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Connection between UC and Covid possible?

Sat, May 20, 2023 8:22 AM

I've had UC/ulcerative proctitis for about 14 years and was well-managed with Mesalamine (lialda) and before that balsalazide disodium.  ( I became allergic to the balsalazide year 11, and after some glitches, was able to control with Lialda.

Fast forward to Dec 23.  I had a mild case of Covid, just some sniffles, but nothing major; I was vaxed and boosted and grateful!  However, within two months, started having some signs of a flare up. Tried the rectal mesalamine, but that did not work.  Had a colonoscopy in April, and the colitis was now throughout a fair portion of the colon ( no longer just proctitis). I was bleeding pretty heavily.

Since Covid is known to attack the autoimmune system, I am wondering if there was a connection. It obviously doesn't change anything, but would be interesting to find out if anyone else has had this experience.      

Just started on Entyvio, hoping to get my gut calmed down again!!!

FPO wannabeucfree
Joined May 20, 2023

Tue, May 23, 2023 1:57 PM

Reply posted for wannabeucfree.

I have Crohn's but also got COVID and experienced flare-like symptoms despite being in remission and fully vaccinated for COVID. My GI doctor said this was common to experience a colitis flare from COVID, so that was reassuring to learn but certainly an unwelcomed side effect of COVID.

FPO eliseh
Joined May 12, 2023

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