; seeing when I&#39;m having issues. &nbsp;Think the diary will help. I just read that canned peaches are a good replacement for berries, which I love. Bananas okay, peeled apples. I don&#39;t think dairy affects me but the diary will tell. Have you tried yogurt? &nbsp;I made a smoothie berries but it made me worse,<br /> <br /> <br />

FPO saleary
Joined Dec 10, 2015

Fri, November 13, 2015 12:37 PM

 Reply posted for pet lover.

We like Paleo Mom foods. You can subscribe to her blog and she sends free recipes. Here is her book title:

The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body

FPO countingcarbs
Joined Nov 13, 2015

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