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AIP Diet?

Tue, December 08, 2015 12:48 PM

Hello all,

I'm in a bit of a unique situation. I've been diagnosed with UC for a few years now, mostly under control. I'm currently in the middle of a flare, and typically would take a four month taper of prednisone to get it under control. Here's the catch-- my wedding is in four months. And typically my response to prednisone is a severe moon face and weight gain. (Last round, I couldn't even wear my own glasses anymore)

So: I'm trying a small dose of prednisone to get me closer to the wedding before beginning a full taper. Unfortunately, the low dose I'm on isn't doing much for me. I'm still having intense pain and am not able to eat much. I want to try to avoid the full taper for as long as possible, and am considering a diet approach to compliment what low dose I'm on. 

Has anyone had any luck with the AIP diet? My doctor doesn't believe it will have an effect, and I can't find anything online, short of food bloggers, (yay food bloggers, but I'd like something a bit more scientific) to back it up. I've been on it for a few days now and haven't noticed any changes at all. 

For those who have tried it-- did it work? How long did it take you to see success? Were you ever able to go back to eating a mostly full diet? Has anyone spoken with a doctor or dietician about this?

FPO missinglife
Joined Dec 8, 2015

Tue, February 16, 2016 2:08 AM

I have no idea why my post was so screwed up. Sorry about that.

FPO goneundone
Joined Feb 16, 2016

Tue, February 16, 2016 2:03 AM

 Reply posted for missinglife.

The AIP diet is working for me but I also started it at first sign of blood about 3 weeks ago. &nbsp;No blood as of my most recent bowel movement, loose stools but no diarrhea.&nbsp;I&#39;m also taking a probiotic in the morn, a different probiotic at night (soil based), two tbsp gelatin/collagen with my morning banana blueberry and coconut milk smoothie, vitamins D, a Freeda multivitamin, digestive enzymes with every meal, half tbsp&nbsp;fish oil, and 2mg&nbsp;Lglutamine, every day. &nbsp;Oh yeah and I&#39;m combining AIP with low FODMAPS. &nbsp;So I don&#39;t really know which one of these are helping, but I&#39;d like to think they all are. &nbsp;This is the fastest I&#39;ve beaten a flare yet. But don&#39;t want to speak too soon, I&#39;ll consider myself flare free when there&#39;s no blood for at least a week and I start having semi-formed stools. &nbsp;I plan on staying on AIP and low FODMAPS and doing the full reintroduction protocol. &nbsp;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />

FPO goneundone
Joined Feb 16, 2016

Tue, February 09, 2016 7:18 PM

 Reply posted for missinglife.

AIP diet worked for me, but I believe every body - thus, every diet - is different. I recommend writing down the foods that you KNOW irritate you and then keep a journal for a week of how you feel and what you eat. Reflect and see if you can make some connections, then look at the AIP and see if it makes eliminations that would benefit you.

Food journaling is hard to keep up with, but in my opinion the only person who can decide if a diet is right for you is you. I followed the protocol for a year and a half with great results, but I also made adjustments that worked better for me. In the beginning, I was extreme with eliminations because I was sick. Eventually, I let some things back in for convenience factor. That is another thing to keep in mind - these diets are not made to follow exactly long term.

Ruling out gluten, alcohol, and refined sugar made the largest difference for me. I never successfully cut out eggs or dairy totally, and nightshades never irritated me, so when meal-planning, if a recipe would be easier or cheaper to include those - I would. If I saw something irritate me that was recommended on the diet, I would rule it out. It's a process of trial and error, but I believe in following AIP as a guideline to find a happy medium between what is AIP friendly and what works best for your lifestyle.

FPO jenderson
Joined Feb 9, 2016

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