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Flare Foods

Tue, February 09, 2016 7:03 PM

I was diagnosed with Crohn's and colitis of the ilieum 8 years ago and have maintained a pretty stable remission on 6MP until the last month. I am now having a hard time adjusting back to a flare-up oriented lifestyle. I had one minor flare two years ago and did the whole SCD autoimmune paleo protocol diet stuff for a year and a half with success, but being a college student who works full time made meal prep and budgeting unrealistic. I just don't have enough time or money to invest into another extreme diet, and to be honest, I dont want to.

I am looking for recommendations on what is easy or even helpful to eat during a flare. I am having good and bad days currently, today was bad and has consisted of crackers, coconut milk ice cream, and tea. Are there more satiating foods that do not cause pain during a flare? At this point I just want to have food in my system and energy for my normal day without the pain that my usual foods result in. Vomiting is more of an issue during my flares than diarrehea - I've had almost none of that but cant hold down a lot of food.

(side note - I eat pretty healthy, but recently my usual steamed veggies and quinoa are more irritating than helpful)

FPO jenderson
Joined Feb 9, 2016

Tue, February 18, 2020 2:08 AM

Reply posted for sercher.

Hello, I also try to manage flare up by including potatoes, butter, frozen yogurt in my diet. And I avoid processed street foods and al which makes me sick. One member discussed about including ingredents like Apple, pear, carrot, <a href=http://>Mango</a>. I also do the same thing. Getting enough rest is also important thing during flare up.   

FPO omkar
Joined Feb 18, 2020

Sun, June 05, 2016 7:47 PM

It's best to keep a food journal to see what foods you can tolerate. While there are certain foods that are problematic for many, they aren't problematic for all.

There are two main diets for digestion: the SCD diet and the Low FODMAP diet. There is also the GAPs diet, but that's really the SCD diet with a focus on fermented foods and homemade bone broths. The SCD diet is geared to those who have IBD. However, I find that the Low FODMAP diet matches what I can and cannot eat; so that's the diet I'm on.

My safest food is:

IV fluids.

Then comes:

White rice (bulks stools)
Bananas (bulks stools)
Nut/seed butters* (filling)
Cooked spinach (high in nutrients)
Homemade bone broth (builds)
Homemade chicken soup with carrots (builds)
Homemade Greek yogurt with bananas and strawberries (probiotics)
Chicken meat with sauerkraut (probiotics)
Ginger tea (anti-inflammatory)

*Macadamia nuts make the best nut butter because macadamia nuts are low in FODMAPs and omega-6, which is pro-inflammatory. Almonds and cashews are high in FODMAPs. Macadamia nut butter is really easy to make because macadamia nuts turn into a butter really fast when blended in a food processor,.

When I'm not throwing up, I'll add:
Olive oil
Hard, aged cheeses
Non-gluten grains (oats, millet, ...)
Flax/Chia seeds
Homemade vegetable juices (containing little to no fruit)
Low fructose fruits.
Most cooked vegetables.
Green teas.

And I absolutely cannot have, no matter how well I'm doing:

Processed foods.
Artificial ingredients.
Lactose, fructose, ployols, ... (diarrhea).
Legumes, onions, or garlic (gassy).
Wheat and corn.
Omega-6 oils or high omega-6 nuts/seeds (pro-inflammatory).

Therefore, I don't eat out and make everything from scratch.

FPO joyellen
Joined Jun 5, 2016

Wed, March 30, 2016 7:22 AM

 Reply posted for jenderson.

Glad I found this thread...I'm at a loss these days. 
Waiting on a solid diagnosis, was told at one point I have UC, someone else said Crohn's - Dr. opinions seem to change with the wind.

Been pretty sick lately and found out that things like frozen yogurt or mashed potatoes just make me feel so much better.  I'm learning there is usually no two of the same foods that help people - guess we're like snowflakes!

I'm trying to figure out what causes this, in terms of food.  I'm learning to stay away from acidic things, but other than that I just don't know.  I'm not a huge eater anyway, but when I do eat it's pretty healthy - low fat, sodium, etc.  No fast food or anything...

Has anyone noticed how much stress plays a part in having problems, or is it mostly food-based?


FPO baker
Joined Mar 26, 2016

Sun, February 28, 2016 10:55 PM

Hey there, I also try to do school and work and manage flare diet mostly on run. It's a pain, and pretty cost inefficient, but I have learned some tricks. I get Annie's Mac and Cheese, frozen or dry kit. They have gluten free, dairy free and I believe low sodium options. My main safety food is potatoes. If I have time to make mashed at home, that's best. Convenient and ridiculously expensive is the Whole Foods hot bar. I hate that store for robbing me 😋 but I do love prepared mashed potatoes with no mystery ingredients or garlic, especially on the busiest, sometimes sickest days. I also get organic baby food pouches (lots of nutrients but completely purĂ©ed) - The ingredients that work best for me are Apple, pear, mango, spinach, carrot. They do make kale and broccoli ones but those would probably kill me. 😝 If you can do dairy, I eat a lot of cream cheese (including smoked salmon), hard cheese and yogurt. Milk or chocolate milk are marginally ok so long as there's no corn syrup involved. I eat rice cakes and rice crackers. I have been doing instant oatmeal packets. I look out to avoid artificial flavoring and corn syrup or fruits and nuts. I also eat chocolate. Clearly the theme is high calorie convenience. I hope there's an idea in there that helps you. Being on the run is expensive but possible.

FPO sercher
Joined Feb 28, 2016

Sun, February 28, 2016 10:54 PM

 Reply posted for jenderson.

Hey there, I also try to do school and work and manage flare diet mostly on run. It's a pain, and pretty cost inefficient, but I have learned some tricks. I get Annie's Mac and Cheese, frozen or dry kit. They have gluten free, dairy free and I believe low sodium options. My main safety food is potatoes. If I have time to make mashed at home, that's best. Convenient and ridiculously expensive is the Whole Foods hot bar. I hate that store for robbing me 😋 but I do love prepared mashed potatoes with no mystery ingredients or garlic, especially on the busiest, sometimes sickest days. I also get organic baby food pouches (lots of nutrients but completely purĂ©ed) - The ingredients that work best for me are Apple, pear, mango, spinach, carrot. They do make kale and broccoli ones but those would probably kill me. 😝 If you can do dairy, I eat a lot of cream cheese (including smoked salmon), hard cheese and yogurt. Milk or chocolate milk are marginally ok so long as there's no corn syrup involved. I eat rice cakes and rice crackers. I have been doing instant oatmeal packets. I look out to avoid artificial flavoring and corn syrup or fruits and nuts. I also eat chocolate. Clearly the theme is high calorie convenience. I hope there's an idea in there that helps you. Being on the run is expensive but possible.

FPO sercher
Joined Feb 28, 2016

Tue, February 23, 2016 10:58 PM

 Reply posted for jenderson.

Apple sauce was the only thing I could eat for a while. Preferable with no added sugar.<br /> idk if you can eat nuts but nut butters worked good for me too. Only small amounts though&nbsp;<br /> <br /> If you can eat yogurt I found yogurt smoothies are filling and easy to digest.&nbsp;<br /> I stick with banana and yogurt. Sometimes I add peanut butter, avacado, or cinnamon.&nbsp;

FPO bmo162
Joined Feb 23, 2016

Sat, February 13, 2016 1:42 PM

 Reply posted for jenderson.

Sweet potatoes
White bread
*anything low fiber

Good luck!

FPO eva c.
Joined Dec 15, 2014

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