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I'm so confused

Fri, September 20, 2019 9:29 PM

Hi there. I have been having pain in my lower right abdomen, next to my belly button. I ONLY feel the localized abdominal pain when I swallow food. It fades away shortly after the food hits my stomach. Super weird, right?! Its been consistent for 4 months now. Every time I eat. Not to mention diarrhea and constipation. I had a colonoscopy/endo in July which showed inflammation in stomach and doudenum. The doctor gave me famotidine and said I would be fine. Guess what? It didnt get better after months on the meds. I got a second opinion and immediately had a CT done. It showed small bowel enteritis consistent with Crohns disease. I was SHOCKED and scared. So we gor bloodwork done. CRP 3.3mg/l and 18 for my ESR, which is apparently good? No TB. Only bad thing was my vitamin d was extremely low. Heres the question: can you have stricturing in your small bowel and not have crohns? Why is my crp and esr in normal range when i have this pain? I dont have my second colonoscopy with biopsy until October. I'm dying to know whats going on!

FPO Schultz08
Joined Sep 20, 2019

Fri, December 13, 2019 4:15 AM

Reply posted for Jaime143.

Still so completely confused, it's been about three and a half months since my original week of hospitalization. Finding out that I have eoe and doing a pillcam endoscopy which got stuck for 7 days. That showed Crohn's in my small bowel. My GI doctor was horrible. So I fired him and now I am in the whole process again but going to Stanford. I love the doctor very thorough but I still don't have exact diagnosis. I am in pain every day. I can't eat food without it hurting immediately afterwards end having diarrhea afterwards. Have been trying my best to stay away from dairy and gluten which acts have done pretty good. I've had about 4C CTS and three MRIs, 1 pill cam. I've been on two different type of steroids which don't seem to work at all. So my next step is to do another pillcam, but it's like a dummy pill, to make sure to me is stuck in my small bow I have to get x-rays exactly 30 hours later what is very strange and then I have another MRI and then I had to figure out what I want to do. If it was up to me I would like to doctor to do some exploratory surgery to see exactly what he sees inside and if it's a small part of my small intestines I would love for him just to cut it out. I know it's on a cure. But I have watched my teenage son go through years of infusions and steroids. Thank God he has no pain cuz I don't know how he would be able door handle it. So I will know more once I get the real pillcam done and have this talk to read it but I'm over it. I can't eat anyting, I barely get out of bed. Cleaning my house, showering and all the stuff that people normally do, I'm just so damn tired. And I even have Adderall for my ADD and it doesn't do anything to me. I'm just so depressed and with so much anxiety I'm sick of talking about how sick I feel. As a very lonely time in my life. Sorry for the sad story

FPO Jaime143
Joined Sep 29, 2019

Sat, November 30, 2019 7:37 PM

Reply posted for Schultz08.

Im same as you my blood test is normal only ESR is elevated 18, 23, 30, my pain is in small intestine but My Gi still think i dint have crohns, try MRi or Pill cam i did both, only pill cam show 3 ulcers in jejunum but doctor say forget about it. Im confused

FPO Abdulaziz
Joined Nov 30, 2019

Thu, November 21, 2019 12:45 AM

Reply posted for Jaime143.

You are spot on. They could not reach the stricture. I have to do a MRI and, if my stricture is open enough, I will have to do a pill cam.

FPO Schultz08
Joined Sep 20, 2019

Mon, September 30, 2019 9:52 PM

Reply posted for Jaime143.

Luckily it is in my terminal ileum. Doctor says its right next to my colon. Hopefully they'll see something that can help clear up this consistent pain.

FPO Schultz08
Joined Sep 20, 2019

Sun, September 29, 2019 3:19 PM

Reply posted for Schultz08.

I'm sorry to hear about your pain and frustration I totally understand. If you have Crohn's in your small bowel a colonoscopy will not see that so if I were you I would ask for a capsule endoscopy and they get more answers from that. Best of luck

FPO Jaime143
Joined Sep 29, 2019

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