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Wed, February 02, 2011 1:30 PM

I was diagnosed with Chrons disease early 2010 and am still suffering. My first time on this forum was yesterday and I keep seeing many people talking about SCD.

I was wondering if this diet actually really works? Have there been people that have been Chron's free and medicine free because of this diet? Are you only suppose to eat things that pertain to the diet, meaning do you have to give up everything you always loved eating? What if you want to go out to eat? How will that work out?
Sorry, I have so many questions, but I really just want to get better.

FPO jvu
Joined Feb 1, 2011

Mon, February 07, 2011 4:11 PM

 Reply posted for alanschachter.

Most vegetables aggravate my diarrhea more that just about any other food. I think it's a bit simplistic to say "eat meat or fish and vegetables and you'll be fine".

I have learned the hard way that most vegetables do not agree with me. I’ve done some research and I need to avoid cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts and cauliflower (although I can eat broccoli if it is well cooked and pureed – or if I chew it really well) and those with skins like peas, corn and green beans. I should also avoid fruits with skins or seeds like grapes, tomatoes and berries L. That leaves vegetables like potatoes, carrots (cooked only – it breaks down the fiber matrix), parsnips, swede or spinach and fruits like bananas, pineapple, melon, mango, canned fruits (like peaches), or peeled apples.


FPO shazzer
Joined Apr 21, 2008

Wed, February 02, 2011 9:47 PM

 Reply posted for jvu.

I'm not sure if I will be on it forever. In Elaine's book, she mentioned that we should stay on the diet at least 2 years after the last symptom subsides. So, I just take it day by day and don't really look at the longevity of it all. I could definitely eat this way forever if it means my symptoms will never return. The rewards are far better than wanting a McDonald's french!

I didn't cook before SCD either other than a few choice pasta dishes. My husband was the cook in the house. But as time went on, I would get these crazy bursts of energy and would find myself in the kitchen. I had to self teach myself but it was so worth it! Now, I am the main cook and my son is requesting my meals..I've come a long way from burning!

I would highly recommend you read Breaking the Vicious Cycle. Her science made sense, plus there are some really great recipes in the book. If you order off of Amazon, check out all the amazing testimonials. It's a great motivation for beginners!

I don't frequent ccfa often, but there are some SCD support groups on facebook and a yahoo group which are really helpful:)

FPO ttmawie
Joined Jul 10, 2010

Wed, February 02, 2011 2:47 PM

 Reply posted for ttmawie.

Thank you so much for the comment! I have gone onto their site and just kind of looked over it. I'm thinking about ordering their book. I don't know...I just still can't believe it considering I asked my doctor if this is something that would ever go away and she said no because it's a chronic disease. Chronic=forever. So for the past couple of months I've had this mindset that I will have to live with this for the rest of my life. I don't cook and I'm not a healthy person at all. So are you going to have to stay on this diet for the rest of your life? What do you do when you want to go out to eat?

FPO jvu
Joined Feb 1, 2011

Wed, February 02, 2011 2:26 PM

 Reply posted for jvu.

Yes, I am almost 8 months into the diet and I am living proof that SCD has worked for me. I don't cheat at all and while it was hard in the beginning to give up my "favorite" foods, it was a cost I was willing to pay for healing. I'll never go back to the way I ate before because that is literally how good I feel. I am currently med free although I do use some natural supplements like pro biotics and Boswellia for inflammation. My energy levels are great, I have no pain when I eat, no more dreaded D and now when I shop, I'm not looking for a bathroom as soon as I walk in a store. I never imagined living "free" like I am now. I know many doctors don't believe that diet plays a role in IBD and that's a shame really. I and many others are living proof that diet is a huge piece of the IBD puzzle. It's probably important to mention that in 10 years before SCD, I never reached a true remission from Crohns..and yet here I am;)

You should check out scdlifestyle dot com. A lot of great information there

FPO ttmawie
Joined Jul 10, 2010

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