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Struggling to find answers

Fri, September 01, 2023 11:13 PM

Hi, I've been struggling to get a diagnosis since I started having GI issues in 2017. I've been told that there's nothing wrong and it's in my head, we couldn't find anything so it's IBS to now being told you could be microscopic colitis or crohn's. 

I am struggling to get my life back on track as this has taken over. From 2017 to 2021, my symptoms were manageable and was getting on with my life. In June 2021, I moved from the UK to the USA and now I've never been worse. I haven't had a solid movement since I've moved, my cramps are getting worse and my heartburn too. Any medicine I get prescribed works for about a week before I start getting worse, and sometimes it get worse than before the medication. 

I'm open to any suggestions that would make my life better

FPO KatSchneider
Joined Sep 1, 2023

Sat, September 09, 2023 6:13 PM

Reply posted for KatSchneider.

Yes, I've had two. One in the UK, where they couldn't find anything. Another one here in the states where they found inflammation in my large and small intestines. My GI doctor said that it's potentially microscopic colitis but some of my symptoms are linking to crohns. He's treating me for both at the moment, so I'm on steroids. I'm not sure they are working as I'm still suffering from diarrhea

FPO KatSchneider
Joined Sep 1, 2023

Tue, September 05, 2023 3:56 PM

Reply posted for KatSchneider.

Have you seen a GI physician and gotten a colonscopy done?

That is how they usually confirm a diagnosis of IBD. I would be surprised if your physicians suggested a diagnosis of IBD without any scope work. 

FPO SeekingWellness
Joined Apr 16, 2023

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